306. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

689. Reference: Embtel 686.2 Prime Minister Rifai called today, requested I confirm UNSYG’s statement made to him that “he (SYG) had received indication USG prepared consider early withdrawal its troops Lebanon” which has prompted him (SYG) hope it may be possible set September 30 for simultaneous movement US/UK troops out of Lebanon/Jordan. Rifai said he anxious that his tentative agreement September 30 withdrawal date not be used as lever on USG by Secretary General in order force “premature withdrawal counter what USG considers best interest free world.”

I expressed my appreciation his consideration re timing US/UK withdrawal, promised inform my government desire be kept fully informed this subject.

In light press reports he (RIFAI) might attend upcoming Arab League meeting I inquired if any definite plans yet formulated. He replied original meeting which was of political committee only scheduled September 6 likely be changed to full League meeting September 15–16 at either Prime Minister or Foreign Minister level in which case [Page 543] Prime Minister level he will attend, if not probably will designate his brother Monem Rifai HKJ Ambassador London, who led Jordanian delegation recent GA session.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 315/8–3058. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Repeated to USUN.
  2. Telegram 686 from Amman, August 29, reported on the text of the agreement reached that day by Rifai and Hammarskjöld concerning the implementation of the resolution adopted by the General Assembly. The agreement provided, in part, that there would be no U.N. police force or observer teams established in Jordan, that the U.N. presence in Jordan would be brought about through the establishment of a “UN Representative Office” in Amman headed by a U.N. official with the rank of ambassador, provided that similar but subordinate offices were established in Cairo, Baghdad, and Beirut. The agreement further specified that the withdrawal of British troops would be subject to satisfaction on the part of the Jordanian Government that other Arab States had demonstrated willingness to live up to their pledges under the U.N. resolution. Hammarskjöld pressed for a specific date to be established for the British withdrawal, and Rifai agreed that September 30 was a reasonable target date, providing that the conditions for withdrawal had been met. (Ibid., 315/8–2958; included in the microfiche supplement)