11. National Security Council Report1
NSC 5902/1
Washington, February 16,
1. Latin American plays a key role in the security of the United States. In
the face of the anticipated prolonged threat from Communist expansionism,
the United States must rely heavily on the moral and political support of
Latin America for U.S. policies designed to counter
[Page 92]
this threat. A defection by any significant number of
Latin American countries to the ranks of neutralism, or the exercise of a
controlling Communist influence over their governments, would seriously
impair the ability of the United States to exercise effective leadership of
the Free World, particularly in the UN, and
constitute a blow to U.S. prestige. Apart from the Communist threat, the
long term security of the United States requires the maintenance of
harmonious relations with the other American Republics, whose rapidly
growing population and expanding economies will make them of increasing
2. Latin America is and must be dealt with primarily as an underdeveloped
area. Its peoples’ aspirations for higher living standards, more
industrialization and popularly-based governments are rising more rapidly
than they are being satisfied. Although the area as a whole has averaged an
encouraging annual rate of growth of over 4 percent in gross national
product, much of the gain is offset by the explosive growth of
population—the Free World’s highest—which it is estimated will increase
Latin America’s population of approximately 190 million at present to some
500 million by the year 2000. Growth in per capita gross national product
has been on the order of 2–2.5 percent, but is unevenly distributed so that
in many areas urban living standards are showing a tendency to stagnate.
Despite a recent general trend away from dictatorships, the area generally
has not yet established stable, representative governments or orderly
constitutional processes. Discontent with the rate of economic and political
progress is basic to present Latin American attitudes toward the United
3. Latin Americans look to the United States for encouragement and concrete
support for the achievement of their economic and political objectives.
Strongly nationalistic, they focus their interests on their own internal
problems. Their responsiveness to U.S. leadership in world affairs is
conditioned more by their assessment of the degree of positive interest in
these objectives than by their own appreciation of the threat of Sino-Soviet
power or of Communist infiltration, which they tend to view as remote from
their affairs.
4. A key problem in U.S.-Latin American relationships is psychological. Latin
American attitudes towards the United States have deteriorated somewhat from
the high point achieved during World War II. Contributing to this are: the
feeling of Latin Americans that the United States has neglected them while
devoting attention and resources to more distant areas in order to combat
Communism, the tendency of Latin Americans to shift to the United States the
blame for lack of satisfactory progress, and the growth of nationalism
characteristic of underdeveloped areas but especially directed towards the
United States in Latin America because of the U.S.’s dominant economic,
military and political position in the hemisphere. A series of
misconceptions about the United States and its policies have gained currency
[Page 93]
and constitute a serious
impediment to better relations. As a result, what we do may be no more
important to the achievement of our objectives than how we do it.
5. Nevertheless the situation in Latin America is more favorable to
attainment of U.S. objectives than in other major underdeveloped areas.
Alone of the underdeveloped areas, it shares our Western cultural,
religious, and historical heritage and emerged from European colonialism
over a century ago. None of the Latin American nations faces an immediate
threat of overt Communist aggression or takeover. Consequently, in
comparison with other underdeveloped countries, defense and internal
security need not constitute as great a charge on Latin American energies
and resources, leaving them relatively more free to concentrate
constructively on strengthening their economies and political
6. On the other hand, we must reckon with the likelihood of a much more
intensive Bloc political and economic effort in Latin America. The
Communists have at present limited capabilities there, but are utilizing
their resources vigorously and intelligently. Their immediate objectives are
to disrupt friendly relations with the United States and to promote
neutralist foreign policies. Latin American Communist parties have sought
with mixed success to de-emphasize their revolutionary aims and to align
themselves and work with all elements actually or potentially hostile to the
United States in an effort to influence Latin American governments to
disengage themselves from U.S. leadership. At the same time, the Sino-Soviet
bloc is complementing the efforts of the local Communist parties by a
growing economic, cultural, and propaganda effort designed to hold out
inducements for a more impartial position in East-West affairs and to
portray the United States as the major obstacle to Latin American progress.
The effective countering of this effort, by constructive policies as well as
by more direct anti-Communist measures, must be an increasingly important
element of U.S. Latin American policies.
7. Greater friendship, mutual respect and sense of interdependence among
governments and peoples of the American Republics.
8. Greater Latin American understanding and support of U.S. world policies as
well as greater recognition of the constructive U.S. interest in Latin
American aspirations.
9. Sound and growing economies capable of providing rising living standards
within the general framework of a free enterprise system.
[Page 94]
10. Increased flow of U.S. and other Free World investment capital to Latin
America, and increased trade among Latin American countries and between them
and the United States and other Free World countries.
11. Evolutionary development of democratic governments supported by stable
political, economic and social institutions compatible with, though not
necessarily identical with, those of the United States.
12. Maximum limitation of Communist and Sino-Soviet bloc influence and
greater awareness of the nature and threat of international Communism in
Latin America.
13. Latin American participation in and support of measures to defend the
hemisphere under U.S. leadership.
14. Adequate production of and access to resources and materials essential to
U.S. security and identification of such resources and skills as may be
capable of making a significant contribution to U.S. recovery in the event
of nuclear attack.
15. Emergence of Latin America as a strong component part of the Western
community of nations.
16. Further development of Western Hemisphere regional cooperation for the
maintenance of peace, regional security and economic and social
Policy Guidance
17. Recognize that, as seen by the Latin Americans, the role and
responsibility of the United States is to provide leadership and assistance
within a framework of hemispheric partnership which will assist Latin
America to achieve political and socio-economic development and sound
18. Conduct U.S. relations with Latin America in full recognition that pride,
disparities of power and standards of living between the United States and
Latin America, population pressures, dependence on one-commodity economies
and U.S. markets, and opportunities for assistance from the Soviet bloc, are
important factors, among others, influencing the present dominant Latin
American attitude that the United States should assume a greater measure of
responsibility in assisting Latin America toward its goals.
19. a. When feasible and possible, associate U.S. policies with the
legitimate aspirations of the Latin American peoples and states, and seek to
assure that they contribute, insofar as possible, to better Latin American
attitudes toward the United States.
