191. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for European
Affairs (Elbrick) to
the Under Secretary of State (Herter)0
October 20,
- Special Report on Finland
This special report1
has been prepared as a result of Ambassador Hickerson’s letter of September 152
cautioning against complacency regarding the Finnish political and
economic situation which he stated had definitely deteriorated in recent
Salient Features
The report deals with a recently developed and serious threat to the
basic U.S. objective of maintaining an independent, democratic,
economically healthy, and western-oriented Finland. It concludes that
the present combination of an unprecedented broadly-supported moderate
Government and favorable long-run economic prospects can provide the
best basis for meeting the threat. The report states that substantial
and prompt Western economic assistance—more specifically, U.S.
assistance—would help materially in the present situation both
politically and economically.
Of possible interest in connection with the OCB discussion is our conviction (1) that U.S. security
interests are deeply involved, (2) that there is need for prompt action,
(3) that the Finnish request for a $20 million U.S. loan is reasonable,
and (4) that the Finns can be expected to put U.S. loan assistance to
appropriate use. Given sufficient means and a sense of strong Western
backing, the democratic Finnish forces can be expected to act with
resolution and courage as they did in the critical year of 1948 when
they ousted the Communists from the Government and preserved their
independence in the face of threatening Soviet moves dramatically
exemplified by the Czech coup and the Berlin blockade.
Possible OCB Discussion
Principal controversy has centered on the propriety of making a
recommendation and on what should be included in a recommendation.
[Page 506]
Treasury, which originally
opposed any recommendation, now appears willing to recommend that the
operating agencies promptly reconsider the Finnish problem. Budget and
Treasury in particular have questioned the propriety of including
specific amounts and sources of possible U.S. assistance to Finland;
ICA’s is that provision for a $10
million loan to Finland can be made in FY
1959 only in a supplemental MSP
appropriation request. Defense has yet to decide whether it is agreeable
to the proposed local currency loan out of the proceeds of the FY 1958 PL
480 program; such a loan would involve a reallocation of PL 480 finnmarks, part of which were
originally set aside for a U.S. military family housing project. State
feels that to deal promptly with the immediate problem, and in the light
of other requirements, it is practicable to meet Finnish requests for
U.S. aid at this time only in part, while CIA and USIA feel that the
U.S. can and should provide the full amount asked by Finland
Clearances have been obtained from IO, P,
W/MSC, INR, and E. Since no one is
present in the office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs who is
qualified to give W clearance, you are
asked to clear for W. In a September 19
memorandum to Mr. Smith,3ICA, Mr. Dillon listed $10 million for Finland
as a “possible requirement.” He defined this category as follows: “In
this category are listed those requirements which are recognized as
possible claims on available funds, but are considered not at this time
to be sufficiently firm or to have sufficiently high priority to be
listed in the other columns. In view of the shortage of reserve funds
this year, it is highly unlikely that any of these requirements can be
met. However, proposals for funding any requirements now reflected in
the ‘possible’ column, but considered later to have high priority, may
be submitted to me (or the Under Secretary in my absence) with
supporting justification.” At the time he prepared this memorandum, Mr.
Dillon had not seen
Ambassador Hickerson’s letter of
September 15.
That you urge the Board to concur in the State recommendations described
in the report.
[Page 507]
- 1.
- Finland’s postwar history appears to have reached a critical
stage. The country is faced with both new opportunities and
serious dangers at a time when the political and economic
situation is temporarily stabilized.
- 2.
- The inflationary problem that plagued Finland for years is now
apparently under reasonable control. The country’s finances are
currently in the hands of conservative elements. The downward
trend in economic activity during the past two years seems to
have slowed and may be coming to an end. Finnish foreign trade
is expected to show an export surplus this year. With an
eventual economic revival anticipated in Western Europe,
Finland’s long-run prospects appear favorable.
- 3.
