102. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

435. USUN for Robertson. BeamWang Talks. Meeting opened with question by Wang whether I would open discussion. I indicated willingness talk to paper submitted last meeting by his delegate. I then read prepared statement as follows: “Mr. Ambassador, I am instructed say that draft agreed announcement you presented on your government’s behalf at Monday’s meeting is unacceptable to US. As clearly made known in past and as I should again like emphasize, US forces are in Taiwan, Penghu and Taiwan Straits for purely defensive purposes in fulfillment treaty obligations to our ally, GRC. We naturally cannot agree to withdraw all our forces at time when territory GRC under attack. We unable consider surrender territory belonging our ally which your government’s draft proposes. It could be envisaged that if attacks from mainland ceased and if agreement reached to avoid use of force, US would be able greatly reduce size its forces in area. Urgent prerequisite to any peaceful resolution of present crisis in Quemoy area is achievement cease-fire. Such cease-fire would be without prejudice to claims and position any party involved. Each day hostilities continue increases danger expansion conflict resulting from your relentless resort to violence against Quemoy. It is distorting realities of situation to say that urgent problem is not one of arranging cease-fire, but of putting end to so-called ‘provocative actions’ by US in area. It is clear to all world that present acute crisis and tension arose directly as result of violent attack opened by your forces August 23 in Quemoy island area. Responsibility for commencement [Page 210] these hostilities rests squarely on your side and it is your side which has obligation to terminate them if peace to be maintained. How can means of easing tension in Taiwan area be explored with any hope success at time when your forces continuing press their attack on Quemoy? Only after cessation hostilities has been accomplished can there be profitable discussion of question avoidance provocative actions by parties involved.

My government has prepared draft agreed announcement which, if accepted by your side, will bring to end current hostilities and provide sound basis for consideration measures aimed at reducing tension in area. I urge your government give our proposal most careful and serious consideration. It does not require either side abandon peaceful pursuit its policies, but would remove grave threat to peace of Far East, which can only become still more grave your authorities continue their present action to enlarge by military force territory under their control.”

Then I read text of agreed announcement as forwarded by Department.

Wang replied: At last meeting I pointed out your statement on tension in Taiwan Straits was deliberate distortion true picture of facts. Your opening statement this morning entirely repetition and continuation such distortion facts. At last meeting you advanced absurd proposal for so-called arrangement of cease-fire and I promptly expressed my views in that respect. Proposal for immediate cease-fire has been advanced again this morning in proposed agreed announcement of Ambassador’s which you presented. It is our view that such proposal is equally absurd. Fact is quite clear. China and US are not at war at present time and therefore cease-fire is entirely out of question. Your cease-fire proposal is no more than attempt confuse distinction between Sino-American international dispute and purely domestic matter of liberation Taiwan and coastal islands from Chiang Kai-shek rule. It contains at same time wishful thinking that China could be made recognize perpetual seizure Taiwan territory by US. It matter historical knowledge that Taiwan and coastal islands are Chinese territory from time immemorial and fact that such islands as Quemoy and Matsu internal territory even more uncontestable. It is internal matter for China to liberate these territories. This cannot lead to tension just as in past liberation of Hainan, Choushan, Ichiang and other coastal islands did not cause any international tension.

Real source of tension in Taiwan area lies entirely in US armed aggression in Taiwan. In spite repeated proposals for settlement dispute between China and US in Taiwan area by peaceful means without use threats force in area, US still persists in use force in Taiwan area. With respect to what Ambassador said this morning that tension arose from mainland, I can only say that is complete reversal of facts and distortion of true picture. Facts of matter are that even while two of us getting down [Page 211] to talks, your authorities going ahead building up forces in Taiwan Straits and daily making incursions of mainland and Chinese territorial waters. Recent facts I enumerated at last meeting pointed to US military threats and war provocation which are not only being continued but being spread.

In this connection, I once more protest to you in strongest terms and demand your side put end to military and warlike provocations so we can proceed with talks here. As to [garble] military operations taken by Chinese Peoples Republic forces against Chiang Kai-shek, this purely internal Chinese affair. Over period last 8 years Chiang troops have never ceased harassing activities from Quemoy and Matsu and have continued threats in Taiwan Straits. Thus entirely indispensable for Chinese Government carry out punitive action against them. This matter in which nobody has right interfere. What is more, Chinese Government has never abandoned peaceful negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek clique to achieve liberation Quemoy and Matsu.

To get at root problem, it is US armed seizure Taiwan and armed intervention in Taiwan affairs that have prevented solution this domestic problem. Urgent prerequisite for removal grave threat to peace in Taiwan area does therefore not at all lie in so-called cease-fire but in immediate stopping provocation, withdrawing of forces from Straits, and putting end to US intervention in Chinese affairs.