[Page 95]
b. In the conduct of relations with Latin America, reflect acceptance by the
United States of a spirit of partnership and equality among the American
Republics and a sympathetic understanding by the United States of the
special problems and interests of Latin America, especially when these
differ from our own.
20. Non-Intervention Policy. Continue to adhere to the
policy of not intervening unilaterally in the internal affairs of the other
American Republics.
[paragraphs 21–a and 21–b (161/2 lines of source text) not
22. Recognition.
- a.
- Recognize all Latin American governments qualifying for recognition
under the accepted criteria of international law (unless a substantial
question should arise with respect to Communist control).
- b.
- Maintain correct diplomatic and other relations with all recognized
governments. Where possible, give special encouragement to those
governments which have a genuinely popular base and are effectively
striving towards the establishment of representative and democratic
governments. Seek to counter any impression that the United States
favors dictatorships, either of the right or the left.
23. Hemispheric Solidarity. Strengthen hemisphere
solidarity by:
- a.
- Strongly supporting and strengthening the OAS, utilizing it whenever feasible as a principal
means of achieving our objectives and as a major forum for
multilateral discussions of political and economic questions
affecting the hemisphere.
- b.
- As may be appropriate, seek to bring the Inter-American Defense
Board into closer relationship with the Council of the OAS and to utilize the Advisory Defense
Committee of the OAS.
- c.
- Obtaining greater understanding and acceptance by Latin American
countries of the inter-relationship of the security of the Western
Hemisphere and the security of other areas of the Free World.
- d.
- Maintaining close liaison with the other American Republics with a
view to maintaining their support for the U.S. position on key
issues arising in the United Nations affecting the security of the
Free World, but: (1) refraining from placing heavy pressure on Latin
American governments on less important issues, and (2) recognizing
the differences between the position of the United States and of
most Latin American states on issues concerning economic assistance
to underdeveloped areas, intervention, and colonialism, among
- e.
- Consulting with Latin American states, whenever possible, before
taking actions which will affect them or for which we wish their
- f.
- Promoting with appropriate Latin American leaders close personal
relationships and encouraging reciprocal visits by appropriate high
government officials and distinguished personages.
- g.
- When feasible, bringing Canada, Puerto Rico (and, as it gains
greater autonomy in foreign affairs, the West-Indian Federation)
into closer relationship with the inter-American system.
24. Maintenance of Peace within the Hemisphere. Take
all practicable measures, within the limitations of the non-intervention
policy, to prevent armed conflicts between states in the Western Hemisphere:
- a.
- Encourage and support actions by the OAS designed to solve peaceably disputes involving, or
likely to involve, armed conflict between American states.
- b.
- Insist that, in accordance with the UN Charter, the OAS has
priority of responsibility over the UN Security Council with respect to threats to peace
arising among the American Republics.
- c.
- Assist American states resisting pressures from their neighbors,
when such pressures are inimical to U.S. interests and to the peace
of the hemisphere.
- d.
- Fulfill U.S. obligations in conjunction with Brazil, Argentina,
and Chile as co-guarantor of the Peruvian-Ecuadoran boundary; work
toward a peaceful settlement of the Nicaraguan-Honduran boundary
dispute; and seek to prevent other boundary and territorial disputes
from developing into threats to the peace and/or a justification for
the maintenance of armaments by the disputants.
25. Canal Zone and Three-Mile Limit.
- a.
- Maintain in force all the rights, power and authority granted the
United States by the Convention of 1903 with Panama, as the basic treaty
covering the status of the Canal Zone; seeking positive means of
diverting Panamanian attention from the Canal problem to economic
- b.
- Unless and until other criteria are accepted, refrain from giving
juridical or de facto recognition to claims by Latin American
governments to sovereignty beyond the three-mile limit and endeavor to
obtain support for or acquiescence in the U.S. position.
26. Colonialism.
- a.
- Encourage acceptance and implementation by the interested European
states of the principle that dependent and colonial peoples in this
hemisphere should progress by orderly processes toward an appropriate
form of self-government.
- b.
- When disputes between American and non-American states over dependent
territories cannot be settled by direct negotiations, encourage peaceful
settlements by other methods available to the parties.
27. Communism.
- a.
- Seek to create greater awareness of the specific threats posed to
Latin America as well as to world security by Communism by (1) exposing,
[1 line of source text not declassified] the
activities of local Communist parties and of the Soviet bloc as they
relate to Latin
[Page 97]
America; and (2)
carrying out, as appropriate, a prudent exchange of information with
Latin American governments on Communist and Communist bloc
- b.
- Obtain maximum recognition by those states which have ratified
Resolution 32 of the Ninth Inter-American Conference at Bogota and/or
Resolution 93 of the Tenth Inter-American Conference at Caracas2 of their continuing obligations
under these articles with respect to Communism.
- c.
- To the extent feasible and under methods and procedures that are
prescribed by the Department of State to guide personnel operating in
the field, encourage individual and collective action by the other
American Republics against Sino-Soviet bloc influence and Communist or
other anti-U.S. subversion, including:
- (1)
- Adoption and enforcement of adequate laws to control Communist
- (2)
- Restriction on the entry, production, and dissemination of
Communist and bloc information and propaganda material.
- (3)
- Restriction on the admission to Latin American countries of
identified Communists and of individuals or groups from the bloc
when the intent is to raise the prestige of Communism and the
Communist countries.
- (4)
- Limitation of trips by Latin American nationals to bloc
countries and to Communist international front meetings.
- (5)
- Prevention of the opening of new diplomatic and consular
establishments by bloc countries and limitation on the size of
the staffs and the activities of existing establishments.
- (6)
- Prevention of direct or indirect trade in strategic materials
with the Sino-Soviet bloc.
- (7)
- Prevention of trade with the bloc (a) on prejudicial terms, or
(b) at levels or in fields which would create damaging
dependence on the bloc or result in a significant bloc influence
over the international actions of the country. Within these
limitations, normally refrain from discouraging Latin American
countries from trading non-strategic surplus commodities to the
European Soviet bloc for consumer goods or other products they
can use.
