- Achilles, Theodore C., 879
- Ad Hoc Interagency Committee, 64–67
- Ada, Yassi, 871
- Adair, Charles W., 261, 268
- Adenauer, Konrad, 168, 198, 199, 202, 203, 238, 239, 258, 289, 397n, 407, 693, 824
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy (ACEP), 167–168
- Afghanistan, 692, 791, 822, 823, 890
- AFL-CIO,638–641
- Africa, 730, 891
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 254
- Air Force, U.S.,857n
- Aksal, General (Turkey), 839
- Albania, 87
- Algeria, 413, 453–454, 693, 733, 882
- Alican, Ekrem, 867
- Allen, George V.:
- Amerika, 42, 164
- Amory, Robert, 121, 848–849
- Anderson, Robert B., 27, 228–229, 466
- Ansiaux, Hubert-Jacques-Nicolas, 471
- Areeda, Phillip,291–292
- Argentina, 405, 443
- Army, U.S.,857n
- Artukovic, Andrija,366–368
- Ashford, Howard J., Jr., 759, 763
- Ataturk, Mustafa K., 789
- Atomic weapons. See Nuclear weapons
- Augi (Greek newspaper),690n
- Australia, 728
- Austria,539n
- Averoff-Tosizza, Evangelos, 605, 608, 664, 717
- Aytur, Memduh, 757
- Baghdad Pact, 322, 347, 737, 740, 741, 777, 791, 798
- Balkan Pact,370–371, 455, 621, 891
- Balkan region (see also Albania; Austria; Bulgaria; Hungary; Italy; Romania; Yugoslavia),86–87, 397–398, 666–667
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 467, 471, 472–473
- Barinova, Galina, 69
- Barnes, N. Spencer,71–81
- Baruch Plan,244n
- Batista, Fulgencio, 445
- SS Batory, 170
- Bayar, Celal:
- Beale, Wilson T.M., Jr., 138, 155n, 183, 187n, 228
- Beam, Jacob D., 192
- Belgium, 442, 471
- Bell, John O.,299n, 300, 799, 866
- Ben-Gurion, David, 729
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 101, 251–255, 273, 475
- Berding, Andrew H., 19
- Berger, Samuel D., 652, 657, 659–660, 662–667, 689, 698n,718n
- Billingslea, Colonel, 793, 866
- Birgfeld, Clarence E., 605
- Bitsios, Dimitri, 689
- Black, Eugene R., 275, 403, 404
- Blessing, Karl, 462, 463, 467n, 469, 470, 472
- Bobrowski, Czeslaw, 172, 173
- Boggs, Marion W., 550, 727, 829, 887
- Bohlen, Charles E., 455
- Bolshakov, Georgi, 59
- Bowie, Robert, 866
- Bowles, Chester S.,391–396
- Brand, Vance, 715
- Brentano, Heinrich von,202–203, 467n, 751
- Brewster, Robert C.,101n,228n
- Briggs, Ellis O., 689, 718, 732
- Brink (Sweden), 470
- Broderick, William D., 437
- Bronk, Detlev W.,11–12
- Brown, Emerson M., 138
- Brown, Irving,640–641, 656, 657
- Bruner, Mirko,308–309, 310–312, 364–365, 368–369
- Brunei, Jacques, 470
- Bulgaria, 95, 117, 119, 225n
- Bureau of the Budget, U.S.,35n
- Burgess, Edward W.,262n
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 695, 746
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 121, 548n
- Burma, 373
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P.,503–504, 805, 852
- Cahan (OEEC), 745
- Calhoun, John A., 732, 736, 868n
- Calligas, Stephen, 652
- Calvet, Pierre Louis, 470
- Canada,225n, 305, 465
- Canellopoulos, Panayiotis, 689, 718–719
- Captive Nations Week Proclamation,192–195, 209
- Carli, Guido, 469
- Cavalierato, Phedon,601n,611–612
- Celler, Emanuel, 714
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),35n
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO),816–817, 822, 825, 861, 889, 890, 894, 899
- Ceylon, 373
- Chamoun, Camille,338n,343n
- Chervenkov, Vulko, 76
- Chiang Kai-shek, 394
- China, People’s Republic of,50–51, 116, 143, 162, 259
- Albania, relations with, 87
- Finland, relations with, 489
- Greece, relations with, 645
- Soviet Union, relations with, 363, 389–390, 393–394, 409–410, 431, 459–460, 730
- Soviet-U.S. relations,9–10
- Tito’s assessments,392–394
- U.N. membership,449–450, 486, 729–730
- U.S. policy,435–436
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 322, 459
- Chterev, Kiril, 103
- Cliburn, Van,12–13, 68–69, 70
- Colbert, James L., 141, 142, 146, 149n,155n, 174, 176
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 249
- Comprehensive Economic Reporting Program (CERP), 592
- Conference of Allied and Communist experts on the prevention of surprise attack (1958),143n,225n
- Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests (1958),143n
- Conger, Clement E., 101
- Congo,452–453
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, 1954 (P.L. 480), 105, 114, 157, 166, 179, 261, 267, 375n, 481
- Battle Act, 114, 162, 166, 167, 287, 300, 481
- Export-Import Bank Act, 167
- Johnson Debt Default Act, 1934, 114, 274–275
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act, see Battle Act above
- Mutual Security Act, 114, 166, 167, 179, 300n,331–334, 364, 565, 607n
- Mutual Security and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1961, 287, 300
- Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953, 352
- Trade Agreements Extension Act, 1951,157n, 273
- Captive Nations Week Proclamation, 192, 209
- most-favored-nation status, 273
- Poland, economic aid to,156–157
- Acts of:
- Constantine, Prince of Greece,724n
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA), 134, 173n, 406
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP), 162
- Couve de Murville, Maurice,467n
- Cowles, Leon L., 865
- Crnobrnja, Bogdan, 437, 444
- Croatia, 324
- Crusade in Europe, 269
- Cuba,279–280, 395, 433–434, 444–447
- Cumming, Hugh, Jr., 262–263
- Cushman, Gen. R.E., Jr., 19n
- Cutler, Gen. Robert,106–109, 325, 614
- Cyprus, 338
- Cyprus dispute, 609
- Cyrankiewicz, Jozef, 137, 191, 192
- Czechoslovakia, 77, 117, 119, 123n,225n, 253, 549, 645
- Czyzak, John J., 180, 187n, 266
- Dabney, Gen. John, 709, 712
- Damyanov, Lyuben, 97, 98
- Daskalov, T., 97
- Davis, Nathaniel, 41, 59
- Davis, Richard H.,268
- de Gaulle, Charles, 199, 244n, 454, 693
- Declaration on Disarmament, 1945,225n
- Defense, U.S. Department of,167–168, 788, 794, 818, 819, 894n
- Dembinski, Professor (Poland), 251
- Denmark, 188, 530, 536n,539n, 599, 620
- Development Assistance Group, 442
- Development Loan Fund (DLF), 443
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 138, 176, 221n,661n, 733
- Disarmament (see also Nuclear weapons), 62, 143n,225n
