326. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Under Secretary of State (Herter) and the Secretary of Defense (McElroy), Washington, September 19, 19581


  • Withdrawal of US Forces from Lebanon

Secretary McElroy called to express his concern about the exchange of cables2 he had just seen between State and Embassy Beirut. He was afraid that there might be a rapid pull-out from Lebanon without Defense having any assurance that internal stability is being protected by the UN. He said Defense believed that to pull our troops out and then have things blow up again would be worse than delaying the withdrawal. We would not appear to be very smart if we get out by October 15 and the UN has not completed the necessary moves for internal security and another civil war develops.

Mr. Herter said our latest information was that the UN was planning to put in very rapidly as many as a thousand people. They intend to leave their observers there but build up the size of the group considerably. We would prefer to pull out under our own steam rather than to be kicked out, if the situation seems to have developed satisfactorily.

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Mr. McElroy said he understood our Ambassador thinks we should be able to pull out by October 15th. Mr. Herter replied that the whole question must be reviewed by Secretary Dulles and that our inquiry of Defense was intended merely to obtain their assessment of what they felt would be practicable in terms of timing. Mr. McElroy said we could always announce ahead of time that we will pull out as fast as feasible but then drag out the actual withdrawal. He said he could see the desirability of announcing our withdrawal as soon as possible since, as Mr. Herter pointed out, we want to avoid appearing to have been forced out. But he concluded that Defense could not see any reason for speeding up the actual pull-out.

Max V. Krebs
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 783A.00/9–1958. Confidential. Drafted by Special Assistant to the Under Secretary Krebs.
  2. Document 322 and supra.