265. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Secretary of State and Senator J. William Fulbright1


F returned the call and Sec said it looks as though coup will succeed. They have in mind turning over in 2-3 days to an all-civilian govt. So Sec hopes our people there will hold fire until this evolves. Looks as though VP will be Pres. This is not civilian vs. military. Sec said we had heard rumors re the coup but did not have details. Our [Page 521] own involvement is minimal. F asked if Sec wanted to come up before Comm. Sec said he could this p.m. or tomorrow a.m. Will be glad to. maybe early next week when he has more info. F said he was not advocating it. Sec said to say he or others will be glad to come.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 190, Telephone Conversations. Transcribed by Phyllis D. Bernau. Rusk left the meeting at the White House at 11:05 a.m. and returned to the Department of State. (Johnson Library, Rusk Appointment Book) Senator Fulbright was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  2. See Document 300.