- On the other hand, the volume of domestic and foreign trade,
production, and consumption and investment are all below the
level of last year. A large export surplus in trade with the
USSR has developed, the
Finns having accumulated a balance of 168 million rubles ($42
million) by the end of August, an amount representing almost 70%
of Finnish imports from the Soviet Union during the first half
of 1958. Unemployment, which has been increasing for the last
three years, is now rising steeply by Finnish standards and is
expected to reach record levels this coming winter. There is no
present prospect of a resurgence of economic activity in the
next few months which would stimulate a rise in production,
absorbing a significant part of the unemployed.
- 4.
- At the end of August, after weeks of extremely difficult
negotiations, the Finns resolved the immediate political crisis
by forming an unprecedented 5-party Cabinet with broader
parliamentary support than any previous postwar democratic
coalition. The most disruptive elements—the Communists and
dissident Social Democratic splinter group—are excluded from the
Government. The Conservatives hold Cabinet positions for the
first time since the war. The Social Democratic and Agrarian
Cabinet Ministers generally represent the moderate elements of
their respective parties. By their actions the democratic
[Page 508]
demonstrated at least a temporary willingness to compose the
deep political differences that have repeatedly frustrated
efforts to establish long-term political and economic stability
in the past. The Finns thus have a new opportunity to diminish
bitter domestic strife, to develop more lasting and consistent
national policies, and thereby to establish a sounder basis for
the survival of democratic institutions.
- 5.
- However, political differences among the Government parties
are merely submerged, not eliminated. The Agrarian Party,
perhaps the most sensitive and unstable element in the Cabinet,
was divided on the issue of taking Government posts. The Social
Democrats and Agrarians are bitter competitors for rural labor
support and both share suspicion toward the Conservatives. The
Social Democrats are not only badly split, but they are highly
vulnerable because of their governmental collaboration with the
- 6.
- Moreover, the Communist challenge is more threatening than at
any time in the past ten years. In the July elections the
Finnish Communists won the greatest popular support since 1945
(see Annex B).5 There
has been unusually widespread consideration given to Communist
participation in the Government. The Soviet Union has
demonstrated its clear dissatisfaction with the present
Government by harsh press criticism, by delaying trade talks and
discussion of the proffered ruble loan by holding up various
other economic negotiations, and by precipitately withdrawing
and reassigning its Soviet Ambassador.
- 7.
- It is most unlikely that the Communist challenge can be met
and the sharp intra-governmental differences kept below the
surface unless the Cabinet can attain reasonable success in
dealing with the nation’s economic difficulties which are the
focus of political contention. Although the Government faces
grave problems in balancing the budget and in revision of the
farm income law, the problem of unemployment is the central
political issue. While unemployment in Finland has perhaps not
yet reached levels which would be considered especially
dangerous in some other countries, in the Finnish case it has
critical political implications, particularly because of its
concentration in the underdeveloped northern regions of the
country. It is in this area that the major political
parties—Communists, Social Democrats and Agrarians—carry on
their keenest competition. The Social Democrats and Agrarians
insist that the Government attempt to deal with this problem by
whatever means are available and at almost any cost. Immediate
political necessity, as they see it, will require prompt
remedial action.
- 8.
- In the long-term development of their economy the Finns
envision a major investment program based to a large extent on
foreign loans. As sources of these loans they would look to the
IBRD, the United States,
Western Europe and, as a last resort, to the Soviet Union.
Private capital also represents a possible source of assistance,
but thus far has not been attracted to Finland. (See Annex
- 9.
- On July 2, 1958, Finland requested a $30 million loan from the
U.S. as a component of an estimated $50–$60 million in long-term
low-interest foreign loans which the Bank of Finland felt the
country needed and could absorb and service efficiently. A
second component of roughly $20 million was expected from the
IBRD. As a consequence of
the apparent willingness of the IBRD to consider a loan in excess of the tentative
$20 million originally contemplated, the Finnish request to the
U.S. has been scaled down to $20 million, a part of which could
be in local currency.
- 10.