- (8)
- Rejection of bloc aid in sensitive areas and exclusion of bloc
specialists and technicians.
28. Sanction Against Close Bloc Ties. If a Latin
American state should establish with the Soviet bloc close ties of such a
nature as materially to prejudice our interests, be prepared to diminish or
suspend governmental economic and financial cooperation with that country
and to take any other political, economic or military actions deemed
29. National Leaders. Increase efforts to influence
present and potential political, military and labor leaders, journalists,
radio commentators, educators, and others exercising substantial influence
over the opinion-forming process.
[Page 98]
30. Moderate Leftists. Utilize, as appropriate, the
potential of moderate elements of anti-Communist leftist and/or nationalist
political and labor movements and other groupings as a means of limiting and
countering Communist influence.
31. Opposition Elements. Maintain contact with
elements of the opposition to recognized governments to the extent and at a
level which (a) will not seriously impede the achievement of U.S. objectives
through the recognized government; (b) will not associate the United States
with efforts to overthrow recognized governments by unconstitutional means;
or (c) will not create an impression that the United States supports or
condones the establishment of authoritarian regimes, either rightest or
leftist; these limitations not necessarily to apply to a country in which
there is a reasonable expectation that the government will act in the
interest of Communism.
32. Intellectuals and Students. Devote increased
attention to the development of attitudes favorable to U.S. policy
objectives among the Latin American teaching profession, students and
intellectuals by such means as (a) exchange programs specifically designed
to influence attitudes in educational systems; (b) cultural, sports and
information programs specifically planned to enhance U.S. prestige among
such groups; (c) encouraging private U.S. organizations capable of
increasing their efforts in these and related fields; and (d) encouraging
other Free World governments, groups and individuals to supplement U.S.
efforts in these respects.
33. Labor.
- a.
- Encourage non-Communist labor organizations.
- b.
- Encourage U.S. labor organizations to carry out sound programs
designed to strengthen free labor in Latin America.
- c.
- Encourage and support the training of anti-Communist labor leaders in
the United States and other countries of the hemisphere.
- d.
- Encourage, as may be appropriate in individual countries, the
activities of the Organizacion Regional
Inter-Americana de Trabajadores (ORIT) and other Free World labor organizations.
- e.
- In the employment of local labor by the U.S. Government pursue
exemplary labor practices and encourage such practices on the part of
private U.S. employers.
- f.
- Encourage Latin American countries to increase incentives tending to
influence labor toward a democratic system based on free
- g.
- As may be appropriate, encourage and/or conduct labor information
activities designed to counteract Communist infiltration in labor
organizations and to assist them in learning the purposes and methods of
free trade union organization.
[Page 99]
Internal Security
34. Proceed as feasible in selected countries with the implementation of the
program for strengthening the capabilities of the local public safety forces
and activities necessary to maintain internal security and to render
ineffective the Communist apparatus, but take into account the dangers of
U.S. association with local public safety forces which adopt extra-legal and
repressive measures repugnant to a free society.
35. Technical Assistance. Strengthen and program, on a
longer term basis, technical cooperation; provided, always, that each
recipient country has a genuine interest in and desire for our participation
in programs undertaken by it, and that our participation makes a
contribution toward the achievement of our foreign policy objectives
commensurate with its cost. Within these policy limits, increase specialized
training of Latin Americans in host countries, the United States, including
Puerto Rico, and third countries.
36. Trading Policies. In order to expand
inter-American trade:
- a.
- Make every effort to maintain stable, long-term trading policies
and avoid, to the maximum extent possible, restrictive practices
which affect key Latin American exports to the United States.
- b.
- Work toward a reduction of tariff and other trade barriers with
due regard to total national advantage.
- c.
- Encourage those American Republics which are not now members of
GATT to accede to GATT and to negotiate reductions of
trade barriers within the GATT
- d.
- Demonstrate U.S. concern for the commodity problems of Latin
American nations. In an effort to find cooperative solutions, be
prepared to discuss and explore possible approaches to such problems
in accordance with U.S. policy on international commodity
- e.
- Encourage and endorse the establishment of customs unions or free
trade areas in Latin America which conform to GATT criteria.
- f.
- Be prepared to endorse proposals for regional preference
arrangements which do not conform to GATT criteria, if consistent with over-all foreign
economic policy.
37. Economic Development. Recognizing the sovereign
right of Latin American states to undertake such economic measures as they
may conclude are best adapted to their own conditions, encourage the Latin
American nations:
- a.
- To make maximum contribution to their own economic
- b.
- To base their economies on a system of free private enterprise
adapted to local conditions.
- c.
- As far as practicable, to curtail diversion of public funds to
uneconomic state-owned industries.
- d.
- To take all feasible steps to create a political and economic
climate conducive to private investment, both foreign and
- e.
- Where appropriate, to diversify their economies on a sound
38. Recognizing that Latin American economic development will require an
additional flow of external private and public capital:
- a.
- Encourage Latin American countries to look to private capital and
international lending institutions as major sources of external
capital for development, negotiating wherever feasible (1) suitable
income tax agreements designed to reduce obstacles to international
trade and investment and to give recognition to tax incentives
offered by Latin American countries, (2) investment guarantee
agreements, and (3) where needed, Treaties of Friendship, Commerce
and Navigation.
- b.
- Be prepared to extend public loans which are consistent with
relevant U.S. loan policy considerations, seeking by the use of
appropriate U.S. Government lending institutions to make a
substantial flow of capital available for Latin American economic
development, to alleviate balance of payments crises, and to
stimulate economic reforms.
- c.
- Facilitate as appropriate favorable consideration of applications
to international institutions for credits consistent with U.S. loan
policies and support the approval of such applications by the Boards
of these institutions.
- d.
- Encourage efforts by international lending institutions to bring
about desirable financial and economic reforms.
- e.
