109. Editorial Note

The first meeting of the Development Assistance Group was held in Washington, March 9–11. Japan, Belgium, Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Portugal, the EEC, the United Kingdom, and the United States were represented at the meeting. Discussions of the objectives of the group took place. A second meeting of the DAG was held in Bonn July 5–7. The Netherlands joined the DAG for discussions which centered on the forms of credit which the industrialized nations should extend to the underdeveloped states. A third meeting of the DAG took place in Washington October 3–5. Discussions centered around technical assistance for economic development policies and planning, the operations of capital lending institutions, the roles of national and international organizations in providing aid, and the coordination of pre-investment technical assistance activities. The Development Assistance Group became part of the OECD after the conclusion of the convention of December 14. Documentation on the DAG is in Department of State, EUR/RPE Files: Lot 62 D 754, Development Assistance Group.