260. Editorial Note
In a memorandum of November 20, John A. Birch, Chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements, recommended that President Eisenhower approve the results of tariff renegotiations with Brazil establishing a new schedule of Brazilian tariff concessions under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. (Department of State, Central Files, 411.3241/11–2058) The renegotiations had been conducted pursuant to a decision of November 16, 1956, by the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement, authorizing Brazil to put into effect a new and generally higher tariff, subject to Brazil’s undertaking to negotiate with interested Contracting Parties a new schedule of Brazilian tariff concessions under the General Agreement. On December 17, President Eisenhower approved the results of the U.S. negotiations with Brazil. For the Protocol Relating to the Negotiations for the Establishment of a New Schedule III—Brazil—to the General Agreement of October 30, 1947, done at Geneva December 31, 1958, entered into force for the United States February 7, 1969, see 20 UST (pt. 2) 2407; for the Procès-Verbal Containing Schedules (Brazil and the United States) To Be Annexed to the Protocol, done at Geneva February 10, 1959, entered into force for the United States, February 7, 1969, see 20 UST (pt. 2) 2458.