- Cooperate with the Latin American countries to establish at an
early date an Inter-American Development Institution which will seek
to collaborate with other development institutions and sources of
public and private capital with a view to expanding the resources
for financing economic development. Support incorporation in it of a
highly qualified technical staff capable of assisting Latin American
countries in development planning and with preparation and
engineering of development projects.
- f.
- Be prepared to extend limited amounts of special economic
assistance on a grant or loan basis in those exceptional
circumstances when other means are inadequate to achieve economic
and political stability essential to U.S. interests.
- g.
- Encourage other Free World countries to provide capital and
technical assistance to Latin America.
- h.
- Continue to assist in the financing of the Inter-American Highway
and the Rama Road in accordance with existing agreements and
established legislative authority.
39. In carrying out programs involving disposal of U.S. agricultural
surpluses abroad:
- a.
- Negotiate with Latin American governments sales of surplus
agricultural commodities where appropriate.
- b.
- Give particular attention to the economic vulnerabilities of the
Latin American countries and avoid, to the maximum extent
practicable, detracting from the ability of these countries to
market their own exportable produce.
- c.
- Encourage the use in the purchasing countries of the local
currency proceeds of sale for loans for economic development
purposes, with particular emphasis on private enterprise.
40. Encourage the use in peacetime of selected Latin American military
personnel and units in development projects where such use will not
interfere with the capability of the units involved to perform their
military missions or to meet the military requirements for which they were
organized. Activities along this line may include training and equipping
engineer units with construction equipment where such activities will
contribute to economic development through the construction of public
service projects, including communications.
Informational and Cultural
41. In addition to lines of action indicated above place special emphasis, as
a matter of urgency, on increased U.S. informational and cultural activities
designed to:
- a.
- Present the United States as a constructive force cooperating with
Latin America on a basis of partnership toward the achievement of a
greater measure of political and economic progress.
- b.
- Promote greater understanding and acceptance by Latin American
countries and peoples of primary responsibility for progress.
- c.
- Obtain a better mutual understanding by the peoples of Latin
America and of the United States of each others’ special
characteristics and problems.
- d.
- Obtain the cooperation of the American Republics in assuming a
large measure of responsibility for promoting better mutual
understanding within their own countries through such means as the
establishment of national commissions of distinguished citizens to
work for these purposes.
42. To the extent feasible encourage U.S. nationals, including business and
industry represented in Latin America, to participate broadly in efforts to
achieve the purposes of the preceding paragraph.
43. Assume primary responsibility for hemispheric military operations in the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Caribbean Sea, including the sea and air
approaches to the Panama Canal, and seek, in our military and other
relations with the states concerned, acceptance of U.S. military control of
the defense of these sea areas.
44. a. Encourage acceptance of the concept that each of the Latin American
states is responsible for providing, through effective military and
mobilization measures, a contribution to the defense of the hemisphere by
insuring its internal security and by the defense of its coastal
[Page 102]
waters, ports and approaches
thereto, bases, strategic areas and installations located within its own
territory, and routes of communication associated therewith.
b. In exceptional cases, be prepared to accept participation by a Latin
American state in combined operations in support of U.S. military
responsibility under paragraph 43 above, where its location and resources
make such participation feasible, and where political or hemisphere defense
considerations make such a course of action desirable in the interest of the
security of the United States.
45. a. Make available to Latin American states, on a grant basis if
necessary, the training and minimum military equipment necessary to assist
them to carry out the missions relevant to hemispheric defense in the
preceding paragraph, except that internal security requirements shall not
normally be the basis for grant military assistance.
b. Discourage Latin American governments from purchasing military equipment
not essential to the missions in paragraph 44. However, if a Latin American
government cannot be dissuaded from purchasing unneeded military equipment,
and if it is essential for U.S. political interests, make additional
equipment available on a cash, credit or, under extraordinary circumstances,
grant basis, if appropriate.
c. In order to be in a position effectively to supply military equipment on a
reimbursable basis in accordance with a and b above, make equipment
available to Latin American countries on terms which insofar as feasible are
sufficiently favorable to encourage the Latin American governments to obtain
such equipment from the United States rather than from another source.
d. In making military equipment and training available to Latin American
countries, take into account the provisions of paragraph 22–b, relative to
the type of Government involved, exercising caution in the provision of such
assistance to dictatorships.
46. Encourage, to the maximum extent consistent with the needs and
capabilities of each Latin American nation, the standardization along U.S.
lines of military doctrine, unit organization and training. Except when it
will create undue demand on the United States seek, in the interests of
standardization as well as for other reasons, to discourage purchases by
Latin American governments of military equipment from other countries,
especially Communist countries, primarily by assuring the Latin American
countries that we will endeavor to fill their essential requirements
expeditiously and on reasonable terms. Where appropriate, seek to prevent
other Free World countries from selling military equipment to Latin American
[Page 103]
47. Seek to develop a conviction that collaboration, including military
purchases, by any of the American states with Communist nations would be a
serious hazard to all of the nations of this hemisphere.
48. If participation of Latin American military units is required in future
extra-continental defense actions, provide logistical support, if necessary
without reimbursement, to such forces.
49. Take action as necessary, including military action, to insure the
continued availability to the United States of bases and base rights in
Latin America that are considered vital to the security of the United
50. Seek the continued cooperation of the Latin American states in carrying
out the hemisphere mapping program.
51. Continue our active participation in the Joint Military Commissions we
have with Brazil and Mexico, and make effective use of the IADB to achieve our military objectives.
52. Foster close military relations with the Latin American armed forces in
order to increase their understanding of, and orientation toward, U.S.
objectives and policies, and to promote democratic concepts and foster
pro-American sentiments among Latin American military personnel.
53. Provide adequate quotas for qualified personnel for training in U.S.
armed forces schools and training centers. Seek, as appropriate, new
legislative authority to facilitate provision of such training to personnel
from all Latin American countries. Encourage Latin American states to fill
their authorized quotas at the three Service Academies.
54. Continue, and establish where appropriate, military training missions in
Latin American states, countering any trend toward the establishment of
military missions, or agencies or individuals with a similar function, other
than those of the American Republics.
