291. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

167. BeamWang Talks. 91st meeting one hour 50 minutes.1

Wang opened with detailed [list of ?] 11 alleged violations by US warships and planes of ChiCom territorial waters during June and July, mainly in Paracels area. Wang charged these “military provocations” proved US aggressive intent and he lodged strong protest.2 I rejected ChiCom claim to Paracels and stated US naval activities in international waters and on defensive mission. I continued with statement based first paragraph Deptel 85.3

Wang responded by reiterating charges US aggressive intent, attempted briefly document ChiCom claim to Paracels and other islands South China Sea and defended unilateral extension territorial waters. Also attacked “US two-Chinas plot” along usual lines.

I made statement on publicity in talks based paragraph 2, reference telegram to which Wang responded they had scrupulously observed agreement on private nature of talks while violations were on our side.

[Page 577]

In response my statement on prisoners based paragraph 3, reference telegram Wang reiterated familiar allegations US obstructing departure Chinese while ChiComs had faithfully carried out agreement.

To my statement on Bishop Walsh Wang replied case in hands of judicial authorities and no one had right interfere. Next meeting Tuesday August 25, 2 pm. My leave plans not yet certain. If my departure should be delayed any appreciable time beyond first week September, I would propose to Wang deferring 92nd meeting “for administrative reasons” to date closer my departure.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/7–2859. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Repeated to USUN and Taipei. The documents cited in footnotes 13 below are in the Supplement.
  2. Beam transmitted a transcript of the meeting in airgram G–8, July 31. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/7–3159)
  3. Telegram 172 from Warsaw, July 29, which transmitted Beam’s comments and recommendations, enlarged on this. Beam commented that this protest was “in somewhat stronger language than usual.” (Ibid., 611.93/7–2959)
  4. Telegram 85 to Warsaw, July 28, transmitted Beam’s instructions for the meeting. Paragraph 1 instructed him again to protest Wang’s “deliberate obfuscation of principal issue these talks,” and to urge that “Wang’s side, like authorities other divided countries, including Republic of China itself, agree refrain from actions which could lead to war.” (Ibid., 611.93/7–2559)