199. Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Herter to President
March 4,
- Berlin Contingency Planning
When Secretary Dulles and others
discussed Berlin contingency planning with you on January 29,1
the application of additional military force was reserved for
governmental decision in the event that an initial probe followed by
other measures proved unsuccessful.
Though decision is reserved, the need for advance planning is evident,
and the Department of State has been examining alternative
possibilities. Short of general war, these appear to be two. One is the
use of substantial force to attempt to reopen passage to Berlin. The
other, a pacific counter-blockade, supplemented perhaps by other forms
of naval reprisal, seems on preliminary examination to merit careful
study also. There is attached a memorandum on this subject prepared in
the State Department.
Pacific blockade is considered an act of reprisal rather than an act of
war. By applying this concept to Berlin situation, we might frame a
strategy which would counter interference with Western access not by
invading East Germany, where we would be at a disadvantage, but by
action at sea where the USSR would be at a disadvantage. We might, for
example, control Soviet and East German shipping at the entrances to the
Baltic and the Black Sea. The control could assume various degrees of
stringency, in case the USSR should use gradual tactics over Berlin. It
could be extended to other principal ports in the North and Far East if
desired, and it could be supplemented by seizing ships on the high
While such a course of action, like its alternative, raises serious
problems, it has such apparent advantages that I believe it worth very
careful study. I therefore suggest that you direct that the Department
of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff report urgently on United States
capabilities for naval reprisals, including counter-blockade, in
connection with Berlin contingency planning.
[Page 414]
Paper Prepared by George A.
Morgan of the Policy Planning Staff
March 3,
- 1.
- There are two basic issues which confront us in contingency
planning for Berlin:
- (a)
- at what stage and over what issue to threaten and, if
necessary, use force;
- (b)
- what type of force to use.
- 2.
- This memorandum addresses the second of these issues. It
proposes in particular the study of a type of force which could
be used as an alternative to substantial ground action in East
Germany or immediate initiation of general war. It does not
address the question of defining the point at which the proposed
type of force should be used, but it does suggest that the
threat to use it would decrease the likelihood of such a point
being reached.
- 3.
- In challenging the West on Berlin, the USSR is relying on two
circumstances in particular: first, the only way the West can
maintain access is by crossing territory under effective
communist control and, second, it is far easier to deny than to
maintain such access by localized military action. It is thus
clear that local use of force by Western powers cannot of itself
be an effective counter to the proposed Soviet line of action,
hence that its significance would consist wholly in the implied
threat of imminent general war. Yet it is precisely the immense
psychological gap between pinpoint Berlin situation and global
reaction that has made it difficult to win Allied commitment to
this step, makes Allied unanimity uncertain when faced with the
ultimate decision, and therefore encourages Soviet
- 4.
- We need accordingly to look beyond Berlin to see if there is
not some other way in which we can more effectively deter or
counter Soviet interference with Western access. One way might
be the application of seapower which served us so well over
Lebanon and Quemoy. In
[Page 415]
seapower the balance of general military advantage is with us,
not with the USSR, and by its use we should be able to pick
situations where the balance of local advantage would also be in
our favor.
The Concept of Graduated Pacific
- 5.
- Some form of counter-blockade would seem to be the most
logical use of seapower in relation to Berlin, since what is
threatened against us in Berlin amounts to a blockade. It should
be considered a pacific counter-blockade since it would be
intended as a reprisal rather than an act of war. As Soviet or
East German interference with our access might begin gradually,
it would be desirable to plan wide flexibility in both degree
and scope. Suitable points at which to control shipping might be
at the entrances to the Baltic and the Black Sea, and the degree
of control might vary with the degree of interference with our
access to Berlin. The blockade could be extended to the
principal ports in the north and far east if desired. It might
be applied to all Soviet and East German shipping, or to vessels
to and from one or more specific ports. It could also be
supplemented by seizing ships on the high seas by way of
reprisal, or by other measures such as a trade embargo.
- 6.
- If in the end any new agreements or implicit understandings
were reached concerning Berlin, the continuing possibility and
perhaps explicit threat of pacific counter-blockade might
provide useful insurance against further Soviet bad faith or
East German nibbling at our position.
Advantages as a Deterrent
- 7.
