36. Memorandum for the Record by the Chief of Naval Operations (Burke)1
- NSC meeting on South Viet Nam, 27 April 1961
- Mr. Gilpatric’s memo for the President on program of action for Viet Nam, 27 April 19612
- 1.
- Mr. Gilpatric summarized the referenced report.
- 2.
- Mr. Dulles, in answer to a question, suggested that the outcome of the elections did not truly represent the popularity of President Diem, and that in essence, the elections were rigged.
- 3.
- General McGarr did not believe they were rigged although there was no other candidate. The people, in general, were for Diem. The elections were free. The Viet Cong did try to oppose the election. They bombed polling booths and prevented people from voting but were unsuccessful.
- 4.
- It was recommended that there be an increase in the military forces in Viet Nam and the United States pay for it. He stated that the psychological and political actions of the Viet Cong were not being countered adequately.
- 5.
- The question was asked how do we get $50m required for the increased costs growing out of the recommendations in Mr. Gilpatric’s [Page 83] study. The answer was to take it from the $1.6B MAP worldwide and ask for supplemental later.
- 6.
- Mr. Bowles stated that there is great danger in this area and the situation will get worse. There is a strong need for military measures. Although the State Department received Mr. Gilpatric’s paper late and were consequently not familiar with it, their first glance indicated that it was a good paper. Still we have made many mistakes in Southeast Asia-one of them in trying to turn Laotians into Turks. We need to delay in acting on the paper in order to study the problem even though from a superficial look at it the paper appears to be good.
- 7.
The President stated that there would be an NSC meeting on Saturday3 on Mr. Gilpatric’s paper.4
Comment. Op-61 and Op-004 please prepare any data that I will need for the above NSC conference.
Op-06 inform Op-03 and BuShips of the substance of paragraph 3.e. on page 6 of Mr. Gilpatric’s paper. We must get going on boats which will be suitable for guerrilla operations in swamps.
- 8.
- There was considerable discussion on corruption in Southeast Asia and it was brought out that the South Viet Nam Government is the least corrupt of all governments in Southeast Asia. Still, the United States must protect itself from malfeasance in office.
- 9.
- Mr. Dillon stated that we should use material, that is, United States goods, as much as possible rather than money because the balance of payments problem is still with us.
- 10.
- Mr. Murrow is helping Ambassador Durbrow hold a press conference and perhaps put on a national TV hookup such as the Chinese communists are doing in South Viet Nam. The Vice President is going to South Viet Nam May 9-16.
- 11.
- The DoD and other departments may have to go to Congress for additional MAP funds as well as increased funds for United States military-particularly for limited war capability.
Comment. We must have prepared material which we will need in limited war, i.e. material that we do not now have. Op-90 please prepare.
- Source: Naval Historical Center, Burke Papers. Top Secret; Hold Closely.↩
- See Document 35.↩
- April 29.↩
- Following agreement to delay consideration of the paper, the President directed that the U.S. public and other nations be informed of the situation in Vietnam. (NSC Action No. 2411, April 27; Department of State, S/S-NSC Files: Lot 65 D 95)↩
- Printed from a copy that bears these typed signatures.↩