96. Telegram From the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (Harkins) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (Krulak)1
MAC 1675. Ref your JCS 3527-63.2 It’s all right to plan evacuation of dependents-but let’s stop there unless we’re going to give up SEA, and we must never do that. The battle here is not lost by any manner of means. In fact it’s being won. I think we must all realize we are fighting a ruthless, crude, brutal enemy who is using every known trick in the Communist bag. In 1960 he saw he was losing the initial round so he openly flexed his biceps. Our tremendous effort of the past year and one half began to pay off early this year and he saw he was losing the military battle. In seeking a new approach he seized the religious one. Bonze Quang, the culprit we now are giving asylum to in our Embassy, has admitted in conversations since he entered his safe haven that he had been planning to go full out against the Diem regime prior to May 8th. He seized upon this episode as his opportunity. Though the government made concessions, Quang and his cohorts refused to accept them, always demanding more. He remained unable to unseat Diem. The 21st of August crackdown stopped the outward religious effort, and now the school children. This of course is another well organized covertly led Communist trick. And a tough one to handle-but another must. We have chosen to fight Communist aggression here in Southeast Asia; and we must be prepared to meet [Page 195] its every form at every crossroad. This we are doing. If we fail here it will only mean the pattern of failure to come. We’re stronger physically, mentally, and morally than the enemy. We must be stronger in our will, determination, and sacrifice. No we haven’t lost this one by a long shot and we must not take counsel in our fears. Perhaps some of the tools are tired and worn-having been practically at war since 1945 they must be. So it’s another must for us to sharpen the cutting edges of the old or come up with some new, and get on with the offensive. “Amen”.
- Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Vietnam Country Series, Defense Cables. Secret; Eyes Only. Repeated to CINCPAC exclusive for Felt. Krulak sent copies to General Wheeler, General LeMay, Admiral MacDonald, and General Shoup, and to Bundy at the White House; McCone at the CIA; and Rusk, Ball, Harriman, and Hilsman at the Department of State.↩
- Reference is to JCS telegram 120030Z (JCS 3527-63), September 11, exclusive for Felt and for information exclusive for Harkins, which noted that “Washington level” planning on the evacuation of dependents would begin the next day, “against the possibility that such a step may be determined upon later.” (Ibid.)↩