10. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at Berlin0

479. Berlin’s 968.1 Dept has forwarded by pouch copies four memos of discussions political and economic questions2 with Brandt during latter’s visit here. Brandt meeting with Secretary reported USIA wireless file Feb 10.

Highlights of discussions:

Berlin aid: Brandt informed levels proposed FY 1959 aid. Aid discussions here dealt largely with his plans for Technical University and American hospital but general discussions also touched on other aspects of aid. Instruction follows.

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Budget support: Brandt said he does not expect serious trouble GFY beginning Apr 1 but believes increasing Fed budget deficit in later years may lead to situation requiring common discussion of financial support problem by FedRep, Berlin and Allies. Said his recent statement recalling Allied interest in Berlin’s financial situation had been misinterpreted in some quarters, for he had no intention put pressure on FedRep by appealing to Allies to intervene in this year’s budget discussions.

Reaffirmation of guarantee: Following from press release Feb 10: “Secretary of State assured Mayor that in view city’s unique position and its significance to rest of world, Berlin is of deep concern to United States. Moreover, security and welfare of city and its continued progress are of direct interest to this Government as stated on many occasions in past. Secretary of State emphasized in particular policy of this Government to assure unimpaired access for both persons and goods to and from Berlin as guaranteed in New York and Paris Four-Power agreements.”3 In another meeting, Brandt described Kroeger article4 as SED-inspired attempt embolden Soviets take such action as further harassment Allied access and said it would be useful have assistance in form Western rebuttal. In all speeches Brandt emphasized Berlin and FedRep must be associated with West in position of strength (though he did not use words “position of strength”) as prerequisite to successful dealings with Soviets.

Voting rights: Brandt reiterated demand for limited voting rights in Fed Parliament but declared further discussions between Bonn and Berlin necessary before matter raised again with Allied Ambassadors.

Brandt visit here successful in every respect. He met President, Vice President, Secretary, Secretary of Defense, Senators, and State and Defense officials. Exchanges of views were frank and cordial, and we believe Brandt very satisfied re continuing American interest in and support for Berlin.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.62A11/2–1758. Limited Official Use. Drafted by McKiernan, cleared by Creel and Eleanor Dulles, and approved by Lisle. Repeated to Bonn.
  2. Telegram 968, February 17, asked for a summary of the highlights of Brandt’s visit. (Ibid.)
  3. Only three memoranda of conversation have been found in Department of State files: Documents 79.
  4. For text of this press release, see Department of State Bulletin, March 3, 1958, p. 329.
  5. Reference is to Herbert Kroeger’s article, “Zu einigen Fragen des staatsrechtlichen Status von Berlin,” in Deutsche Aussenpolitik, January 1958, pp. 10–26.
  6. Similar reactions were reported in the West German press following Brandt’s return to Berlin.