97. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Poland0

286. BeamWang Talks. Re Deptel 285.1

Verbatim text.

“In order to bring an end to hostilities now occurring on and about the Quemoy islands and the Matsu islands, and thus to help to safeguard peace in the Far East and the world, Ambassador Jacob D. Beam, on behalf of the government of the USA, and Ambassador Wang Ping-nan, on behalf of the government of the PRC, without prejudice to the peaceful pursuit by each side of its policies, agree to announce that:

Ambassador Wang Ping-nan informed Ambassador Jacob D. Beam
The government of the PRC renounces the use of force against the Quemoy islands and Matsu islands, except in individual and collective self-defense and, on a basis of reciprocity will insure that the adjacent mainland and other coastal islands will not be used for attack [attacks]2 or other provocative actions directed against the named coastal islands.
Ambassador Jacob D. Beam informed Amb. Wang Ping-nan:
The U.S. renounces the use of force in the area of the Quemoy islands and Matsu islands except in individual and collective self-defense.
The U.S. will seek that the Quemoy islands and Matsu islands will not be used for attack [attacks] or other provocative action [actions] directed against the mainland or other coastal islands.
The two Ambassadors should continue their talks to seek practical and feasible ends [means] for a phased reduction of forces and armament in those coastal islands and adjacent areas.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–1658. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Apparently drafted by Dulles and his advisers in New York although the source text shows Robertson as the drafter. Approved by Parsons. Repeated to USUN for Robertson and to Taipei. According to notes by Phyllis Bernau of a telephone conversation at 12:11 p.m. that day between Dulles and Herter, Dulles said that Phleger, Becker, Robertson, and Reinhardt were working on a counterproposal. He said his general feeling was that “we should call for a cease-fire and say steps should be taken to limit the provocations and reduce military forces on the Islands and on the Mainland opposite.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations) According to Dulles’ appointment book, he met with Phleger, Becker, and Robertson from 6:10–6:45 p.m. to discuss the instructions to Beam; they were joined for part of that time by Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Andrew H. Berding. (Princeton University, Dulles Papers)
  2. Document 96.
  3. The bracketed corrections here and in paragraphs 2(b) and 3 were transmitted in telegram 289 to Warsaw, September 17. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9-1758; see Supplement)