150. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

57. Eyes only for Ambassador Lodge. Secretary wishes you to give the following information orally to Hammarskjold as soon as possible, emphasizing that it is for his information only: We have received information from a source of known reliability that UAR military authorities have ordered irregular forces in Lebanon to give armed resistance to any movement of American forces beyond their present positions and have decided to commence paramilitary action West of the Jordan River within a matter of hours in anticipation of arousing pro-UAR military action within Jordan by disaffected Jordanian forces. The UAR is taking direct action to stimulate disaffection within the Lebanese army and has urged the rebel command in the Tripoli area to react cautiously to any cease-fire proposals from the Lebanese Army.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.5783A/7–1658. Top Secret; Niact. Drafted in INR by Cumming and cleared with NEA, in substance with Wilcox in IO, and with the Secretary.