326. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

1146. USUN for Lodge. BeamWang Talks. 95th meeting two hours.1

Leading off with reference to President’s State of Union message2 and comment that deeds count, not words, Wang proceeded attack US–Japan security treaty3 and introduction nuclear weapons into South Korea. He then denounced US presence in Taiwan area, recent cooperation with GRC forces, and “two Chinas plot” in familiar terms, rejecting again latest US proposed agreed announcement.

I responded by first briefly rebutting Wang’s accusations relating to Japan, Korea and US cooperation with GRC forces, pointing out all these US measures made necessary by Communist actions. I continued with material from first two paragraphs Deptel 776.4

I made statement on prisoners based third paragraph reference telegram, to which Wang replied in usual manner but implied prisoners not to be released until termination of sentence. I requested clarification and his reply indicated door still open for advance release.

Wang then made statement on Bombay incident5 based on January 12 statement of Chinese Communist Consulate Bombay and attempted use it as proof US continuing promote cold war. He contrasted US behavior Bombay with exemplary Chinese Communist behavior concerning American sailors who crossed border. I responded with material from reference telegram and Deptel 7776 on reluctance Chinese Communist cooperate with Bombay police to which Wang had no reply. He was reduced to simply reiterating accusation US had kidnapped Chang Chien-Yuh.

To my question whether Bishop Walsh had been sentenced I received evasive reply and expressed hope Wang at next meeting would [Page 651] give us information on Bishop’s welfare and whether he had been sentenced.

Wang responded as usual to my statement on unaccounted-for prisoners, saying it not appropriate for discussion here.

Next meeting February 23, 2 p.m.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–2060. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Also sent to USUN and repeated to Taipei.
  2. The meeting was held on January 19. Beam sent his comments and recommendations in telegram 1151 from Warsaw, January 20, and a transcript of the meeting in airgram G–123, January 22. (Ibid., 611.93/1–2060 and 611.93/1–2260, respectively; see Supplement)
  3. Of January 7; for text, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960–61, pp. 3–17.
  4. Signed at Washington on January 19; for text, see 11 UST 1632.
  5. Telegram 776 to Warsaw, January 15, conveyed Beam’s instructions for the meeting. The first two paragraphs instructed him to renew his arguments for the draft agreed announcement that he had presented at the November 6 meeting (see Document 311). (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–1560; see Supplement)
  6. See footnote 2, Document 320.
  7. Dated January 16. (Department of State, Central Files, 122.22111/1–1660)