277. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to All Diplomatic Posts1

833. 1. We now expect to recognize new regime in Saigon early next week. All missions, especially in Western Hemisphere, should be prepared to give full explanation this decision and sharp distinction between its basis and USG opposition to military coups against democratic regimes elsewhere. Elements of difference are these:

Diem regime had become instrument of complete personal authority of one family.
Diem regime was deeply opposed not merely by mass of people but increasingly by its own senior officials, civilian and military
Regime was increasingly incapable of giving effective direction to national effort against Communist subversion and aggression.

2. By contrast, the following can already be said about the government of military men and leading civilians which is now in control:

This government rapidly reversing previous regime’s repression and has evident and general popular support.
Its declared policy is to transfer political power, in the near future, to a popularly elected government responsive to the will of the entire people.
It is rallying the nation for renewed prosecution of its war against Communist aggression.
This government, with the death of President Diem, has in its leadership his constitutional successor, Vice President Tho. (FYI. Tho appears to be slated for Prime Minister’s role, but exact status still uncertain.)

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 16 S VIET. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Hilsman, cleared with McGeorge Bundy, and approved by Rusk.