Mr. Ambassador, you and I meeting at momentous hour of grave danger and of historical test. Crisis deliberately created by US in Far East not only threatens peace in Far East but that of whole world. People of world watching closely and following attentively these talks between us and expect us to achieve results out of these negotiations. Any outcome for these talks can absolutely not be obtained by use force on part of US. Neither can outcome be achieved by indulging in empty talk. My government attaches importance to these talks and in this spirit at last meeting we put forward basic proposal for reduction tension in Taiwan area as further contribution to peace. That is proposal which entirely reasonable, practicable and feasible and which fully meets requirements of peoples of world. If this proposal received careful consideration by US and agreement reached on it, not only does question of cease-fire not arise but tension in Far East will immediately be reduced. In this spirit we urge and remind US Government to continue consider proposal. End Wang statement.

I replied as follows: Facts situation well-known and I would simply like to restate them briefly. Government of Republic of China is sovereign government and its territory not occupied by US forces. US forces are in area at invitation of Republic of China for purely defensive purposes in fulfillment of treaty.

[Page 212]

It true that US forces and forces your side not engaged in conflict at present. However, an exceedingly grave danger exists and if allowed to continue it will lead to risk of conflict since it is directed against territory of an ally.

Because of this situation and implications, it entirely unreal describe it as exclusively internal affair of your government. So-called provocatory actions of US forces arise solely as result attacks [garble] forces which have made necessary certain dispositions of US forces.

Our proposal made today is elaboration concept that following cease-fire there should be reductions of forces and halting of actions by either side which could be considered provocative. Would be generally misunderstood to describe a proposal as absurd while it a first step to peace. It sincerely put forth to stop hostilities which could take exceedingly grave turn. We should again urge that your government give proposals very careful consideration. End Beam statement.

Wang replied: Ambassador has referred some well-known facts. What are such well-known facts? One is that US is occupying Chinese territory of Taiwan. This indeed is fact well-known to everybody. No amount rhetoric on part US can turn Taiwan into US territory. Present fact is there is no case of occupation US territory by China. Ambassador has time again referred to so-called sovereign state, so-called Republic China, and its treaty obligation. I can only categorize this as an insult to Chinese people. So-called Republic China is no more than a name which serves as pretext for US occupation of Chinese territory. So-called treaty of alliance is merely undeniable proof of US aggression on Chinese territory and a contract of slavery signed by Chiang Kai-shek clique. Chiang Kai-shek regime has long since been overthrown by Chinese people. This took place just in same way as what happened in many countries in international history. Chiang Kai-shek regime has no right conclude any treaty with any foreign country. So-called invitation of US forces by Chiang Kai-shek entirely distortion of fact. Without support of US, Chiang Kai-shek regime cannot hope to live even one day.

Ambassador remarked that grave danger exists situation might lead to greater conflict. We do recognize this.

It entirely within province of internal affairs for country to liberate own territory. Same thing happened in history of US. For that matter, we may cite recent events in Indonesia. All these actions have never caused international tensions or complications. Present danger in Far East does not arise as result determination of Chinese people to liberate own territory, but from US provocative actions and war threats in area. How can anyone possibly present facts in such way as to say that source present danger is not occupation of Chinese territory and interference in China’s internal affairs by US but that present danger arises from determination of Chinese people liberate own territory? Therefore problem before us is [Page 213] not to require China to consider cease-fire but rather to require US to end its intervention in China’s internal affairs and its provocations against China.

Therefore it is test of sincerity for peace for your side to decide whether it is going to consider basic proposal for reduction and elimination tension in Taiwan area instead of so-called cease-fire that you have advanced. Chinese people resolved to liberate own territory and coastal islands Quemoy and Matsu. This resolve unshakeable. Tension will be immediately reduced as soon as US stops its interference in China’s exercises of sovereign rights. It wishful thinking for US hope that determination of Chinese people to liberate own territory can be shaken by war threats or by buildup of American forces in area or by American atomic blackmail. End Wang statement.

I replied: In many respects your remarks are beside point. We have not claimed Taiwan as US territory and have no intention doing so. Nor have we accused your side of attacking US territory. Fact is that your forces are attacking territory of an ally which is recognized as sovereign state by majority nations of world. US has every right to enter into collective defense arrangements with this ally and to assist in defending it from attack. It seems futile to continue arguing our basic disagreement as to facts. Urgent need is to halt present fighting and to prevent its spreading.

As to our proposal, we do not insist on any particular form of words. If our draft announcement is unacceptable to you in some respects, we would consider changes. Important thing is not words but to find means removing overhanging threat peace which exists in Quemoy Matsu area. Important thing is that cease-fire occur, not necessarily that it be formalized by written agreement. If in fact fighting were to cease, this would be contribution to further progress in easing of tension. This is spirit in which we have put forward our proposals. End Beam statement.

Wang replied: As to repeated reference by Ambassador to so-called “alliance” relationship, I have pointed out on more than one occasion that it is not matter of alliance but of US aggression. Herein lies source of present crisis in Far East. Naturally we have come here to talk with you as to means of arriving at solution problem. Without such common desire and aim, would be meaningless for two of us to hold this talk. Now what are such means? Are they designed to relax and ease tension in Taiwan area, or to maintain and even aggravate such tension? As I see it, cease-fire proposal is not aimed at settlement issues, but is fraud and deception. If Ambassador truly desirous seeking reasonable settlement problem, I am sure proposal I put forward at previous meeting fully meets this. I can envisage no other means than the one I proposed to settle present problem. It in this spirit that we hope USG will give proposal most careful consideration. End Wang statement.

