241. Telegram From the Embassy in Lebanon to the Department of State1
820. Pass JCS and DOD from Admiral Holloway. From Murphy for the Secretary. Following my telegram 819,2 General Chehab called this morning. He had been detained by Patriarch who told him in his estimation much of manifesto from opposition described Embtel 8063 was window-dressing for the Basta mob. Patriarch persuaded Chehab of his ability to secure a written promise from opposition that after elections (presumably for Chehab) they would commence to lay down their arms and rebellion would end.
Although Speaker of Parliament Osseiran has been insistent that election should take place tomorrow, Chehab feels they should be deferred by one day until August 1. This would make it possible for five rebel deputies, against whom warrants for arrest are outstanding, to consult with other opposition leaders as well as moderate politicians and thus be prepared for a vote on Friday. Chehab says that if necessary Lebanese military will give physical protection to these deputies and other opposition leaders. He adds that after we see Rashid Karame this morning, Karame has an appointment to confer with Chehab who will later receive Jumblat and endeavor to work out a general agreement with moderate opposition leaders for elections on Friday.4
General intends to see Chamoun this morning and “insist” (for Chehab an unusual word) on foregoing program.
[Page 411]Chehab said explicitly in presence of Admiral Holloway that he would not request departure of American Forces until military aspects of rebellion had been reduced and contained. We feel there will be no difficulty with Chehab with regard to an abrupt demand for removal of our forces. In fact, arrangements which have been slowly perfected for a cordial working relationship between American and Lebanese military will be an additional assurance against precipitate action of that nature.
Chehab is now on his mettle. He feels Chamoun and Lebanese Government have been trying to use him as cat’s paw and he is now determined to show who in fact has the whip hand. In consequence, we believe that despite last-minute maneuvers and protestations on both sides, there is a reasonably good prospect of election on Friday which will produce Chehab as next President of Lebanon.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 783A.00/7–3058. Secret; Priority.↩
- Supra.↩
- In telegram 806 from Beirut, July 30, the Embassy reported that opposition leaders had met at the home of Saeb Salam and issued a 15-point manifesto outlining the demands which would have to be met to ensure their participation in a presidential election. Included in the manifesto was a demand for the immediate evacuation of all foreign troops, and a demand for the resignation of Chamoun and the formation of a cabinet approved by the opposition. (Department of State, Central Files, 783A.00/7–3058; included in the microfiche supplement)↩
- August 1.↩