- Dobrosielski, Marian, 237, 245, 267, 277, 295n
- Dominican Republic, 280
- Douglas, James H., 866
- Dovas, General (Greece), 605
- Drndic, Ante,366–368
- Dulles, Allen W., 121, 122n,221n,263n, 512, 702
- Dulles, John Foster,157n,323n,549–550
- Finnish-U.S. relations,517–518
- Greek political situation,640–641
- Middle East crisis, 349
- Polish-U.S. relations, 107, 109
- Radio Free Europe, 214, 242
- Turkish-U.S. relations,737–740, 744–745, 751, 797
- U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges, 1, 2, 5, 7n,13n, 26
- Yugoslav-U.S. relations, 325
- East Germany. See German Democratic Republic
- East-West exchanges:
- East-West terminology,54–55
- Poland-U.S. cultural and educational exchanges,22–25
- propaganda imported into U.S.,64–67
- U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges,33–36
- Agreement on Cooperation in Exchanges in the Fields of Science/Technology/Education and Culture for 1960–1961,51–52
- Allen’s (George) assessments,30–31
- Camp David talks,46–48
- China, Republic of, Ambassador, explanations to,9–10
- Dillon’s recommendations,32–33
- Dulles’ (John Foster) recommendations, 1, 2
- INR assessments,50–51
- ref>-46, 59–62
- Lacy’s summation,10–13
- NSC assessments,25–29
- problems anticipated by U.S.,7–8
- Science Advisory Committee’s recommendations,52–53
- U.S. Embassy (Moscow) assessments,14–18
- U.S. Information Agency assessments,55–59
- U.S. position,2–6, 37–40
- East-West trade (see also European Free Trade Association; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; U.S. trade relations with under Poland)
- Eaton, Frederick,431n
- Eccles, Sir David, 148
- Ecevit, Bulent, 839
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee (EDAC),167–168
- Egypt,338n, 347, 373, 737–738, 739, 769, 774
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 40, 199, 397n,474n, 564,
615n, 874
- Albanian-U.S. relations, 104
- Bonn visit, 243
- Captive Nations Week Proclamation, 192
- Greek-U.S. relations, 640, 659, 661, 720n visit,688–694
- India visit, 392
- Japanese-U.S. relations,724n
- Middle East crisis,347n
- Polish-German relations, 162
- Polish-U.S. relations, 108, 109, 167
- Public Works bill, 679
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 122, 663
- Turkish-U.S. relations:
- U.S. and NATO missiles in Greece, Turkey, and Italy, 659, 661, 663, 719n
- Voice of America broadcasting, 49
- Yugoslav-U.S. relations, 322, 325, 331–332, 333
- Eisenhower, John S.D.,218–219, 455, 689, 694, 820–824
- Eisenhower, Milton S., 190, 191, 192, 197, 202, 211–212, 218, 219, 220, 221–223
- Elbrick, C. Burke,135–138, 498, 499–500, 505
- Elliot, William, 190, 220
- Emminger (FRG),469–470
- English, Benedict M.,187n
- Erdelhun, General (Turkey), 838, 844
- Esenbel, Melih, 737, 746, 791, 844
- Eskola, Kusti, 494
- Estes, Thomas S., 709, 712
- Ethiopia, 373
- European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
- European Payments Union (EPU), 754, 759, 761
- European Regional Organization of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ERO), 638
- Export-Import Bank, 443
- Face to Face With America, 59
- Fagerholm, Karl-August, 494, 519–520
- Faisal II, King of Iraq,343n
- Far East, 4, 6
- Farley, Philip J., 866
- Fenzi (Italy), 96
- Ferras, Gabriel, 468, 472
- Fessenden, Russell H., 866
- Feyzioglu, Turhan, 839
- Finland:
- China, People’s Republic of, 489
- Communist Party:
- economic situation:
- European Free Trade Association,539–542, 544–545, 557–558, 570, 579, 583, 589–593, 595, 598, 600
- German Democratic Republic, relations with, 583
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with,583
- political situation,553–555
- Soviet Bloc, relations with, 485, 488–491
- Soviet Union, relations with, 504,
- British-U.S. talks,546–547
- CIA assessments, 502, 583–585
- economic issues, 498, 499, 592–595
- European Free Trade Association,540–542
- Fagerholm government resignation, 520
- Finnish position,522–524
- 5-year Finnish-Soviet trade agreement, 557
- Moscow economic agreements,592–595
- OCB assessments, 537, 538, 580–581
- U.S. Embassy (Helsinki) assessments,479–481, 482–483, 504, 515–516, 521–522, 531, 561–562, 571–577
- U.S. policy,513–514, 549, 590–592, 597–600
- United States, relations with,557–558
- U.S. economic relations with,505–506, 516, 552–553
- U.S. policy toward, 484, 510–511, 548–556, 552–555, 577–583, 587–592, 596–600
- Flemming, Arthur S., 29, 101n
- Folger, John C., 658
- Foot, Sir Hugh,617n
- Ford Foundation programs, 24, 25, 35, 424
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 378, 602–603, 650, 665, 675n, 697, 705n, 723
- France, 60, 335, 692
- Frank, Isaiah, 138, 146, 149, 299n
- Frederika, Queen of Greece,610–611, 640, 689, 716–717, 900
- Freers, Edward L., 19, 67–70, 82, 84n,366–367
- Gajewski, Stanislaw, 249
- Galinski, Tadeusz, 23
- Ganev, Dimitur, 97, 98
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr.,35n, 46, 549, 550, 829, 885
- Gazis, Nicholas,602–603, 650, 674, 697, 699, 706, 724, 726
- Gede, Tadeusz, 262
- Gega, Madame, 74
- Geijer (ICFTU), 642
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
- Georgakopolous, Constantine, 609
- German reunification, 202, 203, 204, 412, 434
- German Democratic Republic, 253, 395
- Germany, Federal Republic of,123n, 395
- Finland, relations with, 583
- German Democratic Republic, relations with, 298
- Greece, relations with, 648, 735–736
- Poland, relations with, see Germany, Federal Republic of under Poland
- Radio Free Europe, 212, 241
- rearmament,143–144, 164, 242–243
- Soviet Union, relations with, 407
- Turkey, relations with, 748, 751, 755, 763, 765, 766, 816
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 335, 435
- monetary and trade reform program, 463, 464, 465–466, 467, 468, 469–470
- Gleason, S. Everett, 28, 29, 110, 121
- Glenn, Edmund S., 192, 237, 245, 248n, 256, 268, 271, 277
- Glezos, Manlios, 690
- Glisic, Teodosije, 376, 377
- Glitman, Maynard, 763
- Golinski, Bishop Zdislaw,137n