55. Conduct a special study of the potential contribution of Latin American
resources, production and skills to U.S. recovery following a nuclear
[Here follows a 21–page Financial Appendix.]
[Page 104]
Annex B
I. Importance of Latin America
1. Latin America plays a key role in the security of the United States.
In the face of the anticipated prolonged threat from Communist
expansionism, the United States must rely heavily in the coming years on
the moral and political support of Latin America for its policies
designed to counter this threat.
2. Over the next half century, Latin America is likely to play an
increasingly important role in world affairs. With a population expected
to reach some 500 million by the end of this century and possessing a
wide range of undeveloped resources, it represents a large potential of
economic and political power. If this potential is realized and applied
on the side of the Free World, the capability of the United States and
its Western allies to deal successfully with Communist expansionism for
an indefinite period will be enhanced. The availability of Latin
American resources and political support could be of considerable
importance to the military defense of the Free World. But if Latin
America fails to progress, the area is likely to become a drain on the
energies and resources of the United States.
3. In the coming decade, a significant drift by Latin America away from
its traditional alignment with the United States towards a position of
“neutralism” would profoundly alter the world political balance to the
disadvantage of the United States. A defection by any significant number
of Latin American countries to the ranks of neutralism, or the exercise
of a controlling Communist influence over their governments, would
seriously impair the ability of the United States to exercise effective
leadership of the Free World, particularly in the UN, and constitute a blow to U.S. prestige.
4. A shift of any significant number of Latin American countries to
neutralism would also have serious repercussions on the security
situation elsewhere. It would adversely affect the capability of the
United States to carry out its policy towards Communist China and to
retain the support of SEATO and
Baghdad Pact powers, which would feel increasingly isolated by the
then-dominant neutralist trend of the underdeveloped world.
II. Communist Strategy in Latin America
5. Since the ascendancy of Khrushchev in 1953–54 and the overthrow of the
Communist-controlled regime in Guatemala in 1954, Communist strategy has
increasingly focused on the short-term objective of generating pressures
on Latin American governments to
[Page 105]
weaken their ties with the United States in the hope of eventually
transforming Latin America into another neutralist area. The Communists,
recognizing that Communist doctrine has had little persuasive
ideological appeal to most Latin Americans, accepted the fact that
Communist parties at present are not in a position to come to power in
any Latin American country. They have evidently learned from their
Guatemalan experience that, even if opportune, an isolated Communist
seizure of control tends to undercut over-all Communist objectives for
the area by alarming and rallying the hemisphere against international
Communism. They have, accordingly, directed Communist parties in Latin
America to camouflage their revolutionary aims, to identify themselves
with nationalist aspirations, and to cultivate all elements susceptible
of being guided or incited into actions inimical to cooperation between
Latin America and the United States.
6. The Communists have had considerable success in capitalizing on the
social unrest, economic problems and ultra-nationalism prevalent in most
parts of Latin America. In the area as a whole, they have been
particularly successful in using organizational techniques to exert a
disproportionate influence over Latin American students and other
organized intellectual groups, as well as over organized labor. In some
countries they have also succeeded in making practical arrangements with
opportunist politicians and groups.
7. Supplementing the efforts of local Communist parties to generate
pressures on Latin American governments from below to modify their
foreign policies, the Soviet bloc has, especially since 1953, worked on
a government-to-government basis to hold out economic and other
inducements for Latin American countries to move away from the status of
inter-dependence with the United States. The level of Communist bloc
trade has increased over the past five years, but still accounts for
less than 2% of Latin America’s total trade and does not pose an
immediate threat to the trading independence of any Latin American
state. More important than its impact on the economies of the area, was
the political impact of the Communist bloc offensive, particularly in
holding up to Latin American opinion the picture of a huge market for
unsalable agricultural and mineral products which would open up if Latin
America disengaged itself from its close political alignment with the
United States.
8. In the cultural field, the Communist bloc has followed up the prestige
gained by the launching of the sputniks and other Communist scientific
achievements by stepping up cultural exchanges with Latin America, its
programs with respect to youth and labor currently exceeding U.S.
government programs in those fields. There has also been a significant
increase in Communist bloc radio and printed informational materials
flowing into Latin America.
[Page 106]
III. Assets of U.S. Policy in Latin America
9. The assets available to the United States to strengthen the alignment
of Latin America with the West and to neutralize the Communist effort
are very considerable. The principal assets are summarized below.
10. Strategic. Because of its geographic position,
Latin America, of all the great underdeveloped areas, is least menaced
by Sino-Soviet military might. Moreover, the principle of regional
collective security under U.S. leadership—which evolved as the basis of
U.S. security policy for the hemisphere from the Monroe Doctrine to the
Treaty of Rio de Janeiro—has gained more general acceptance in Latin
America than in any other underdeveloped area. Behind this shield, the
area has become singularly free of military strife among its component
states; and the inter-American system, now institutionalized in the
Organization of American States, has pioneered the development of
effective means to keep peace within the area.
11. Historical and Cultural. While the sharp
differences between the North American outlook and the Latin mind, and
the diversities among the Latin Americans themselves, should not be
minimized, it is nonetheless true that one of the major U.S. assets in
dealing with Latin America is that it is the only one of the major
underdeveloped areas which derives its civilization from the same
Mediterranean and Western European antecedents as this country. Its
political and constitutional ideals, though often not observed in
practice, derive, like those of the United States, from eighteenth
century political thought. As in the case of the United States, the
influences exerted by nineteenth century materialist thought and class
warfare have been relatively slight. The area generally tends to be
evolutionary rather than revolutionary in its approach towards social
reform, although in recent years Marxism has had a disturbing influence
in intellectual circles. The advent of modern communications and the
expansion of trade have greatly augmented Western influence on the
area’s concept of society. The influence of the United States has
steadily increased in comparison to the influence of Western Europe.
