182. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between Prime Minister Macmillan in London and Secretary of State Dulles in Washington, July 16, 1958, 6:20 p.m.1
M referred to some telegrams.2 The Sec said ours are being decoded but we have a copy of theirs. M asked what does the Sec think we ought to do? The Sec said he just told Hood the little maneuver we are making by air first thing tomorrow a.m.3 as a show which in the light of info we have we think might hold the situation for the time being. The Sec is inclined not to do anything more tonight. M asked if they should send their people in. The Sec said not tonight. M said we want to do it together. The Sec said we told Congress Tuesday nothing beyond what was explained to them then would be done and we can’t alter it without consultation. M is unhappy doing it alone tonight—we may get separated when we are beautifully together. The Sec said we can make clear verbally our approval but can’t do more. There is an indication the wrong people are getting jittery. The Sec agreed to think about it. M suggested an airplane or two to show we were together. The Sec said we could supply at least some air logistics. They sort of [Page 315] left it the Sec would call at 11 tomorrow. M repeated re holding off thinking the demonstration will hold it. The Sec said his own disposition is not to move tonight but it is an awful close choice. They agreed the whole thing is terrible. M repeated again re our show tomorrow a.m. and then if his govt wants to go along we will give moral support and then maybe come along later. The Sec said through globemasters we could give logistic support. M mentioned the UK would report to the UN that we answered the call. The Sec said that is his feeling but it won’t hurt his feelings if you do otherwise.
They mentioned seeing Lloyd here tomorrow. The Sec said we are sending a plane up for him. The Sec said they are so well alerted and have loyal forces and we know the opposition is a bit uncertain. M will let us know what they decide.