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw,123–129, 163–164, 263, 276
- ascent to power, 111, 115–116, 117
- Berlin, 184
- Hungarian revolution, 122
- Nixon’s visit to Poland, 191, 196–197, 217–219, 257
- public speeches, 143, 151, 152n, 156, 516n
- Soviet Union, relations with, 143, 150–152, 214–216, 284
- U.S.-Polish relations, 158, 516n
- United Nations,295–299
- Western nations, relations with, 288
- Goodpaster, Andrew J.,813n,868n,869n
- Gosnjak, Ivan, 304
- Goustis, C., 605
- Grantham, Rear Adm. E.B., 709, 710
- Gray, Gordon,32n
- Greece, 75, 386,
387, 397, 455, 734, 891, 899
- Albania, relations with,679–680, 704
- Balkan nuclear-free zone, proposed,666–667
- Bulgaria, relations with, 77, 79–80, 81, 637, 654, 659, 690, 704
- China, People’s Republic of, 645
- Communist Party, 678
- economic situation, 734
- Eisenhower’s visit,688–694
- General Confederation of Labor (GSEE),638–639, 641–642, 656–658
- Karamanlis’ resumption of power,613
- labor disputes,638–642, 656–658
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization,617–618, 623, 625, 635, 644, 646, 654, 655, 660, 686, 694–695, 718, 720, 735, 736
- political situation (see also Communist Party above ),724–725, 732–734
- prewar foreign bonds,602–603, 650–652, 664–665, 673–675, 697–699, 705–707, 714–715, 723–726
- Queen Frederika’s U.S. visit, 640
- Soviet-Albanian relations, 92
- Soviet Union, relations with, 686, 761
- Turkey, relations with (see also Cyprus dispute), 644, 655
- United Nations,727–732
- United States, relations with,623–624, 630–631, 735–736
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, Turkey, 86, 89, 94, 95–96, 658–659, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 793–794, 798–801, 807–809, 811–814
- U.S. economic relations with, 601,
746, 751
- deterioration of, 604
- Eisenhower–Bayar correspondence,747–750, 752–753
- Eisenhower’s visit to Greece,690–692, 693–694
- Greek position,605–609, 632–633, 682–687
- McGhee’s visit to Greece,652–654
- 1960 level of aid, 696
- OCB assessments,647
- surplus agricultural commodities, 619
- U.S. Embassy (Athens) assessments,671–673, 680–681, 687–688
- U.S. Embassy (Ankara) assessments,636–637
- U.S. policy,622–623, 625–626
- U.S. military aid to,605–606, 611–612, 614–615, 650
- U.S. policy toward,620–631, 721–722, 726–727
- Greek General Confederation of Labor (GSEE),638–639, 641–642, 656–658
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 7n
- Greene, Nathaniel, Jr., 362
- Grivas, George, 676
- Gromyko, Andrei, 40, 46–48
- Gronchi, Giovanni, 824
- Grotewohl, Otto, 87
- Gucwa (Poland), 251
- Gulek, Kasim, 838, 842
- Gursel, Cemal, 731, 844, 845, 849, 883
- armed forces retirement plan,854–857
- Eisenhower, correspondence with, 850, 868
- elections,871–872, 880
- execution of former government leaders, 900
- Soviet-Turkish relations, 882
- SNIE on, 858
- U.S. economic assistance, 874
- U.S. Embassy (Ankara) assessments, 869
- U.S.-Turkish relations,845–848, 862–864, 901–902
- Hagerty, James C., 291, 292
- Haiti, 280
- Hall, Carlos C., 637
- Halsema, James L., 41
- Hanes, John W., 305
- Hare, Raymond G.,832–833
- Harr, Karl G., Jr., 227, 512, 614, 726, 786, 818, 828, 851, 852
- Hart, Parker T., 709, 710, 716n, 834
- Harvey, Mose L.,518–519, 527–536
- Haynes, Col. Dallas, 614, 709
- Haynes, Col. Fred, 854
- Heads of Government meeting (1960),60–62, 63
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 12, 13, 29
- Heath, Donald R.,73n, 77, 82, 99n
- Heller, Rudolf,84n
- Helmer, Oskar, 305
- Helmis, Demetrios, 605, 606
- Henderson, Loy W., 569, 835
- Herter, Christian A.,46–47, 53n,55n,262n, 804, 816, 834n, 868, 869n
- Albanian-Soviet relations, 96
- Balkan Pact,370–371
- Bulgarian-U.S. relations,82–85, 104
- Finnish-U.S. relations,590–592
- Greek political situation, 613, 676–677
- Greek-U.S. relations:
- Polish-U.S. relations:
- Turkish-U.S. relations:
- United Nations,295–299, 879–883
- Voice of America broadcasting, 49
- Yugoslav-U.S. relations, 407, 429–431
- Hetemaki, Paivio, 494
- Heuss, Theodore, 749, 751
- Hickerson, John D.
- Hilbert, G.E.,483n
- Hill, Robert B., 334, 386–387
- Hiltunen, Onni, 494
- Hoctor, Thomas F.,82n,83n
- Hofmokl, Franciszek, 180
- Hogstrum, Sven, 494
- Holaday, William M., 793
- Holtrop, Marius Wilhelm, 470, 471, 472
- Home, Lord Frederick Douglas,467n
- Hoover, Herbert, 874
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 26, 28, 29
- Hope, A. Guy, 727, 763–766, 879
- Houghton, Amory, 96, 469–473, 901
- Hoxha, Enver, 74, 88
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 21
- Hungarian revolution of 1956, 116, 122, 321, 327
- Hungary, 84, 92, 112, 117, 119, 127, 305, 338
- Hussein I, King of Jordan, 729, 739
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S., 368
- India, 162, 240, 373, 392, 449, 450, 692
- Indonesia, 50, 322, 328, 372–373, 408
- Inonu, Ismet, 790, 805, 830, 831, 833, 836–837, 839, 842, 858n
- Intelligence and Research, Bureau of, Department of State:
- Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS), 119, 171
- Intergovernmental Committee on European Migration (ICEM), 306
- International Atomic Energy Conference, 1957, 145
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 336
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 582, 638, 640–642, 656–658
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA),426–427, 759, 761
- International Educational Exchange Service, U.S., 35, 264
- International Monetary Fund (IMF):
- Iran, 347, 739, 791–792, 798, 822, 890, 899
- Iran, Cihat, 867
- Iraq, 373
- Irwin, John N., II, 675, 800, 801, 803n, 829, 866
- Isik, Hasan, 757, 759, 809–810, 814
- Israel, 116, 347, 891, 899
- Italy:
- Albania, relations with,95
- disarmament,225n
- Turkey, relations with, 749
- United States, relations with, 765
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, Turkey, 86, 89, 94, 95–96, 658–659, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 793–794, 798–801, 807–809, 811–814
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 324, 330–331, 335, 362, 386, 387, 442, 463, 465, 469
