77. Memorandum From the Secretary of State to the President1
- Latin American Press Comment on Your Tour
- Latin American press coverage on your tour of South America emphasized the benefit to hemisphere relations through first-hand knowledge of the area gained by you as Chief Executive of the United States.
Other frequent themes stressed your personal success, as reflected in terms such as “apostle of peace” and “dedication to the reaffirmation of peace.” Front page treatment was heavy in most countries, even though not included in your itinerary.
Editorial treatment, particularly in the four countries visited, viewed your tour as a demonstration of renewed interest in Latin America by the United States and greater importance placed by the United States in its relations with the area.
Stories distributed by Prensa Latina, the Cuban government-controlled wire service, were uniformly negative in emphasizing events of minor importance that suited their line. Some newspapers took editorial issue with this derogatory treatment of your trip.
Comment of government officials was laudatory although a few qualified their remarks with the proviso that the high hopes raised should be followed by action to solve the many problems facing Latin America.
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles-Herter Series. The source text bears the President’s initials.↩