12. The tradition of inter-American solidarity and
a sense of common destiny are additional factors tending to
strengthen the bonds between Latin America and the United States. For
more than a century Latin America has been deeply committed to a concept
of solidarity and special relationships between the nations of the
Western Hemisphere. This concept, now embodied in the Organization of
American States, offers unique opportunities for the United States to
exercise its leadership in the hemisphere.
[Page 107]
13. Economic. The economic links between Latin
America and the United States are stronger than with any other major
underdeveloped area. Approximately 22% of U.S. exports go to Latin
America, and 29 percent of U.S. imports come from Latin America. This
trade with the United States represents about 45 percent of total Latin
American exports and about 50 percent of total Latin American imports.
Private U.S. long-term direct and other investments in Latin America,
now amounting to something more than $10 billion, are larger than our
investments anywhere else except Canada. Our trade and investments have,
to an important degree, contributed to economic growth in Latin America
and helped Latin America to achieve a situation more favorable to
further economic growth than other major underdeveloped areas.
IV. Principal Problems
14. The principal problems affecting United States relations with Latin
America can be discussed under four headings: Latin America attitudes,
economic and social developments, political problems, and military
relations. In general, the problems which beset the area are typical of
those which have characterized other underdeveloped areas in the
post-World-War-II period, although their impact has been somewhat
softened by the historical relationship between Latin America and the
West and by the fact that Latin America, in distinction to the new
nations of Asia and Africa, had largely completed its emancipation from
European colonial rule in the nineteenth century.
Latin American Attitudes.
15. Rising aspirations are present throughout the
area for more rapid progress towards higher living standards, for more
rapid industrialization, for governments more responsive to the popular
will and for greater civil liberties. In common with other
underdeveloped regions, Latin America in the past two decades has seen a
phenomenal rise in popular aspirations for modernization of the economic
and political structure as a result of the impact of improved
communications and education, of the accelerated urbanization of
population, of social transformation giving a greater voice to the
middle and laboring classes, and of the modern emphasis on democracy and
civil liberties. These aspirations have also been fanned by Latin
American political leaders of all kinds, but especially by the leftists
and Communists, who have painted a completely unrealistic picture of the
ease and rapidity with which higher living standards could be achieved.
When rates of economic and political advancement have not kept pace with
aspirations, frustrations have resulted. In particular there has been an
increased tendency to look to the United States—under the stimulus of
[Page 108]
this country’s world wide
post-war assistance programs as well as because of our role as the
Western Hemisphere’s leading country—as the source of external
assistance to bridge the gap between what Latin Americans can achieve
themselves and what they desire to achieve. Similarly, the Latin
Americans resent U.S. trade policies and actions, which adversely affect
their export earnings. Since the United States cannot supply external
assistance in sufficient volume to bridge the gap between aspirations
and realities, and in view of the difficulty of reducing Latin American
aspirations to more realistic levels, it can be expected that over the
coming years there will be a degree of continued friction over the
magnitude of U.S. aid to the area, as well as over U.S. trading policies
affecting Latin American products.
16. Nationalism has steadily intensified in Latin
America, where the United States is an especially vulnerable target
because of its preeminent position in the economy of most countries as
well as the hemisphere’s most powerful political and military force.
Although Latin America generally credits the United States with
maintaining its policy of non-intervention in the political sphere,
influential segments of Latin opinion equate the attainment of an
economy less dependent on the U.S. market and on the operations of large
U.S. companies with the achievement of full sovereignty. This desire for
economic independence takes extreme and xenophobic forms, among
ultra-nationalists, who so strongly desire to exclude the United States
that they are willing to do so even at the cost of postponing
indefinitely the development of resources urgently needed for economic
growth. In the case of “moderate” nationalists, there is acceptance of
the fact that, in order to achieve an acceptable rate of development, it
will be necessary to admit U.S. investment and trade on equitable terms
for the foreseeable future. But even among these moderate nationalists,
the ultimate goal is the development of national economies in which
nationals of the country will control the enterprises and in which trade
with a single country will not dominate the economy. Thus a conflict
arises between the desire to avoid dependence on trade with and
investment from the United States and the need to rely on U.S. trade and
investment for resources to promote economic growth.
17. Neutrality, in the form of a desire to be
disengaged from the cold war, is a strong undercurrent in many Latin
American countries though it is glossed over by the willingness of Latin
American governments to accept the lead of the United States in the
United Nations and in other circumstances when they are forced to take
sides. Latin America, behind the shield of United States power, is
primarily concerned with its own problems of economic and political
development and, while often sharing U.S. opposition to Communist
ambitions for world domination, feels remote from practical involvement
in the conflict. In recent years, this natural tendency toward
neutrality has been
[Page 109]
accentuated by the growth in other underdeveloped areas of “neutralist”
countries and blocs with which, as underdeveloped countries, the Latin
Americans share common interests.
18. Insufficient awareness of the Communist
- a.
- As a corollary of the above, most Latin American governments and
peoples lack sufficient awareness of the intentions and tactics of
local Communist parties and the Soviet Bloc governments. They tend
to believe that the United States over-emphasizes Communism as a
threat to the Western Hemisphere, and consequently, they tend to
take insufficient precautions against internal Communist subversion
and in dealings with the Soviet bloc. The current phase of Communist
tactics, emphasizing “legitimate” political activities, identifying
Communism with national aspirations, and playing down Communist
revolutionary aims, lends itself particularly to a relaxation of
Latin American alertness on internal security. This problem is
compounded by the tendency of some Latin American political leaders
to ally themselves with Communists for immediate practical
advantages and to propound demagogic programs which parallel and
reinforce Communist promises.
- b.
- The United States has pursued a policy of directly and indirectly
encouraging Latin American countries individually and collectively
to take more forceful actions against Sino-Soviet bloc influence and
Communist subversion. It has attempted to influence Latin American
countries to minimize political, cultural and certain economic
contacts between Latin American countries and the bloc. We have
maintained this policy toward Latin American relations with the
Soviet bloc despite the fact that we encourage exchanges and
cultural contacts between the Soviet bloc and such countries as the
United States and the UK.3 Particularly
because of this inconsistency, the United States may at times
encounter difficulties in implementing this policy in Latin
America.4 In practice, however, the United
States has had considerable success in encouraging Latin American
countries to enforce much greater restrictions on bloc activities
than the United States has enforced. The existence of a differential
in this respect has not had significant political repercussions in
Latin America. Hence it seems likely that discreet U.S. efforts can
continue to have considerable success
[Page 110]
in limiting bloc cultural and exchange
activities without engendering counterproductive local reactions,
although our ability to do so may diminish with time.