- Iverson, Kenneth, 652
- Iwaskiewicz, Edward, 176, 255, 267, 284
- Jacobsson, Per, 275, 405, 442, 461, 462, 463, 466, 468, 471
- Jaffe, Irene,223n
- Janczewski, Zbigniew, 192, 295
- Japan, 241, 344, 348, 724
- Jaroszek, Henryk,82n
- Jaroszewicz, Piotr, 137, 190, 294
- Jaszczuk, Boleslaw,142–146, 183
- Jedrychowski, Stefan, 134
- Johnson, Charles E.,55n
- Johnson, Richard E., 267
- Johnson, Valdemar N.L., 135, 182, 226, 236–237
- Johnston, Eric, 21
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 108, 109, 121, 325, 548n, 614, 709–712, 857n,894n
- Joint U.S. Mission for Military Aid to Greece (JUSMAGG), 704, 709–712
- Joint U.S. Mission for Military Aid to Turkey (JUSMMAT), 860
- Jones, G. Lewis, 715, 718–719, 727, 816, 868n
- Jones, Owen T., 605, 709, 757, 805, 814
- Jordan, 343, 344, 345, 729n, 739
- Jussila, Mauno, 494
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 106, 368
- Kadar, Janos,338n
- Kaganovich, Lazar M., 76
- Kaila (Finland), 518, 519n
- Kajatsalo, Kaarlo, 494
- Kallis, Selma G., 146, 149n
- Kamitz, Reinhard, 470
- Kaplan, Jacob J., 766
- Karamanlis, Konstantine, 610, 632n,688n
- Eisenhower’s visit to Greece, 688, 689–694
- European-Greek relations, 703, 704
- King Paul’s assessments, 707, 708
- McGhee’s visit to Greece,652–655
- NIE on,634
- politico-economic assessments,700–702, 732–734
- prewar foreign bonds,664–665, 698n,705–706, 707, 714–715, 724
- resignation of,609
- resumption of power, 613
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, 662, 666, 668n
- U.S.-Greek relations,682–687, 713, 719
- Kardelj, Edward, 474
- Karjalainen, Ahti, 588
- Kassimatis, Gregory, 605
- Katz, Abraham, 103, 265n, 271, 284, 285, 359, 402, 461
- Katz, Julius L.,187n
- Kearney, Richard D.,64n
- Kearns, Henry, 248, 250–251, 764
- Kekkonen, Urho,519n, 520, 537–538
- governing coalitions, 526
- Kennan, George F.,129–133, 432–436
- Kennedy, John F.,64n, 335
- Keppel, John,223–224
- Khrushchev, Nikita
S., 19, 21,
134, 184, 196, 346, 474n, 542, 730, 731
- Albanian-Soviet relations,86–88, 91, 92, 95–96, 677–678
- Berlin,395–396, 407–408
- China, People’s Republic of-Soviet relations, 389, 459–460
- Cuba visit,446
- disarmament, 691, 820
- Finnish-Soviet relations, 528, 529, 538
- German Democratic Republic, 204
- Greek-Soviet relations, 659, 662, 688, 690
- Heads of Government meeting, 693
- Polish-Soviet relations,111n, 115, 143n,214–216, 223
- Turkish-Soviet relations, 813, 882
- U-2 airplane incident, 63, 430, 431, 719–720, 841
- U.S.-Soviet relations,289
- five-power U.N. resolution calling for a summit, 728
- U.S. visit,40–41, 59, 205, 259, 389, 392, 454, 679–680, 825
- Voice of America broadcasting, 49
- Yugoslav-U.S. relations, 363, 459
- Kirca, Coskun, 837, 839, 840
- Kirlin, Florence,299n
- Kistiakowsky, GeorgeB.,52–53
- Klein, Herbert G., 256
- Knight, Ridgway B., 162
- Knight, Robert H., 793, 809n, 811
- Kogan, Leonid, 12
- Kohler, Foy D., 46, 70, 83, 84n,102–104, 141, 149n, 150, 158, 172, 173, 174, 187, 190, 192, 221n,299n, 342, 455
- Kole, Julian, 175
- Kolev, Christo, 98
- Kommunist (Yugoslav publication),320n, 428
- Koraltan (Turkey), 876
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 322, 645
- Korea, Republic of, 724, 849, 862
- Korean war, 394
- Kosola, Niilo, 494
- Kotlicki, Remryk, 178, 229–230, 231, 261, 266, 294n
- Kretzmann, Edwin M.J., 174
- Kuneralp (Turkey), 862, 864
- Kurdish people, 849
- Kveder, Dusan, 346
- Kyriakopoulos (Greece), 638
- Lacy, William S.B.,1n, 2, 9–13, 41, 59, 60, 61–62
- Laingen, L. Bruce,601–602, 709, 721n
- Lambrakis (Greece),611–612
- Lange, Oskar, 152, 190
- Lathram, L. Wade, 605
- Latin America, 4, 6, 79, 82, 83, 433–434, 445–446
- Lay, James S., 292
- Lebanon, 338, 343–349, 743, 768
- Leddy, John M., 228, 437, 466n,467n,744n, 759
- Leskinen, Vaino, 494
- Leverich, Henry P.,83n,84n,155n
- Levin, Zev,656–657, 658
- Lewand, Frank, J., 22
- Lewandowski, Bogdan,244n, 268, 271, 277
- Liatis, Alexis S.,650–652, 682, 725n
- Lieftinck, Pieter,415n
- Life magazine, 44, 98
- Lincoln, Francis F., 602, 763
- Lindblom, Olavi, 494
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 363, 397n,467n,468n,617n
- Lobenstine, James C.,299n
- Logofet, Alexander, 59
- Lukanov, Karlo, 97, 99
- Lychowski, Tadeusz, 142, 248, 255, 271, 283
- Lyytinen, Jaakko, 496
- Maakansa (Finnish publication), 595
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 395
- Machado, Gerardo, 445
- Macmillan, Harold, 767, 824
- Macovescu, George, 70
- Macy, Mr., 512, 851
- Madanoglu, General, 858
- Magill, Robert N., 793
- Makris, Fotis,638–639, 640, 656–657, 658n
- Malenkov, Georgi M., 76
- Malinovsky, Rodin Y., 87
- Malles (ICFTU), 642
- Mann, Thomas C., 275
- Mannerheim, Gustav, 588, 591
- Marcy, Oliver M.,320–324, 709, 818, 819
- Mark, David E., 18
- Markezinis, Spyros, 667, 700
- Markovic, Svetozar, 376, 377, 384
- Markovich, Col. George, 98
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 557
- Marshall Plan, 822, 823
- Martin, Edwin M., 275, 281–282, 283–284, 285, 295n,299–301
- Martin, General, 793, 794
- Martin, Graham, 444
- Martinovic, Slobodan, 359
- Mason, Professor, 815
- Mates, Leo,306–307, 323, 333–334, 371, 391, 414, 432, 444, 453, 455
- Mathews, Elbert G., 793
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 306
- Mayer, Ernest, 496, 500n, 511, 517n
- McCollum, Robert S., 305, 331
- McCone, John A., 866
- McElroy, Neil H., 29, 661, 663, 664, 788
- McGhee, George C.,652–655, 791
- McIntosh, Dempster,636n
- McKisson, Robert M.,82n,101n
- Meany, George,638–639
- Melas, George V.,601–602, 695
- Melas, Michel, 675
- Melbourne, Roy, 772
- Menderes, Adnan,676n,753n, 837, 876
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 19, 38
- Merchant, Livingston T., 46, 155–157, 176, 178–179, 302, 303, 517n,568n, 675, 679, 702, 718, 843
- Merrill, Frederick, 41
- Metzger, Stanley D.,187n,764–765
- Meyer, Robert, 763, 805
- Middle East, 338
- Miettunen, Martti, 494
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 583
