283. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

1503. USUN for Lodge. Beam-Wang Talks. 89th meeting one hour forty minutes.1

Wang opened with usual classified [clichéd?] routine,2 presentation ascribing tension in Taiwan area to US “occupation” Chinese territory and intervention in Chinese internal affairs. He called again for discussions on basis Chinese Communist September 22 draft proposal. I responded with refutation his charges against US and emphasized cause of tension lay in Chinese Communist military activity and threats to conquer Taiwan. After further exchange along usual lines I made statements on American prisoners and missing personnel which Wang met with brief stock replies. In response my query on Bishop Walsh, Wang stated he was in good health but refused any further information on grounds case still under investigation. In reply my statement on non-delivery packages Wang said inquiries this subject should be directed Red Cross channels.

Next meeting June 19, 2 p.m.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/5–1959. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to USUN and Taipei. The documents cited in footnotes 1 and 2 below are in the Supplement.
  2. Beam sent a detailed report of the meeting in airgram G–398, May 25. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/5–2559) Telegram 1168 to Warsaw, May 15, transmitted his instructions for the meeting. (Ibid., 611.93/5–1559)
  3. Beam commented in telegram 1510, May 20: “In terms originality, Wang’s presentation reached new low. Familiar clichés were strung together in almost listless fashion.” (Ibid., 611.93/5–2059)