42. Telegram From the Mission at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations to the Department of State0

Polto 1695. Department pass Treasury. Subject: Report on OEEC Ministerial Meeting, December 15, 1959—morning session.

In moderate opening statement, Maudling emphasized CIG progress in finding common ground despite points of principle still not agreed. Admitted failure achieve Free Trade Area Agreement by designated [Page 82] date. In his view, current need is Council reaffirmation of “political will” to secure multilateral association between Six and remaining members of OEEC.
Conciliatory tone set by Maudling characterized morning session, with obvious desire by both Six and Eleven to avoid dramatization of January 1 as breakdown of negotiations.
Sweden (Lange) thought that Ministerial Council should: (1) Reaffirm Council resolution of October 17, 1957;1 (2) Agree to negotiate for multilateral association of Six and Eleven within framework of OEEC; (3) Agree to meet again on April 1, 1959 (Norway and Denmark supported Swedish proposal); and no one objected (thus suggesting prior agreement of Eleven).
France (Couve de Murville), speaking for Six, met Swedish initiative with draft proposal reaffirming Council’s intent to secure a multilateral association within the framework of the OEEC and to meet again at ministerial level at unspecified date to be settled in afternoon session.
Expect that afternoon session will bring out differences between Six and Eleven.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 840.00/12–1558. Official Use Only; Priority. Pouched to the OEEC capitals.
  2. See footnote 1, Document 8.