69. Message From the Secretary of State to the President, at New Delhi1

Dear Mr. President: I have reviewed possible dates for six to seven day South American trip and feel that the first week in February is the most suitable. We have also canvassed possible repercussions from such a trip being confined to four countries only and are convinced that while there will be inevitable disappointment in other countries at your inability to visit them, nevertheless there would be general understanding of your confining your trip to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

If you approve of this time schedule, we will begin to sound out the countries concerned as to suitability of these dates for your visit.

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I sincerely hope that you have not found your present trip too severe a physical strain. The unanimous opinion here is that it has been an extraordinary success to date and of inestimable value to the United States. We are all praying for its continued success.


  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.11–EI/12–959. Secret. Transmitted to New Delhi in Tomur 13, which is the source text. Tomur 13 was drafted by Herter; cleared with Rubottom, John A. Calhoun, and G. Frederick Reinhardt, and initialed by Herter.
  2. Tomur 13 bears this typed signature.