329. Memorandum of Conversation0
- Spain’s Position in World Affairs; Treatment of Protestants in Spain
[Here follows the same list of participants as Document 328.]
The Foreign Minister spoke of Spain’s enforced isolation following World War II and expressed his country’s gratitude to the United States for what it had done since 1951 and especially since 1953 to restore Spain to a position of respect among nations. His country was now able to follow a more relaxed policy than it could before 1951. The Foreign Minister commented that pride and stubbornness were Spanish characteristics; the Spanish jackass was every bit as stubborn as the Missouri mule. When put under duress, the Spaniard refuses to act or does the opposite of what he is being urged to do. With regard to improving the condition of Spanish Protestants, the Minister said that if the new measures were to be adopted, it must be evident that Spain was adopting them voluntarily rather than acting under pressure from any outside source.
- Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1616. Confidential. Drafted by Starrs and approved in M on April 5. See also Documents 328 and 330–331.↩