98. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State 0

Secun 3. Following message for the President from the Under Secretary:

“January 14, 1960.

Dear Mr. President:

After a long and tedious session which terminated at 1:20 Thursday morning1 agreement was obtained in the Special Economic Committee on all the objectives sought by the United States, namely (1) a workable procedure for the reorganization of the OEEC which could lead to full U.S. participation, (2) the establishment of a working committee, including the U.S. and Canada, to discuss the trade problems of the Six and Seven, and (3) the establishment of a small group of capital exporting countries to better coordinate procedures for assistance to less developed countries.

[4 lines of source text not declassified] While the British, led by Heath-coat Amory, were in agreement with our objectives throughout, they apparently found their hands tied by their association with their partners in the Outer Seven. [6 lines of source text not declassified]

Other highlights of the meeting were the restrained and exceedingly capable performance of Couve de Murville for France, the excellent leadership provided by Dutch Foreign Minister Luns (who served as chairman of the meeting), and the effective and full support which we received from the Canadians.

Today the report of the 13 governments on the Special Committee will go before the 20 member governments of OEEC. Some static can be expected from those countries who were not present at our meeting yesterday but if, as I expect, the report of the 13 is approved,2 we should be well started down the road to an important long term strengthening of the Western economic position.

Faithfully yours, Douglas Dillon.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 374.800/1–1460. Confidential; Niact.
  2. The second day of meetings of the Special Economic Committee which began on the morning of January 13.
  3. Reference is to the three resolutions of the Special Economic Committee that were presented to the OEEC Ministerial Meeting and approved; see Document 95.