- Military Assistance Program (MAP),619–620, 637, 648, 649, 680, 681, 721, 722, 735, 762, 788, 807, 895
- Millard (ICFTU), 642
- Miller, Clarence L., 251
- Miller, Brig. Gen. Frederic H., 866
- Miller, William K.,592–595
- Millot (France), 96
- Milovanovic, Vasilije, 334, 335, 359
- Milutinovic, Ivan,337–338
- Mincev, Nikola,461–466
- Mitchell, Vinton, 763, 765, 766
- Modrzewski, Franciszek, 134, 142, 146–149
- Moiseyev Dance Company, 12
- Molotov, Vyachaslav M., 76
- Monroney, A.S.,717n
- Morawski, Jerzy, 23, 263
- Morgan, Gerald D., 292
- Morin, General, 854, 856
- Morocco, 882
- Mosadeq, Mohammed, 739
- Moscow Declaration of 1957, 212, 213
- Mostar, Munir, 757, 759
- Mueller, Frederick H.,101n,248–250, 264
- Mukhitdinov, N.A., 87
- Munro, Dana, 650, 651–652, 665, 682, 715n, 723
- Murphy, Robert D., 121, 172, 173, 180, 182–188, 237–239, 668n, 689, 793, 799n, 824
- My Fair Lady, 67, 70
- Myerson, Jacob M.,570n
- Nagy, Imre,122n, 127, 164, 322n, 338
- Naim, Prince Mohamed, 822
- Nash, Frank C., 729, 802
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 328, 343, 344, 346–347, 349, 474n, 695, 729, 731, 791, 822, 825, 891, 902
- Naszkowski (Poland), 122
- National Intelligence Estimates (NIE) (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National Security Council (NSC):
- actions:
- documents:
- NSC 5403, 499, 500, 510, 527, 548–550, 551n
- NSC 5505/1, 105
- NSC 5607, 106, 119
- NSC 5608/1, 105, 108, 109–110
- NSC 5616/2, 105, 106n
- NSC 5704/3, 105, 106n, 118
- NSC 5705,106n
- NSC 5705/1, 105
- NSC 5706/2, 105, 106n, 119, 329, 331
- NSC 5708/2, 818, 825, 828–829, 853
- NSC 5718,615n
- NSC 5718/1,726–727
- NSC 5726/1, 105, 106n,117n
- NSC 5801/1,110–120, 163, 165, 286, 291, 292, 294
- NSC 5802,120n
- NSC 5802/1, 106, 119–120
- NSC 5805,312–319, 325
- NSC 5805/1, 325, 399–402
- NSC 5808,106–110, 286
- NSC 5808/1,111–120, 227, 236–237, 277
- NSC 5810/1, 229
- NSC 5811/1, 81, 82, 95, 96, 102
- NSC 5914, 548, 549–550
- NSC 5914/1,551–556, 596n
- NSC 5914/3, 600
- NSC 6015, 884, 885, 887
- NSC 6015/1, 887, 888–889
- NSC 6024,596–600
- meetings:
- 243d, Mar. 31, 1955,66n
- 288th, June 19, 1956, 793n
- 362d, Apr. 14, 1958, 105–110, 325
- 369th, June 19, 1958, 162n
- 376th, Aug. 14, 1958, 484n
- 401st, Apr. 2, 1959, 177
- 406th, May 13, 1959, 804–805
- 407th, May 21, 1959, 25–28
- 408th, May 28, 1959, 28–29
- 414th, July 23, 1959, 548n
- 420th, Oct. 1, 1959, 548–550
- 428th, Dec. 10, 1959, 688
- 429th, Dec. 16th, 1959, 695
- 430th, Jan. 7, 1960, 828–829
- Jan. 15, 1960, 786
- 433d, May 5, 1960, 836
- 440th, Apr. 7, 1960, 286
- May 24, 1960, 843
- 446th, May 31, 1960, 848–849
- 447th, June 8, 1960, 849
- 448th, June 22, 1960, 286
- 449th, June 30, 1960, 852–853
- 461st, Sept. 29, 1960, 726–727, 884–888
- Polish-U.S. relations,105–120
- Turkish rebellion,848–849
- Navy, U.S.,857n
- Near East. See Middle East
- Ndreu, General (Albania), 74
- Nehru, Jawaharlal,474n, 842
- Neidle, Alan, 366
- Nelson, Harvey F., Jr., 496, 517n,543n, 557
- Nepal, 449
- Netherlands, 253, 305, 465, 470
- New Zealand, 729
- Niemeyer, Sir Otto Ernst, 665
- Nikezic, Marko, 375, 388, 402–404, 409, 411, 429, 455, 461
- Nixon, Patricia, 220
- Nixon, Richard M.,256–260
- Poland visit,190–191, 196–197, 217–219, 296
- Captive Nations Week Proclamation,192–195
- economic assistance,206–210
- Eisenhower’s (Milton) assessments,221–223
- Germany, Federal Republic of,198–204, 206
- media issues,210–214
- OCB assessments, 227, 276
- INR assessments,223–224
- Soviet-Polish relations,214–216
- Spasowski–Kohler meeting,224–225
- U.S. Embassy (Warsaw) assessments,219–221
- Radio Free Europe, 242
- Soviet-U.S. relations:
- Poland visit,190–191, 196–197, 217–219, 296
- Nkrumah, Kwame,474n
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 614, 650, 668, 669n, 678, 695, 713, 744, 788, 801, 807, 863, 866–867, 868, 886, 900–901
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
(see also
U.S. and NATO missile
bases under Nuclear weapons), 20, 80, 165, 324
- Albanian-Soviet relations,89–91, 94
- Balkan region,86–87, 667
- Cyprus dispute, 616, 655
- defensive nature of,123–144, 151
- Finland, 514, 521
- German rearmament,143–144
- Greece,617–618, 623, 625, 635, 644, 646, 654, 655, 660, 686, 694–695, 718, 720, 735, 736
- Heads of Government meeting, 733
- MC–70 program, 637, 643–644, 647–648, 681, 770, 856, 894
- modern weaponry, 813
- Nordic bloc, 530, 536n, 599
- Polish-German relations, 243, 407
- Status of Forces agreements, 883
- Tito’s attacks on, 323, 328
- Turkey, 741, 743, 744, 746, 769, 771, 772, 824, 836, 861, 885–886, 887, 889, 899
- U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges,4–5
- Norway, 483, 487, 530, 536n,539n, 599
- Nuclear energy, 626, 640
- Nuclear weapons (see also
- Albania, 93, 95–96
- Balkan nuclear-free zone, proposed,666–667
- Baruch Plan,244n
- Bulgaria, 93, 94, 95
- Greece, 93, 94, 95–96, 644, 659–660, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 788, 793–794, 798–801
- Italy,95–96
- Poland, 143, 164, 235
- Rapacki Plan, 123, 127, 134, 144–145, 169–170, 203, 243–244, 486
- Soviet Union,95–96
- testing agreements, 408, 431, 719n
- Turkey, 94, 744, 788, 793–794, 798–901, 807–809, 811–814
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, Turkey, 86, 89, 94, 95–96, 658–659, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 793–794, 798–801, 807–809, 811–814
- Yugoslavia, 351
- Oberlander, Theodor, 198
- Ochab, Edward, 262
- O’Connor, Jeremiah J.,55n,160n,226–227, 305, 500, 702
- Oder-Neisse border (Poland-West Germany), 132, 144, 165, 169, 184, 236, 244, 407n
- Office of Civil Defense Management, U.S.,35n
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM), U.S., 325
- Okyar, Osman, 839
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB):
- Albania, 102
- Finland,484–491, 507–512, 537–538
- Greece,613–631, 643–649, 665, 697
- Poland,160–172, 226–227, 276–277, 291, 292, 294, 577–583
- Turkey,741–744, 768–784, 786, 804, 818–819, 825–828, 832–833, 843–844, 851–852
