295. Telegram From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Taylor) to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (Harkins)1

JCS 3354-63. For General Harkins; info Admiral Felt; from General Taylor. State Cable 243 to Saigon2 and its implications have raised numerous military questions in minds of SecDef and JCS.

Here are a few of the points which concern us, and on which we would like your observations prior to 271300Z:

In the emerging situation, what is your assessment of danger to US personnel, military and civilian, and are arrangements for security or evacuation adequate? Specifically, SecDef noted that the Embassy relies on commercial air for evacuation, with military as back-up when it would seem more realistic to do the reverse, [less than 1 line not declassified].
State 2-43 refers, in subparagraph (2), to the provision of “direct support.” In a pure military sense this may have serious implications. 1iNthat does direct support mean to you, and how feasible would such support be under circumstances of non-cooperation on part of GVN?
Who are the reliable GVN military personalities? How do you estimate they will align in terms of their loyalties, to Diem, to Nhu, the US and to each other?
Whom, among the civilians and military, do you believe the military might support as a presidential successor?

We are keenly aware that this crisis could result in major requirements for US military assistance, and in the need for rapid decisions related thereto. For these reasons we would appreciate personal reports from you on matters related to the crisis; understanding always that you will keep Ambassador Lodge and Admiral Felt fully informed of what you are doing.

  1. Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, T-172-69. Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Repeated to CINCPAC for Felt. The source text is labeled as a draft, but has a date-time-group and JCS number written on it, indicating that it was sent.
  2. Document 281.