Social and Economic
19. Economic development. Latin America is, and
increasingly conceives of itself as, an underdeveloped area. Although
the area made greater progress in the post-war period than other
underdeveloped areas, the pace of economic growth has tended to slacken
in recent years and its benefits have been very unevenly distributed
geographically and among social classes. In some urban areas living
standards are showing a tendency to stagnate at a time when aspirations
for higher living standards have been growing for Latin America as a
whole. The rate of growth—measured in terms of increase in the per
capita gross national product—declined moderately from an average of
approximately 2.4 percent in 1945–50 to approximately 2.1 percent in
1950–57. The higher rates of growth in Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela had
an important effect in raising the over-all averages in both
20. Population growth. A factor which complicates
the problem of attaining higher living standards in Latin America is the
enormous rate of growth of its population. The area is expected to have
a population neighboring on 500 million by the end of the century, and
some 37 million people are expected to be added to the Latin American
labor force by the year 1975. Latin America must maintain an increase in
output of about 2 percent per year merely to keep up with this expanding
21. Problems in attaining more rapid economic
- a.
- Instability of foreign exchange earnings.
Latin America depends on the export of coffee, petroleum, nonferrous
metals, sugar, cotton, wool, grains and meat for 70 percent of its
export earnings. Wide fluctuations in the prices of several of these
commodities since World War II have subjected some Latin American
countries to alternating and largely unpredictable periods of
foreign exchange abundance and stringency, adding to the
difficulties of planning for orderly economic development. The
United States is either a major buyer or a major seller of each of
these commodities. U.S. quotas, tariffs, health regulations, or
“voluntary” restrictions limit the U.S. market with respect to all
of those listed but coffee, and U.S. surplus disposal programs
affect the foreign market for cotton and grains.
- b.
- Lack of management and technical skills.
Latin America generally has not made all the effort possible to make
orderly and maximum use of the available resources. Under pressures
in unstable political situations, Latin American leaders have been
hesitant to adopt austerity measures to protect their currencies
and, despite the fact that Latin
[Page 111]
Americans tend to look to their governments
rather than to their business communities to take the lead in
economic development, few Latin American governments have made
vigorous efforts to define specific economic goals, mobilize
available resources and set realistic priorities. The lack of
adequate management at the top of the economic structure is matched
by a lack of technical skills, which is closely related to the lack
of adequate education among the urban and agrarian working
- c.
- Domestic economic policies. The majority of
Latin American governments have maintained relatively sound
currencies, but the inability or failure of a number of the
countries, including some of the most important, to do so,
contributes to inflationary pressures and causes much of the
available capital to be invested in speculative ventures. In some
cases overvaluation of exchange rates causes excessive imports. Some
countries have followed production and price support policies for
commodities such as coffee which have stimulated production to
levels considerably above world demand. In many countries the
limited domestic public funds available have been devoted to
non-productive purposes and to industrial and commercial operations
which might better be left to private enterprise, rather than to
much needed social development in such basic fields as
transportation, communication and education.
- d.
- Climate for private investment. Although
Latin America as a whole has attracted more U.S. private investment
than any area except Canada, in some countries laws and regulations
affecting domestic or foreign private business are discriminatory
and unreasonable. Government-regulated enterprises are often
handicapped by rate-making policies which preclude profitable
operation. In some countries, entrepreneurs cannot be confident that
the government will respect contract and property rights. Political
instability, with the likelihood of frequent changes in governments
and in economic policies, makes domestic and foreign private capital
hesitant about investing in long-term projects. Several countries
have not allowed private foreign capital to develop their petroleum
resources, even though government monopolies have proved unable to
develop them, and thus are compelled to spend for petroleum imports
large sums which might otherwise be available to finance
- e.
- Political and economic compartmentalization
of the 20 Latin American republics also represents an obstacle to
economic growth. Although there have been some consideration and
planning—in Central America, among Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and
Brazil, and among the northern countries in Latin America—of the
lowering of nationalistic barriers to trade, to date Latin American
countries have not worked cooperatively to expand trade among
themselves and, more
[Page 112]
than not, economic rivalries and political jealousies have impeded
the development of a common approach to economic problems of mutual
22. Labor. Organized labor in Latin America is
increasing its significance as a political and economic force.
Reflecting the dissatisfaction of the wage-earning elements of the
population with living standards, labor unions tend to lend support to
the radical and nationalistic currents of Latin American political life.
The Communists are particularly active, openly or clandestinely, in the
Latin American labor movement and, generally, have been more successful
than anti-Communist elements.
23. Other changes in the Latin American social
structure. With rapid urbanization, propertied groups with
commercial, professional and industrial interests are displacing the
conservative agrarian ruling groups while the urban white-collar
population, as well as labor, is becoming increasingly influential. In
most Latin American countries, the military retains a key role in the
political structure but, in many countries, as the officer corps is
increasingly recruited from the urban middle classes, it is losing its
identity with the former agrarian ruling groups. In the urban context
also, students and intellectuals are playing an increasingly powerful
and usually nationalistic and radical role in forming the outlook of
Latin American countries toward the problems which confront them.
Political Problems.
24. Demands for greater democracy and civil
liberties have accompanied the increasing influence of urban middle and
working classes. The desire for increased civil liberties remains an
important, though ill-defined, goal in most Latin American governments.