- U.S. military and civilian employees serving abroad, 711
- Yugoslavia, 305, 399–402, 432, 473–476
- Orfenov, A., 69
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 405, 695n
- Organization of American States (OAS), 433, 445
- O’Shaughnessy, Elim,308–309, 337, 363–366, 410–413, 432n, 437, 444, 445n
- Paasio, Rafael, 494
- Page, Edward, Jr., 97–100
- Pakistan, 373, 791, 798, 822, 890
- Pakkanen, Atte, 494
- Palamas (Greece), 726
- Palestine Conciliation Commission (PCC), 891
- Papaligouras, Panayiotis,605–609
- Paraguay, 869
- Patterson, John S., 325
- Paul I, King of Greece, 609, 610, 611, 688, 689, 707–708, 900
- Payne, C. Robert, 41
- Pella, Giuseppe,397n, 824
- Penfield, James K., 604, 605, 609n
- Peng Tehuai, 87
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 291, 292
- Peters, Roberta, 68, 69
- Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, 12
- Pitblado, D.B., 468
- Pirkham (FRG), 472
- Plaku, General (Albania), 74
- Poland, 55, 56, 92, 142–146, 158, 172–175, 182–187, 264, 549
- American property claims,175–181, 187–189, 206–210, 229–231, 244n, 248, 261, 265–267, 281–282, 283–286, 294
- SS Batory, 170
- Bulgaria, relations with, 82, 83
- Communist Party, 159
- economic situation,125–126, 146
- Export-Import Bank loans, 293
- GATT membership,138–139, 141–142, 147–150, 168, 228–229
- German Democratic Republic, 206
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with,145–146, 151, 183–184, 237–239
- Eisenhower–Jaroszewicz meeting,269–270
- Jaroszewicz’s U.S. visit, 278
- Nixon–Gomulka meeting,198–204, 206, 216–217
- Nixon–Ochab meeting, 258
- OCB assessments, 162, 168–169, 227
- Oder-Neisse border, 132, 144, 165, 169, 236, 246, 407n
- Radio Free Europe,212
- rearmament,143–144, 164, 242–243
- U.S. Embassy (Warsaw) assessments,154–155
- Gomulka’s ascent to power, 111, 115–116, 117
- Gomulka’s public speeches, 151, 156
- Nixon’s visit,190–191, 196–197, 217–219
- Eisenhower’s (Milton) assessments,221–223
- Germany, Federal Republic of,198–204, 206
- media issues,210–214
- Spasowski–Kohler meeting,224–225
- U.S. Embassy (Warsaw) assessments,219–221
- political situation (see also
Communist Party above
- INR assessments,280–281
- liberalization,129–133
- NIE on,139–140
- Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR),23
- public statements on (U.S. and Polish),135–138, 150–152, 184–186
- Rapacki–Herter meeting,240–244
- U.S. Embassy (Warsaw) assessments,123–129, 153–155, 159–160, 288–290
- prewar foreign bonds, 665
- Soviet bloc, relations with,280–281
- Soviet Union, relations with, 107,
116, 126–127, 128
- American media,210–212
- conflict possibilities,121
- economic issues,112–113, 263
- German Democratic Republic, 204
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 164
- INR assessments, 178
- Nixon’s visit to Poland,214–216
- Oder-Neisse border, 132
- OCB assessments, 232, 233–234
- Polish-Soviet Friendship Treaty of 1945,151n
- U.S. Embassy (Warsaw) assessments,122–123, 154, 288
- U.S. policy,108–109
- United Nations,295–299
- United States, relations with (see also
Nixon’s visit above
- agricultural cooperation,251–255, 257
- cultural and educational exchanges,22–25
- German Democratic Republic, 247
- Germany, Federal Republic of,237–239
- Herter–Ochab meeting,245–248
- Jaroszewicz’s U.S. visit,268–280
- Nixon–Ochab meeting,256–260
- OCB assessments,160–172, 226–227, 232–237, 276–277
- Stevenson’s visit, 134
- Surplus Property Agreement,215
- visa difficulties, 171
- U.S. asylum for Polish seaman, 163
- U.S. economic assistance, 105, 155–157, 159, 160–162, 166–167, 175–181, 186, 206–210, 281–282, 283–286
- U.S. economic relations with (see also American property claims above ; U.S. trade relations with below ),516–518
- U.S. policy,105–120, 165–166, 287
- U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges, 8
- U.S. trade relations with,248–251
- Western countries, relations with,113–115, 126
- Polatkan, Hasan,757–758, 759, 796, 844, 876, 901n
- Polish United Workers Party (PZPR), 23
- Popovic, Koca, 346, 371, 388–391, 430, 431, 444, 445n, 453, 455, 728
- Popovic, Nenad, 403
- Popovic, Vladimir, 437, 444
- Porter, Dwight J., 793
- Portugal,539n
- Potsdam Conference, 1945 (see also Oder-Neisse border),132n, 198
- Powers, Francis Gary, 63
- Primozic, Franc,334–337, 342–345, 359–361, 397, 437
- Protopapadakis, Aristides,602n, 605, 721n
- Qassim, Gen. Abdul Karim, 825
- Quarles, Donald A., 108, 109, 793, 794, 800–801
- Quemoy Islands, 143, 394
- Raczkowski, Stanislaw, 176, 284
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 791
- Radio Baikal, 42, 46
- Radio Cairo, 347
- Radio Caucasus, 42, 46
- Radio Free Europe (RFE), 45, 107, 115, 212–214, 221n, 222, 241–242, 244n, 278
- Radio Free Russia, 42, 46
- Radio Liberation,45–46
- Radio Moscow,212–213
- Randall, Clarence B., 823
- Rankin, Karl L.,304n,337–339
- Rankovic, Alexander, 327, 328
- Rapacki, Adam, 134, 190, 191, 192, 195, 202–203, 212, 213, 240–244
- Rapacki Plan (see also Disarmament), 123, 127, 134, 144–145, 152, 169–170, 203, 243–244, 486
- Raymond, John M.,187n
- Red Flag (Chinese publication), 409, 410
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 121, 818
- Reuther, Walter,638–639
- Rhee, Syngman,724n
- Richards, James P., 778
- Rickover, Adm. Hyman G., 190, 191, 220
- Riddleberger, James W., 278, 300, 304, 610–611, 632n, 637, 638–639, 640, 702, 843, 851
- Roberts, Walter R., 41
- Robinson, Hamlin, 603, 650, 682
- Rockefeller Foundation programs, 24, 25
- Rodopoulos, Constantine, 706
- Rogers, William P.,5n,7–8, 35n, 171
- Romania, 55, 56, 70, 95, 225n
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 874
- Rootham (UK), 496
- Ross, Michael,641n
- Rountree, William M.,603n, 605, 606, 607, 608, 640, 737, 738, 793, 804, 805
- Rukavina (Yugoslavia), 364, 397
- Rusk, Dean,64n
- Ryne, Charles S., 13
- Rzepka, Zbigniew, 180
- Saccio, Leonard J., 161, 818
- Sanderson, Fred H., 766
- Sarper, Selim, 731, 746, 845, 847, 849, 854, 865, 869, 879–883, 900
- Saudi Arabia, 740
