337. Editorial Note

On September 29, U.N. Secretary-General Hammarskjöld submitted his report to the General Assembly on the implementation of the resolution adopted by the Assembly on August 21. The report detailed Hammarskjöld’s efforts to forge agreement among Middle Eastern leaders on conditions necessary to underwrite peace and stability in the area. He reported on agreement reached with the Government of Jordan to station a personal representative of the Secretary-General in Jordan to report on implementation of the August 21 resolution, and noted that Lebanon and the United Arab Republic had offered facilities to guarantee lines of communication to the representative to be established in Amman.

In Lebanon, agreement was reached on the expansion of the U.N. Observation Group to facilitate the withdrawal of the U.S. forces in that country. The continuing role of the Observation Group would depend upon the rate of progress toward the return of stability in Lebanon. The report concluded that, in light of improved conditions in Lebanon and Jordan, the United States and the United Kingdom had indicated that negotiations were underway with the host governments looking toward the complete withdrawal of their forces from Lebanon and Jordan, if conditions continued favorable, by the end of October. (U.N. doc. A/3934/Rev. 1; printed in full in Public Papers of the [Page 588] Secretaries-General of the United Nations, Vol. IV: Dag Hammarskjöld, 1958–1960, pages 203–216, and in part in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1958, pages 1050–1054)