249. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Greece0

1489. Athens Despatch 348.1 Department officials have discussed recent triennial Greek Labor Conference with Irving Brown, AFL–CIO European representative. Brown reserved and careful in statements. He said Schevenels might have spoken unwisely “in the heat of the convention” .2 Brown said he withholding judgment events pending Schevenels statement at ICFTU Executive Council meeting now scheduled Brussels November 24. Brown volunteered he has not been in Greece since May 1957 in order avoid involvement in Theorodu–Makris differences. Recent failure Brown appear Athens result his continued determination this regard. While Brown well aware Makris embracing communist support represents setback Western interests [1 line of source text not declassified].

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While professing continuing friendship all elements Greek labor leaders, Brown conclusion is that only Makris has sufficient stature in Greek labor movement and among Greek politicians to qualify as national labor leader. Theorodu was described as able, but requiring further “seasoning”. [2 lines of source text not declassified]

Brown confirmed his recent meeting with Makris in Paris. Brown, alleging that he gave Makris no encouragement that aid would be forthcoming. [2 lines of source text not declassified] In view Makris’ present indebtedness communists, Brown believes it unlikely even moral encouragement forthcoming.

Embassy Brussels requested report fully Greek question as discussed ICFTU meeting.3

Foregoing conversations took place prior receipt referenced despatch. In view Embassy suggestions Department officials will make further effort ascertain AFL–CIO views and intentions.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 881.062/10–3158. Confidential. Drafted by Finch. Also sent to Brussels and repeated to Geneva and Salonika.
  2. Despatch 348, November 3, reported on discussions with Schevenels while he was in Greece attending the Panhellenic Labor Congress. (Ibid., 881.062/11–358)
  3. Reference is to Schevenels’ opposition to a resolution put forward by the anti-Communist faction at the GSEE congress and his public attack on Greece as a “police state.”
  4. Telegram 708 from Brussels, November 17, reported that the ICFTU would propose a $25,000 grant to GSEE in order to keep Makris “in the free camp.” (Department of State, Central Files, 881.062/11–1758)