- Schaff, Adam, 288
- Scherpenberg, Albert H. van, 468
- Schevenels, Walther, 638, 640, 656
- Scribner, Fred C., 163, 512, 702, 885, 886
- Segni, Antonio,397n, 824
- Seppala, Richard R., 557
- Sessions, Edson O.,558–567, 571–577, 586–587, 589–590
- Shehu, Mehmet, 74, 88
- Shelton, Turner B., 41
- Sherer, Albert W., 142, 150, 160–161, 187n, 191, 224–225, 226, 227, 240n,244n, 245, 265n, 267, 268
- Shipkov, Mikhail, 99
- Shuff, Charles H., 793
- Siscoe, Frank G., 25, 60, 231
- Sissman, Louise, 763, 764, 765, 766
- Slovenia, 324
- Slovenija (Yugoslav ship) incident, 369
- Smith, Bromley,232n,276n, 292, 399n, 432, 643n,825n
- Smith, Frederick, Jr., 366
- Smith, Gerard C.,54–55, 513–514, 866
- Smith, James H., Jr., 511–512
- Smole, Janko, 437, 471
- Sobolev, Arkady N., 46
- Socialism and War (Kardelj), 474
- Soldatov, Aleksandr A., 46
- Sooy, Raymond W.,483n
- Southard, Frank B.,461n
- Soviet Bloc (see also Albania; Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; East-West exchanges; East-West trade; German Democratic Republic; Poland; Romania; Soviet Union; Yugoslavia):
- Soviet Culture, 69
- Soviet Union (see also Khrushchev, Nikita S.; U-2
- airplane incident), 145, 225n,323n, 391, 430, 448, 821
- Albania, see Soviet Union under Albania
- Balkan region,86–87
- Baruch Plan,244n
- Berlin,201n, 408, 434–435
- Bulgaria, relations with, 77
- China, People’s Republic of, 363, 389–390, 393–394, 409–410, 431, 459–460, 730
- Communist Party, 73, 76, 159n
- Cuba, relations with,445–446
- disarmament, 408, 454
- Finland, see Soviet Union under Finland
- German Democratic Republic, 116, 246, 434n
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 247, 407
- Greece, see Soviet Union under Greece Iran, relations with,791–792
- Middle East crisis, 344, 347, 348
- Poland, see Soviet Union under Poland
- Syria, relations with, 737, 741
- Turkey, relations with:
- underdeveloped countries, relations with, 820
- United States, relations with (see also U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges under East-West exchanges),273n,412–413, 431, 728, 448, 823–824
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, Turkey, 86, 89, 94, 95–96, 658–659, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 793–794, 798–801, 807–809, 811–814
- Yugoslavia, see Soviet Union under Yugoslavia
- Sovietskaya Kultura, 69
- Spaak, Paul Henri,667n, 733
- Spahim (Albania), 74
- Spain, 405, 407, 443, 445, 465
- Spang, 603
- Spangler, George W., 180, 187n
- Spasowski, Romuald, 142, 150, 152n, 172, 190, 237, 245, 248, 251, 256, 268, 271, 277, 302
- Spear, Moncrieff J., 101, 102, 366
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (SNIE) (see also National Intelligence Estimates):
- Spengler, William F., 266
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 613, 614
- Sprouse, Philip D.,641–642
- Spychalski, Marian, 137, 185n
- Staats, Elmer B.,616n,741n, 885
- Stans, Maurice H., 29
- Stefan, Charles G.,97–98
- SS Stefan Batory (Polish ship), 170
- Stefanov, Jordan, 97, 98
- Stern, Isaac,67–69
- Stevens (UK), 469
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 13, 134
- Stoessel, Walter,466n,869n
- Stokowski, Leopold, 12
- Strauss, Franz-Josef, 152, 184
- Stull, Lee T.,288n
- Sudan, 373
- Suez crisis, 200, 338, 610
- Sukarno, 372
- Sukselainen, Vieno J., 493, 526, 539
- Sutterlin, James S., 342, 370n, 388, 429
- Sweden, 188, 455, 465, 470, 472, 483, 539n
- Switzerland, 188, 442, 455, 465, 470, 473, 539n
- Syria, 328, 347, 373, 737–738, 741, 769, 774, 791
- Szyr, Eugeniusz, 262
- Taiwan, 259, 394, 450, 729, 730
- Tanner, Vaino, 585
- Tate, Colonel, 854, 856
- Tatev, Christo, 103
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.,108–109
- Tewson, Sir Vincent, 642
- Thayer, Robert H., 41
- Thebom, Blanche, 12
- Theodorou (Greece), 640, 642
- Thompson, Llewllyn E., 44, 46
- Thurston, Ray L., 866
- Tibet, 450
- Timmons, Benson E.L., III, 295, 793
- Tims, Richard W., 302
- Tinbergen, Professor, 815
- Tito, Josip Broz, 74, 116, 122, 127, 370–371, 374, 430, 431, 611, 728, 731
- Algeria,453–454
- Balkan region, 397, 398
- China, People’s Republic of, U.N. membership,449–450
- Congo rebellion,452–453
- Cuba,444–447
- international role for,322–324
- Kennan, meeting with,432–436
- Near and Far East trip,372–373
- public speeches,326–329, 409–410
- Soviet-Yugoslav relations,312–313, 315–316, 320, 321–322
- U-2 airplane incident,411n,412–413, 448
- U.S.-Yugoslav relations,371–372, 410–411
- Todorovic, Mijalko,376–381, 383, 384, 385, 437–444
- Tokarski, Julian, 262
- Toker, Metin, 837
- Tong, Hollington,9–10
- Torngren, Ralf, 526, 557–558
- Trampczynski, Witold, 249
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the,35n, 228, 512, 603
- Treaty of Bled, 1954,621n
- Treaty of Paris, 1947,690n
- Trybuna Ludu (Polish newspaper), 197
- Tsatos, Constantine, 689
- Tunisia, 882
- Turkes, Colonel, 854, 856, 858, 862, 864
- Turkey, 75, 347,
405, 443, 455, 620, 621n, 692, 749
- armed forces retirement plan,854–857, 862n,866–867
- Balkan Pact,370–371
- Bulgaria, relations with, 77, 79–80, 81
- Committee of National Unity,852–853
- martial law, 833
- Menderes government overthrown, 724, 731, 844
- economic situation:
- Eisenhower–Gursel correspondence, 850, 868
- Greece, relations with (see also Cyprus dispute), 644, 655
- Middle East, relations with, 786, 825, 890–891, 902
- political situation:
- political unrest in Turkey,836–839
- Provisional Government of Turkey,845–848, 849, 862–864, 869–878, 881–882, 888–890, 901–902
- Republican People’s Party,789–790, 830–835, 839–840, 841, 842
- Soviet Union, relations with, 813, 849, 862, 875, 882, 890
- Syrian-Egyptian union,737–738
- U-2 airplane incident,841–842
- United Kingdom, relations with, 755, 763, 764–765, 767
- United Nations, 240, 879–883
- United States, relations with,791–792
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, Turkey, 86, 89, 94, 95–96, 658–659, 661–664, 668–671, 678, 694–695, 793–794, 798–801, 807–809, 811–814
