366. Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State0
2729. Department for Mr. Murphy. Adenauer has addressed letter to chairman CDU Bundestag faction saying that he will not run for presidency but will remain Chancellor.1 Letter allegedly says this decision reached in light Geneva discussions and views of American Government made known to him on recent visit there.2 Adenauer met with [Page 849] Executive Committee CDU/CSU Bundestag faction this morning and he reaffirmed this position saying specifically again his decision based on views President Eisenhower that it important he remain actively at helm Federal Government especially in difficult period international negotiations ahead. Chancellor is now in meeting with Cabinet and will lead special faction meeting at one o’clock. It has not yet been possible reach faction leaders but Rasner, CDU whip who took part Executive Committee meeting this morning but did not have time discuss in detail, said “Chancellor remains Chancellor and Party. Chairman and his decision is firm and will remain so.”
There is unprecedented confusion and discouragement throughout CSU/DU faction where Adenauer’s tactics are considered embarrassing and clumsy. Even among those at lower levels completely devoted Adenauer policies most frequent remark is that “this is case for psychiatrist.” CSU leaders especially, but also others, express concern that Adenauer will have lost respect and authority in party, that stability and orderliness Federal Republic politics and CDU will be questioned everywhere abroad. Nevertheless, Adenauer is reported to have said to von Hassel who warned against these consequences that there would indeed be uproar but it would die down in few days. At least one CSU deputy, Kemmer, added that Adenauer’s popularity remains unweakened and public would continue willing accept his decision as wise and necessary in any case.
Adenauer letter to faction proposed Etzel as presidential candidate and much of irritation in CDU is being directed at him for willingness be party to such disruptive measures. There are conflicting reports about his acceptance of nomination but it is widely believed he has agreed on condition faction willing. Whether this will be case will probably be determined this afternoon.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 762A.11/6–559. Confidential. Repeated to Paris, London, and Geneva.↩
- Presumably the letter in Adenauer, Erinnerungen, pp. 548–550.↩
- See footnote 1, Document 338.↩