- The prospective IBRD loan
will be devoted to the expansion of wood product industries,
while a U.S. loan would be for hydro-electric development and
the extension of credits to small industries. The great bulk of
the economic development based on these loans would take place
in the underdeveloped region of northern Finland. It is expected
that such development would make an important contribution to
the expansion of export capacity to the West, to the eventual
resolution of current economic difficulties, and to the
establishment of greater political stability.
- 11.
- If the Government loses its opportunity to establish a basis
for long-run stability in the framework of Finland’s present
independence and Western orientation, there is grave danger that
intense political conflict among the several democratic groups
will break out anew and return Finland to the disturbed economic
and political condition that has marked its postwar history. In
the event of the Government’s collapse in the near future, there
is strong probability that its successor would include the
Communists. The inclination to solve pressing economic problems
and carry out industrial expansion by inflationary measures and
the inefficient use of resources would increase; the pressure
for closer economic ties to the USSR would inevitably mount.
- 12.
- The present fortuitous combination of a broadly-supported
moderate Government and favorable long-run economic prospects
can provide the best basis for meeting an increased threat to
the U.S. objective
[Page 510]
“continuance of an independent, economically healthy, and
democratic Finland, basically oriented to the West (but with no
attempts to incorporate Finland in a Western coalition), neither
subject to undue reliance on Soviet bloc trade nor vulnerable to
Soviet economic pressures” (NSC
- 13.
- Substantial and prompt Western economic assistance would help
materially in meeting the threat. A major portion of that
assistance will be forthcoming from the IBRD, but Finland has requested an additional
amount for which political considerations indicate a need.
Finland’s excellent credit record reflects a conservatism and
scrupulousness in matters of this kind which make it unlikely
that the Finns would borrow more than they can service. The
Finns are looking to the U.S. as a principal source of the
additional amount they desire and do not consider
presently-available high-interest medium term credit from
private West European sources as a satisfactory
- 14.
- While U.S. aid at this time cannot be expected to solve the
immediate unemployment problem, it would have a major political
and psychological impact by demonstrating to the Finns that they
can rely on Western support when needed, thereby strengthening
the democratic forces and, if given promptly, considerably
improving the chances for survival of the present Government,
the preservation of which is clearly in the interest of the
United States. Moreover, in conjunction with IBRD assistance, it would provide
long-term economic benefits. Finally, it would afford the
Government an opportunity to settle for token assistance from
the Soviet Union.
State Department
- 15.
- In the light of the above, the U.S. Government should make
every effort to ensure that current Finnish requests for loans
from the U.S. and the IBRD are
met as fully and as promptly as practicable. (CIA and USIA concur; ICA,
Treasury and Defense reserve.)
- 16.
Taking into account other U.S. requirements, it is
considered practicable to meet the Finnish request for U.S.
governmental loan assistance at this time only in part as
- a.
- by an immediate Finnmark loan of the equivalent of
$3 million to be funded from the proceeds of the
FY 1958 PL 480 program; and
- b.
- by a dollar loan of $10 million to be funded in
FY 1959 if during
the course of the fiscal year it develops that
MSP funds can be
made available for this purpose. (State will
recommend to the President that any necessary funds
for this purpose be included in any Congressional
presentation of an FY
1959 supplemental MSP appropriation request.) (CIA concurs; USIA concurs with the
following substitution for b.: “b. by an immediate
dollar loan of $10 million”; Treasury, ICA and Defense
[Page 511]
- (a)
- State has surveyed all possible alternative
courses of action but has found no other practicable
means of meeting immediate needs.
- (b)
- It is the opinion of our Ambassador in Helsinki
that the promptest possible action is required; that
the proposed partial response in paragraph 16 to the
Finnish request may be adequate to meet the
immediate political dangers; that the situation is
critical and should remain under close scrutiny, and
that continuing consideration should be given to the
need for additional loan assistance.
- 17.
- The U.S. Government should also make every effort to encourage
other Western sources to provide loans to Finland to meet
further Finnish credit requirements. (All agencies