168. Memorandum of Conversation0



July 17–20, 1960

[Here follows the same list of participants as Document 164.]


  • Algeria

President Tito noted that the Algerians had for years engaged forces in a fight for freedom, but this whole question still is not resolved. [Page 454] He indicated that he understood that the US and the UK are allies to France, but he argued that the Algerian problem is a world problem and that the UN will not be able to avoid responsibility for this question. He knew of and appreciated De Gaulle’s initiative and efforts to resolve the problem but there were other forces in France working against De Gaulle. He emphasized that the situation must not be allowed to drift. Mr. Dillon asked what specifically did Tito suggest. President Tito replied that the problem will have to come to the UN and the solution found there.

Mr. Dillon stated that we want to settle the problem and we desire that the Algerian people decide their future for themselves. De Gaulle had taken the same position, but the situation remains difficult. Mr. Dillon stated that we were pleased when the talks started and very much disappointed when they ran into obstacles. President Tito stated that one thing we can do is advise the French. Mr. Dillon indicated that we had done so and were prepared to continue to do so, but he stressed that it was undesirable to provide such advice publicly.

At this point President Tito adjourned the discussion for luncheon, thanking Mr. Dillon for the clearness and frankness of his remarks, particularly on Cuba which gave him a better understanding of that situation. There was no substantive discussion during lunch.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1274. Confidential. The drafting officer is not indicated; approved by Dillon on July 21. The meeting was held in Tito’s villa. See also Documents 164167.