[Page 214]

I replied: I can assure you we have given it most careful consideration. We have had to reject it because it entails demand for surrender under threat of force. You have used harsh words to describe proposal we put forward to end hostilities. We think that if your delegate and government carefully study our proposal, especially in its latest form and in light my remarks in explanation, you may consider that it contains possibilities for helping meet the problem. It is put forth in conciliatory spirit in order that basic issues can be considered in less tense atmosphere. In meantime fighting would cease. The situation being as it is, we consider that we have responsibilities on each side carefully to examine possibilities put forth in our discussion. I should like to ask that you submit our proposal to your government for careful and deliberate study. End Beam statement.

Wang replied: I have on more than one occasion made clear my attitude on cease-fire proposal you have advanced. Can I take it from remarks of Ambassador that US Government will not consider proposal that we put forth at last meeting but has completely rejected it? I expect clarification from Ambassador this regard. End Wang statement.

I replied: I am authorized state that proposal as put forth in form presented to us is unacceptable. Basic differences of opinion are involved in your proposal which we think cannot be resolved while hostilities continue. It appears to be common objective to put end to hostilities but terms which you propose for accomplishment this result impossible accept. We feel we have gone quite long way in proposing practical means for ending hostilities without prejudice to peaceful settlement basic issues involved. End Beam statement.

Wang replied: As I have said, what we have proposed is most reasonable and it has covered all aspects of issue. If US is to reject proposal without giving it careful consideration, this serves show US not seeking peaceful settlement issue. We again urge US give it further consideration. Regarding cease-fire proposal, as said already, question of cease-fire does not arise between China and US. Overhanging issue before us is that of war threat posed by US against China in building up huge armed forces in Taiwan area. Therefore, basic matter in our deliberations is not that of cease-fire but of immediate stopping all provocation against China by US armed forces. That is source of threat to peace in Far East.

I replied: Question cease-fire does exist because hostilities continuing on very large scale against one our allies. We feel we are getting away from main problem examining practical measures for putting end to conflict which in danger of spreading. What you seem be saying is that if we do not entirely accept your viewpoint, US does not desire peaceful settlement issues. This is unreasonable position. We only asking cessation hostilities, not acceptance by you our point of view.

[Page 215]

Wang replied: We naturally want point out situation steadily becoming more serious. This not reduced by fact these deliberations have taken place. It solely due to war threats by US that dangerous situation continues threat toward peace. Proposal we made last meeting covers basic solution this dangerous situation. If we are to speak about urgency measures to relax tension in Taiwan area, we have to raise this matter: US should cease all its provocative incursions into China’s territory and waters, withdraw its forces from China’s territory, and end interference in China’s internal affairs. When this achieved, we sure immediate relaxation tension in Taiwan area will follow.

I replied: We unfortunately agree situation has not been alleviated immediately before or during these talks. Attacks from mainland continue and fighting continues. As regards over-all dispositions, in our proposal we put forth idea that if fighting were to cease, reduction of forces could be urgently considered, which would do great deal to bring about reduction tension and arrangement peaceful solution issues involved. This is basic element first step of our approach.

Wang replied: I shall reiterate: Present tension in area does not in any way arise from such attacks from mainland but from build-up and demonstration force by US Air and Naval forces in area. Cease-fire proposal of US is merely smoke-screen to cover up aggressive acts of US in area. Chinese people will never be taken in by this trick.

I replied: I assure you our proposal certainly not smoke-screen. It put forward in all sincerity and solemnity to seek way to put end to situation that is becoming increasingly dangerous. We think it merits most careful review in light of what has gone on and in light of what happening now. We have indicated we are willing consider changes or de facto results which would bring immediate end to fighting.

Wang replied: Our present talk not one of studying words but rather of studying substance of matter. Under present circumstances of huge build-up American forces in area, our task not that of cease-fire but that of immediate cessation all such provocative actions by US. This playing with fire by US in Taiwan Straits can never bring any profit to US. I reiterate, urgent matter not that of cease-fire but settlement in accord with Chinese proposal.

I replied: I recommend we refer our discussions to our governments for full consideration. We will then be willing get together to see what results might be. I certainly cannot offer or promise, in light of what is taking place, that prospects are particularly good, especially if force continues to be used from your side.

Wang replied: I only want say it not alleged use force by my side which has precipitated present situation. It is US use force which has led to this dangerous situation. To say otherwise is upside down presentation of facts. Cause of anxiety of people of world is not determination [Page 216] Chinese people liberate their own territory and coastal islands, but war threats and provocations of US. It high time US stopped this playing with fire.

Wang then suggested meeting Monday and I countered with Sunday1 to which he agreed.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–1858. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Transmitted in five sections. Received at 3:01 p.m. Repeated niact to USUN and Taipei. A handwritten notation on the source text reads: “Meeting No. 75.” Beam sent a brief summary of the meeting in telegram 432 from Warsaw, September 18. (Ibid.; see Supplement)
  2. September 21.