194. Telegram From the Chief of Naval Operations (Burke) to the Commander, U.S. Taiwan Defense Command (Smoot)0

201625Z. Taipei to State 633 sgd Drumright1 says U.S. destroyer escort was provided for U.S. LSD transporting supplies to Kinmen last night.

This action is not in accord my 060045Z2 nor my 061951Z3 which ordered U.S. ships to cease escorting and directed all U.S. ships escorting to resume normal operations. Chicoms cited reasons for cease fire U.S. had carried out escort operations.

Submit full report of what happened and why.4 If U.S. escorts or U.S. LSDs are being used stop it now and do not resume unless directed by CINCPAC or higher authority.

Whenever in your opinion escorting should be resumed submit recommendations.

  1. Source: Department of State, FE Files: Lot 63 D 76, ComTaiwan Telegrams. Secret; Operational Immediate. Drafted by Burke. Repeated to CINCPAC and COMSEVENTHFLT.
  2. Telegram 633 from Taipei, October 20, reported the PRC Defense Ministry statement and commented: “US destroyer escort was provided for US LSD transporting [small landing craft] supplied to Quemoy last night. Destroyers stayed well outside Red-claimed territorial waters, however.” (Ibid., Central Files, 793.00/10–2058; see Supplement) The telegram was one of a series of daily reports on the situation in the Taiwan Strait which were prepared on a coordinated basis by the country team in Taipei between August 27 and October 29. (Department of State, Central File 793.00)
  3. See footnote 4, Document 156.
  4. Document 160.
  5. Smoot replied in telegram 211700Z from COMTAIWANDEFCOM(US)MAAG to CNO, October 22. (Department of State, Central Files, 793.00/10–2158; see Supplement)