- U.S. economic relations with, 740, 814, 815–816
- U.S. military aid to, 650, 743–744, 762, 860
- U.S. policy toward, 769, 772–784, 795–797, 818, 825–829, 896–899
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 397
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 121, 866, 886
- U-2 airplane incident, 63, 411n,412–413, 430, 431, 448, 720, 728, 841–842, 883
- Ulbricht, Walter, 156
- U.N. Atomic Energy Commission,244n
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, 175, 240, 405
- United Arab Republic, 373, 727n,729n,737n
- United Kingdom, 145
- Cyprus dispute, 617, 644, 655, 743, 891
- disarmament, 225n
- European Free Trade Association,539n,606n
- German reunification, 202
- Jordan, relations with, 343, 345
- Mediterranean region, 692
- Poland, relations with,188–189, 208, 798
- Suez crisis, 200
- Turkey, relations with, 755, 763, 764–765, 767
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 335, 379, 442, 463, 465, 469
- United Nations:
- Upton, T. Graydon, 471
- Urguplu, Ali S.H., 757, 805–806, 809–810, 816
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA),35n, 46
- U.S. Information Service (USIS), 559, 646
- USSR (magazine), 30, 42
- Utt, James B., 367
- Vahervuori, T. Oskar,519n
- Vakhrushchev (USSR), 19
- Vedeler, Harold C., 103, 265, 277, 295n
- Vejvoda, Ivo, 323
- Venezuela, 212, 434
- Verykios, Panayiotis, 675
- Vima (Greek newspaper), 612
- Virolainen, Johannes, 494, 519n
- Voice of America (VOA),41–42, 45, 47–49, 115, 358–359, 626
- Volski, Yuri, 41, 59
- Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment Y., 151, 338n
- Voutov, Peter G.,84n,101–104
- Vukmanovic-Tempo, Svetozar N., 307, 428
- Wadsworth, James J., 728, 879, 882
- Wailes, Edward T.,760–762
- Waris, Klaus, 493, 496–499, 518, 519
- Warren, Fletcher, 737, 738–740, 744n,748n,753n,768n,
787, 791, 797n, 816, 835, 868n
- armed forces retirement plan, 857
- Provisional Government of Turkey,845–848, 869–878, 901–902
- Turkish Republican People’s Party,830–832, 839–841, 842
- economic issues,862–864
- execution of former Turkish Government leaders, 865, 880
- political unrest in Turkey,836–839
- stabilization (economic) program,757–758
- Warren, Leonard, 12
- Warsaw Pact, 86, 88, 110, 324, 328, 600
- Washburn, Abbott,55n
- Washburn, Barr, 709
- Waugh, Samuel C., 278
- Weiss, Leonard, 376, 382–383, 437, 443, 444, 461
- West Europe, 50, 659, 692
- West Germany. See Germany, Federal Republic of
- Western European Union (WEU), 407
- Whisenand, Brigadier General, 793
- White, Eric W.,138–139, 148, 149n
- White, Ivan B.,543n, 675, 866
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 121
- Whitman, Ann C.,221n
- Whitney, John H., 767
- Wiherheimo, Toivo, 494
- Williams, Manning H., 237
- Williams, Murat,601n,611–612, 613, 614, 615, 763, 764–765, 818, 819
- Willoughby, Woodbury,500n,586n
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 794
- Winiewicz, Jozef,122–123, 134, 150–152, 186–187, 192, 204, 231, 295, 302–303
- Witman, William, 2d, 675
- Wolf, Joseph J., 675
- Wolkonsky, Daniel, 41
- World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), 288, 656
- World War I, 247
- World War II, 198, 216–217, 247, 362n, 367, 575–576
- Wroclaw Congress of Writers (Poland), 23, 24
- Wycech, Czeslaw, 190
- Wyszynski, Stefan (Primate of Poland),124n,137n
- Yegenagac, Turgut, 839
- Yost, Robert C., 63, 766
- Yugoslavia, 611, 621n, 891
- Albania, 86, 398
- atomic energy, 351
- Balkan Pact,370–371
- Bulgaria, relations with,76–77, 79–80, 81, 362
- China, People’s Republic of, 322, 449–451, 459
- Communist Party,320–321
- Dillon’s visit:
- economic situation,173n
- escapees/refugees,305–306, 329–331, 386–387
- foreign exchange system,404–405
- France, relations with, 339, 369, 413, 442, 470, 665
- GATT membership, 147, 168
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 335, 407, 435
- Greece, relations with, 614, 728
- international relations,388–391
- Italy, relations with, 324, 330–331, 335, 362, 386, 387, 442, 463, 465, 469
- Middle East crisis,342–349
- Poland, relations with, 116, 119, 164
- political situation,337–339
- prewar foreign bonds, 665, 673, 684–685, 698, 705, 707
- Soviet-Albanian relations, 92
- Soviet bloc, relations with,312–313, 326, 379, 397, 398, 399–400
- Soviet Union, relations with,313–316, 321–322, 326–328, 339, 349, 370, 399–400
- Tito’s Near and Far East Trip,372–373
- Tito’s U.N. appearance,455–460
- U-2 airplane incident,412–413
- United Kingdom, relations with, 335, 379, 442, 463, 465, 469
- United States, relations with (see also Dillon’s visit above ), 312, 371–372, 410–411, 429–431
- U.S. economic assistance,331–334
- U.S. economic relations with,313–314, 334–337, 359,
362, 365–366, 406, 414–415
- credits request,376–386
- Export-Import Bank loans,360–361
- investment financing,402–404
- local currency releases,306–307
- long-term arrangements,374–376
- monetary and trade reform program, 430, 461–473, 477
- OCB assessments, 417, 418, 422–423
- surplus agricultural commodities, 305, 375
- Technical Cooperation program,426–427
- U.S. Information Agency,424–425
- U.S. military assistance program, termination of,304n,308–310
- U.S. military sales to, 304, 313, 401, 427, 476
- U.S. policy toward,317–319, 350–359, 402, 416–423, 476
- U.S.-Soviet technical/scientific and cultural exchanges, 8
- Yugov, Anton, 76, 77, 99, 100
- Zakharov, A.V., 584
- Zapasnik, Franciszek, 175
- Zaroubin, Georgi N.,1n, 2, 61
- Zawadzki, Aleksander, 190
- Zhivkov, Todor, 76, 100, 102
- Zhukov, Georgi,19–22, 36, 40, 41–45, 46, 47–49, 59–62
- Zolotas, Xenophon,603n,664–665, 673–675, 682, 683, 707
- Zorlu, Fatin Rustu, 738, 744n,748n, 756, 791, 816, 876
- Cyprus dispute, 676
- Eisenhower’s visit to Turkey,819–824
- execution of,901n
- political unrest in Turkey,836–839
- Saudi Arabia visit, 740
- Syrian-Egyptian union,737–738
- U.S. and NATO missile bases in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, 812
- U.S.-Turkish economic relations, 746, 760, 796n,805–806, 809n, 814, 815–816