69. Telegram From the Departent of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Washington, March 12,
1959—5:29 p.m.
745. Re: UNRWA. USUN should request Cordier convey following message to SYG:
Dept has given careful thought to SYG statement (urtel 592)2 he intends issue report in May recommending indefinite continuation UNRWA as now constituted. For reasons set forth below Dept feels alternative should be proposed to SYG.
- (1)
- US position at 13th GA reflected earnest desire have full reappraisal refugee problem, which in our judgment justified by absence of progress toward solution during past decade. While we did not wish prejudice outcome such study, we felt necessary indicate we believed continuation UNRWA in present form no longer represented proper way to handle Arab refugee problem.
- (2)
- If proposal contemplated by SYG adopted by UN it would create great difficulties for us. We have expressed publicly and privately to countries concerned over last few years our feeling they must assume greater responsibility for solution problem. We have given [Page 155] ample indications in UN of our feeling there are alternatives to handling refugees through UNRWA and have offered special sums to assist in finding such alternatives. We remain convinced continuation of UNRWA would be interpreted by Arab govts and Israel as justification for continued avoidance resolution refugee problem, and they would assume US willing to continue carry major burden. If UNRWA’s mandate renewed they will argue it can be renewed again without their having to examine their responsibilities carefully.
- (3)
- Basic elements of reasonable proposal for future handling of Arab
refugee problem might be as follows:
- (a)
- Between now and end of UNRWA mandate, June 30, 1960, SYG, Director Davis, or any other negotiator agreeable to Arabs, would enter into bilateral arrangements with Arab host governments affecting transfer of rights, property, and relief and rehabilitation operations of UNRWA to host governments involved. At appropriate stage US is prepared support these approaches in Arab capitals.
- (b)
- Without prejudice refugee’s rights, new UN agency, e.g., UN Arab Refugee Commission, would be established at next GA to ensure continued UN interest in welfare Arab refugees. Functions specified for new commission would include: solicitation and collection of funds from UN members and other sources; budgeting and allocation of funds to individual host governments after receipt of individual host countries’ requirements and review thereof; receipt of, and reporting on information on the disposition and use of funds contributed by UN Members and expended by host governments; provision of such expert assistance to individual governments as may be feasible and desired by individual host governments; possible maintenance of transportation and communications system; and procurement of provisions and supplies from abroad if agreeable with host governments.
- (c)
- In short, proposal would be new UN body which would be basically a budgeting and auditing operation with such additional functions as may prove acceptable to Arab host governments, such as perhaps transportation and communications and employment of international personnel. Arab host governments would prepare and submit annual budgets to UN commission and would submit reports on use made of money for information of GA through commission. Actual handling of monies, personnel, and physical equipment would be in hands of host governments.
- (d)
- In order help make progress, at same time approaches being made to Arabs, approach should also be made to Israel urging it agree indicate it prepared take public step substantially beyond what it has thus far done indicating its concern and responsibility for future welfare of refugees and ultimate solution problem. We suggest SYG make approach. (US would be prepared give follow-up support and urge some other major contributors do likewise.)
- (4)
- Basic arguments for new proposal are the following:
- (a)
- If Arab refugee problem is to continue unresolved and therefore must have continued international support, it must have “new look” which may help produce greater international interest in Arab [Page 156] refugees as result of Arab governments assuming key role in actual administration of Arab refugee programs, thereby promising eventual solution.
- (b)
- Such transfer of administrative responsibility should be made in view of decreasing inclination UN Members to contribute to UNRWA’s support. Consequences of collapse of agency due to lack financial support warrant taking earliest steps to avoid such crisis or chaos. With transfer administrative responsibility to Arab host governments, any drastic reduction or cut-off of contributions through UN could, if emergency warranted, be more readily supplemented by direct bilateral assistance to Arab governments if they are caring directly for refugees, with far less likelihood serious security situations developing in those countries.
- (c)
- SYG might be reminded that, as US has made obvious in past, it well aware UN must continue its interest in welfare of refugees, and believes foregoing plan most feasible method of assuring continued support.
- (5)
- In light above, US hopes SYG will reconsider submission report in May and in particular recommendation he intends make. We recognize decision is his to make but believe he would wish be aware in advance of considerations involved for us if recommendation remains as indicated.
- (6)
- Dept would appreciate learning SYG reaction to above suggestions.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.511/1–2859. Confidential. Drafted by Buffum, Brown, and Ludlow on March 6; cleared by Wilcox, Rountree, Hanes, H, and W/MSC; and approved by Herter.↩
- Dated January 28. (Ibid.)↩
- On March 20, the Mission reported that it had delivered the message to Cordier who said it merited deep consideration, but declined to comment further. (Telegram 796 from USUN; ibid., 320.511/3–2059)↩