- The USSR would know counter-blockade to be a course of action
well within our capabilities, on terms relatively advantageous
to us and therefore not suspect of bluffing. The recent incident
when we boarded a Soviet trawler believed to have cut
cables3 illustrates for their benefit the
decisiveness of US action in this sphere.
- 8.
A strategy of counter-blockade would be a rational and
symmetrical response to wrongful use of force against us,
thereby appealing to the poplar sense of justice, and it
would tend to place on the USSR the chief onus for extending
the conflict into open hostilities if that occurred. It
should therefore be more acceptable to NATO and to Western public
opinion than using substantial force to try to open a
passage to Berlin. It would be a course of action in which
the French and British could fully participate, and their
efforts could be supplemented by some or all other NATO powers as a token of
solidarity. Moreover it would be capable of adoption at an
early date, at least for purposes of planning and
[Page 416]
To enhance its deterrent value we should probably wish to let
the USSR know our intentions, privately if not publicly,
well in advance. It should thus confront the USSR with the
prospect of full and continuing Allied unanimity on a vital
aspect of the question of using force over
- 9.
- Counter-blockade would help to bridge the psychological gap
between Berlin and our global deterrent. It would involve
operations on an extensive scale, from which the transition to a
global strike would be credible alike to friend and foe if it
appeared to be in the US interest.
Advantages if Implemented
- 10.
- In addition to several advantages already mentioned,
counterblockade if implemented would inflict serious
psychological and political damage on the USSR, and it could not
be broken without grave risk of general war, for which the USSR
would bear the main onus. It would therefore give the USSR
substantial inducement to come to terms. The psychological and
political inducement would be supplemented by significant
economic losses, the probable amount of which should be the
subject of further study.
- 11.
- Counter-blockade would afford time and a sound basis for
further negotiations, rather than precipitating a rapid
showdown. We would be under no compulsion to make concessions
without counter-concessions. We would be in a relatively
favorable position with world opinion, which would be drawn away
from confusing details about Berlin traffic control and focussed
on the big picture.
- 12.
- Counter-blockade would wear well in case of UN intervention. The UN could hardly ask one side to back
down more than the other, and any foot-dragging by the USSR
could be matched by us.
Possible Objections
- 13.
- While the present memorandum is only an initial not a
definitive study, some objections which readily arise may be
considered briefly.
- 14.
- Counter-blockade might be considered unduly provocative,
especially since blockade is traditionally considered an act of
war and the concept of pacific blockade is not familiar to the
general public. But our actual interference with communist
shipping would be proportionate to the interference with Western
access to Berlin, hence a just response rather than a
provocation. In any case in the light of Khrushchev’s flat statements it
would probably seem less provocative than invasion of East
Germany—the only alternative resort to force so far
- 15.
- The communists might extend the Berlin blockade to civilian
traffic, or even seize West Berlin. But we would have at our
disposal appropriate counter-measures, including seizing all
communist shipping
[Page 417]
extending our counter-blockade, or deciding this meant general
war. If Western troops were captured and held as hostages, we
could likewise imprison all personnel of ships we seized.
- 16.
- West Berlin could not hold out indefinitely, and the USSR
might simply sit tight until Berlin collapsed. It is true that
the USSR could physically stand our counter-blockade
indefinitely. But whatever the economic losses involved, the
USSR would doubtless find the situation very humiliating to its
prestige. Meanwhile the pressure of world opinion, both direct
and through the UN, would mount
strongly in favor of a settlement. As for Berlin, the stockpiles
should enable the city to hold out physically for some months,
which should be adequate. The key question would be morale, but
that also should respond on the whole favorably to a vigorous
stand by the West like counter-blockade. Something might also be
done about morale on the other side, as the tense situation
could easily bring anti-communist feelings in East Germany to
the boiling point.
- 17.
- The USSR might well react with mine sweeping if our blockade
used mines, with submarine attacks on our shipping, or plane and
submarine attacks on our blockading vessels, conduct mine
warfare against them, or try to force the blockade by naval
escort of merchant ships. But in that event they would bear the
responsibility of taking additional military measures, and we
would retain the option of fighting back in a type of
hostilities which would be more advantageous to us than local
ground fighting and less dangerous than immediate resort to
general war.
The possibility of naval reprisals, particularly in the form of
pacific counter-blockade, has enough apparent promise to justify
careful study.