342. Letter From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Lodge) to the Under
Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Harriman)1
Saigon, December 3,
Dear Averell: This relates to our
conversation2 concerning the putting of
pressure on North Viet-Nam with a view to making a sort of Tito3 out of Ho Chi
- First, as you requested, I enclose the text of the notes from
which I read.
- Secondly, it has occurred to me that one possible channel would be
from me to D’Orlandi, the
Italian Ambassador here, from D’Orlandi to Maneli, the Polish representative on the I.C.C., and
from Maneli to Pham Van Dong or Ho Chi Minh.
I have gotten to know D’Orlandi
very well and believe he can be trusted. He is also an extremely precise
man and well able to handle an idea in all its various refinements and
shadings. This is something for you to consider. I realize you may have
a better way.
With all my best wishes,
As ever yours,
Saigon, October 30,
This is a proposal for study and analysis in Washington in the light
of the much greater store of information available there. While it
does not purport to be a finished proposal, I hope it will stimulate
thinking, which will eventually lead to such a proposal.
- 1.
- The McNamara-Taylor judgment, announced at
the White House on October 2,5 that the
U.S. could complete the major part of
[Page 657]
its task in South Viet-Nam (SVN) by 1965, with the implication
that withdrawal of most U.S. military personnel would then be
possible, could create an opportunity for a U.S. demarche toward
North Viet-Nam (NVN).
- 2.
- This paper seeks to describe this opportunity. It therefore
does not consider the merits of the question of whether or not
the U.S. should withdraw by 1965. And, it certainly does not
foreclose our right not to withdraw if this seems like the
prudent course to follow at the time.
- 3.
- There are straws in the wind which indicate that there is an
off-chance that the present may be a favorable moment for such a
demarche. One is the apprehension in NVN, so frequently reported, concerning an increase
in ChiCom influence because
of the Sino-Soviet split. Another is the acute food shortage.
Still another would be found in [document
number not declassified],6 if true, regarding the departure of
Soviet technicians. Finally, there is a remark made by the North
Viet-Nam Ambassador to Laos on September 16 to UPI reporter Ray Herndon. After
Herndon had asked the Ambassador whether NVN would be interested in negotiating with SVN, the latter is reported to have
replied: “Why deal with the son when we can deal with the
father?” (The “son” being SVN
and the “father” being the U.S.)
- 4.
- What follows is also not a scheme to unify North and South
Viet-Nam; it is still less a scheme to neutralize South
Viet-Nam. On the contrary, it aims at a ChiCom rollback; it is a move
towards neutralizing NVN alone;
it should tend to strengthen the anti-Communist position in
SVN; it seeks to contend
with the Communists over what they (the Communists) have rather
than contending with them over what we have.
- 5.
- Now for the proposal itself. If, pursuant to the McNamara-Taylor announcement, we
undertake a definitive withdrawal of U.S. troops from Viet-Nam,
to be completed by a certain date, we will be doing something
which NVN strongly desires. We
should, therefore, seek maximum leverage from such withdrawal
and use it to put pressure on and to obtain concessions from
NVN. Available information
indicates NVN strongly desires
U.S. troop withdrawal.
- 6.
- They should, therefore, be made to pay for it and not give it
to them for nothing. One concession we should insist on would be
cessation of support for Viet Cong and Pathet Lao. (I doubt that
they could bring about a VC cease
fire, even if they tried—unless it was a mutual cease fire,
involving both VC and GVN.)
- 7.
I do not visualize a neutralized and united Viet-Nam; on
the contrary, I look for a militantly anti-Communist SVN with a Yugoslavia-like
neutralist nation to the north. I do not propose a
negotiation; I
[Page 658]
propose that they be told: U.S. would like to unload—if
terms were right-perhaps leave some economic aid, but
withdraw troops, provided NVN stops supplying Viet Cong and Pathet Lao
and tries for a cease fire. A long-term food agreement might
be possible.
From another quarter they could be told that if they don’t
stop aid to VC and PL, they
will suffer.
One example of what we might hope for from such a demarche
would be sealed borders into Laos and South Viet-Nam in the
manner of the Greek-Yugoslav border at the time of the civil
war there. Surely this would make our work in SVN very much more
- 8.
- As a carrot to NVN,
substantial offers of food support, both from the U.S. and
SVN, might be tendered. As a
stick, NVN could be informed
that American patience with their continued support of VC and Pathet Lao is wearing thin
and that their supply bases supporting Communist efforts in Laos
and SVN may not be indefinitely
permitted to operate from the sanctuary of NVN. Perhaps this point would be
made believable if CAS were one
night to destroy one NVN supply
depot. Others better informed than I must estimate risk which
this action would incur of bringing more ChiCom influence into NVN than is there already.
- 9.
- Other thoughts on the matter: The neutralization of NVN might be attractive to the
Soviet Union, as counterbalancing the ChiCom influence in Albania. Our reputation among
Communists for impatience and impulsiveness might make our
proposal plausible to a North Viet-Nam official who is looking
for something with which to counter ChiCom hegemony. Also, Ho Chi Minh has a unique prestige and may be one
of the few who could pull off such a change of course. Perhaps
we should hurry up and try to use him while he is still around.
The report from French Delegate General at Hanoi (Paris No. 55,
November 137) quoting Pham Van Dong as saying U.S.
will tire of fight may mean that McNamara-Taylor report has convinced NVN we really might get out and
thus makes this proposal particularly believable.
- 10.
- Is it not doubtful that SVN
can ever know true peace and tranquillity without neutralization
of NVN? And if NVN, thinking that they are winning
in SVN, rejects what is here
proposed, what have we
[Page 659]
lost? We will not, in case these ideas lead to nothing, have in
any way prejudiced our right to keep our troops in SVN after 1965 if this seems like
the wise thing to do at the time.