357. Editorial Note

At 4 p.m. on August 11, in an interagency meeting, representatives of the Departments of State and Defense reached five preliminary decisions: 1) the Program Evaluation Office (PEO) would detail two senior officers to Luang Prabang and Savannakhet to act as liaisons with loyal Lao commanders, to provide logistical support, to furnish intelligence, and to carry on PEO’s advisory functions as practical; 2) the Department of Defense would establish communications between these PEO officers and the Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group in Thailand; 3) logistical planning support for the loyal Armed Forces of Laos, and equipment and material would be used from Thai supplies on a reimbursable basis; 4) Civil Air Transport would expand its air capability at Bangkok and one or two aircraft would be made available for the members of the Lao Government; and 5) the United States would provide a radio transmitter in north Thailand to be used as a clandestine Lao Government broadcasting station. (Telegram 161 to Vientiane, August 12; Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5–MSP/8–1260, and memorandum from the Acting Secretary of Defense, James H. Douglas, to the Chairman of the JCS, August 12; Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD/ISA Files: FRC 64 A 2170, 091.3 Laos)

These decisions were confirmed at the National Security Council meeting of August 12; see Document 359. They were also discussed at a Department of State–JCS meeting, August 12, 11:30 p.m., at which Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Livingston Merchant emphasized that this military support should be given to the Lao Government, not to General Phoumi Nosavan as an individual. (Department of State, State–JCS Meetings: Lot 70 D 328)

All the documents described are included in the microfiche supplement.