225. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Finland0
150. Helsinki’s 192, repeated info London 20.1 Department has reviewed possible courses of action set forth Deptel 14662 and proposals [Page 588] in Helsinki 192 which appear generally consistent. Comments on proposals given below.
Department continues believe courses of action in Deptel 1466 seem offer best practical approach at this juncture to strengthening Finnish ties with West. Embassy Helsinki should be guided by this program and is requested as appropriate submit additional specific recommendations for implementation.
Embassy London authorized discuss Deptel 1466 and Helsinki’s 192 together with following comment with FonOff. Embassy Helsinki at its discretion similarly authorized discuss with British Embassy.
- 1)
- Despite British invitation to Kekkonen (London’s 1356 repeated info Helsinki 33)3 factors outlined Deptel 1164 continue to make invitation to US impossible during remainder this administration. We unable predict possibilities under next administration.
- 2)
- We also unable forecast whether new President will decide undertake overseas visits early in administration and even if he does possibilities including Finland.
- 3)
- Opportunities provide President Kekkonen with selected reading material should be fully utilized. Suggest Embassy and PAO make available to him selected items from USIA material regularly sent to post such as State Department Bulletin. Will forward periodically additional documents which Ambassador may wish deliver personally to President.
- 4)
- Believe Karjalainen would be excellent choice short leader grant. Urge you issue invitation soonest. Visit of two weeks duration may be planned. Department glad consider other specific suggestions along this line.
- 5)
- Concur in proposal use Mannerheim stamp ceremony as occasion for statement US interest in Finland. Extensive press coverage here unlikely view UNGA and electoral campaign activity but will arrange for publication in State Department Bulletin and Wireless Bulletin. Embassy requested submit to Department text of possible statement at Helsinki and amplify thoughts re US official representation in Helsinki ceremony.
- 6)
- Will continue endeavor include Finland in itinerary appropriate cultural and official visits but cultural program in European area is being greatly curtailed. Assume Embassy in cooperation with USIS will continue take all opportunities publicize unofficial as well as official American interest in Finland. Airlines might be asked supply Embassy names distinguished personalities visiting Finland. Numerous visits by Finns to US this summer provide additional opportunity demonstrate Finnish-American ties. Views and opinions these travelers and favorable reactions returning grantees could be elicited and appropriately publicized.
- 7)
- Department hopes discussions with British FonOff and British Embassy Helsinki will result in desired close cooperation with UK activities and programs in Finland.5
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.60E/9–960. Secret. Drafted by Burdett and approved by White. Also sent to London.↩
- Document 224.↩
- Document 223.↩
- Telegram 1356 from London, September 15, reported that the Foreign Office had decided to invite Kekkonen to visit the United Kingdom in the near future, probably not before the end of the year. (Department of State, Central Files, 760E.11/9–1560)↩
- In telegram 116 to Helsinki, August 24, the Department of State indicated that anticipated demands on the President’s time, including the election campaign, three State visits scheduled earlier, and the expected attendance of many chiefs of state and heads of government at the fall meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, made a Kekkonen visit unfeasible. (Ibid., 761.11/8–2460)↩
- In telegram 157 to Helsinki, October 14, the Department of State noted that it “would appreciate having report any consultation with British Embassy re our assessment Finnish trends and possible courses action and your own comments.” (Ibid., 611.60E/10–1460) No further documentation on joint U.S.-U.K. consultations on Finland has been found in Department of State files for 1960.↩