175. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

562. Beam-Wang Talks. Eightieth meeting two hours 35 minutes.1

Wang led off with brief prepared statement attempting draw sharp distinction between Chinese civil war which exclusively internal matter and international dispute between US and PRC arising from US intervention Chinese internal affairs. Emphasized cease-fire announced October 5 a unilateral act entirely unrelated to US demand for cease-fire and not fit subject for discussion between US and PRC since no fighting between us. Said he assumed I not authorized represent Chiang Kai-shek and even if I were PRC would not accept me as Chiang’s representative. Referred to Chiang’s condemnation Warsaw talks. Insisted talks between us must be limited to subject of US occupation Chinese territory and withdrawal therefrom. Demanded US cease convoying GRC ships, halt intrusions and war threats which would create favorable atmosphere for discussion withdrawal US forces from Taiwan area.

I replied along lines Deptel 4142 following which Wang read from longer prepared statement repeated and elaborating ideas first presented. He objected to discussion whether cease-fire would be extended saying whether cease-fire short or long PRC’s own business. During subsequent give and take was able make points mentioned reference telegram and emphasized international character of problem. Wang did not refer to US escorting occurring subsequent cease-fire nor specific intrusions but several times repeated demand for cessation escorting, intrusions and war threats.

Wang proposed next meeting Wednesday October 15, 3 p.m. to which I agreed.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–1058. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution. Repeated to USUN and priority to Taipei.
  2. Beam sent a detailed report of the meeting in telegram 564 from Warsaw, October 10. (Ibid.; see Supplement)
  3. Document 170.