However, in practice, there continue to be wide variations in progress
toward “democratic” governments from country to country and in different
economic and social periods. In general, the immediate post-war period
saw a replacement of many strong-man or military regimes by liberal
civilian governments, but many of these failed to deal effectively with
the problems they faced and were in turn replaced by more authoritarian
regimes. In the current phase, there has been a return again to civilian
governments more responsive to popular demands and today only a few
governments can be classified as authoritarian. Although the long-range
trend appears to be in the direction of governments which are more
popularly supported, and especially by urban populations, it is not
clear whether these popularly-based governments will tend more in the
direction of Western representative government or in the direction of
governments—such as the Peron regime in Argentina—based on authoritarian
organization of the emerging urban groups. The outcome will depend in
part on the
[Page 113]
degree of success
which Latin American countries have in developing a native capitalistic
strata having an ownership stake in the principal economic activities.
In the years immediately ahead, however, there are likely to be
recurring cycles of civilian popularly-based and authoritarian
25. Relationship of the United States to “dictatorial”
and “democratic” governments. Closely allied to rising popular
desires for more democratic governments and the difficulties which Latin
America has generally continued to find in establishing viable,
representative regimes is the phenomenon that much of Latin American
opinion holds the United States responsible in an important degree for
the area’s dictatorial regimes on the grounds that U.S. military and
economic cooperation, diplomatic recognition and/or other evidences of
support contribute significantly to such regimes’ ability to stay in
power. The inference is drawn that the United States is, at best,
disinterested in the development of democracy in the area and, less
charitably, that the United States on balance favors authoritarian
regimes as providing greater stability, greater resistance to Communist
penetration and a better climate for U.S. economic interests. However, a
departure from the historic U.S. policy of maintaining relations with
all governments of the area regardless of political complexion would
imply a departure from our obligation not to intervene in internal
affairs, a policy to which Latin Americans attach equal or greater
importance than to their desire for U.S. assistance in the elimination
of unpopular dictatorial regimes. In the past the United States has
intervened in the internal affairs of other American states in support
of democratic and against dictatorial elements, but these efforts have
been ineffectual and even counter-productive. They have often brought
the condemnation of the partisans of both elements upon the United
States. It is, however, possible for the United States within the limits
of nonintervention to pursue a policy of encouraging those governments
which have a genuinely popular base and are effectively striving towards
the establishment of representative and democratic governments, while
maintaining correct diplomatic and other relations with other recognized
governments as may be necessary to safeguard the national interest.
26. Non-intervention and the inter-American
- a.
- The policy of non-intervention and juridical equality of the
American states which, since 1933, has been the cornerstone of U.S.
relationship toward Latin America is likely to require further
development, definition and strengthening in the future.
- b.
- The expansion of U.S. military, economic, cultural programs in
Latin America has brought this country into more intimate contact
with problems which profoundly affect the political forces and the
social structure within the Latin American countries. One result has
[Page 114]
been to blame the
United States for the damages inevitably suffered by social groups
and political interests adversely affected. The increased use of the
International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, and the proposed establishment of an
Inter-American Development Banking Institution represent, in part,
pioneering efforts to take a more multilateral approach to economic
problems involving outside pressures on national economic policies,
while preserving control over essential U.S. interests. U.S.
participation in working out commodity problems and the
establishment of a Special Committee of the OAS to deal with economic proposals are further
indications of our willingness to deal with economic problems in
multilateral forums.
- c.
- A further problem which could have significant effects on the
policy of non-intervention is the re-emergence in a few countries of
guerilla activities and banditry. The inter-American system is
predicated on the existence in Latin America of governments in
effective control of the national territory which, among other
things, can be held responsible for giving effective protection for
American and other foreign lives and property. Since the adoption of
the non-intervention policy in 1933, violent changes of government
have characteristically consisted of quick coups in the capital
cities, and the inter-American system has been largely and
successfully concerned with maintaining the peace between
established governments. Experience has yet brought insufficient
guidelines to determine how effectively to deal in the context of
the non-intervention policy and the OAS with threats to foreign lives and property in
guerilla-held territory where the recognized government lacks the
means to discharge its responsibilities under international
27. Other OAS
- a.
- The Organization of American States has a number of problems apart
from those listed above connected with the maintenance of the policy
of non-intervention. Among them are the increasing tendency of Latin
Americans to look towards Pan Latin Americanism instead of towards
Pan Americanism; their unwillingness to assume their share of the
burden for carrying out policies and programs through the OAS; and their tendency to obstruct
efficient action by procedural and political wrangles.
- b.
- The relationship of Canada in the inter-American system remains
undefined, as does the relationship of Puerto Rico and the West
Indies Federation. A more important role for these countries and
territories in inter-American affairs is in the interest of the
United States for a variety of reasons. They are the only
self-governing countries in the Western Hemisphere which have no
role in the present inter-American structure. Puerto Rico has,
outside the framework of the inter-American system, come to play an
increasingly useful role in our
[Page 115]
relationship with Latin America. Canada and
the West Indies Federation share with the United States the English
language and political tradition, while Canada, as a more developed
country, has economic interests and outlooks more similar to ours
than other countries of the hemisphere. Their inclusion in a greater
measure in the inter-American system would tend to strengthen the
position of the United States and to weaken the tendency of a
concept of the United States versus Latin America. The progress in
drawing Canada and the West Indies Federation more closely into the
inter-American system is likely to be slow, however, as at present
there is little active interest by either side in a closer
relationship. Canada does participate on an observer basis in some
activities in the OAS.
Military Relations.
28. The role of the Latin American armed forces in the framework of the
U.S. strategic concepts for global and limited war is limited. It is not
contemplated that Latin America would be required to provide units for
military operations outside the hemisphere for military reasons,
although a token contribution may again be politically desirable to give
an international character to certain military operations and to give
Latin American countries a sense of participation in a war effort.
Within the hemisphere, military planning contemplates the need for each
of the Latin American states to assist in the defense of the hemisphere
(a) by defense of its coastal waters, ports and approaches thereto,
bases, strategic areas and installations located within its own
territory, and routes of communication associated therewith; and (b) by
participation in certain coordinated collective defensive actions of the
American states. Additionally, the maintenance of internal security is
recognized as a contribution by Latin American armed forces to
hemispheric defense, inasmuch as a breakdown of internal security in the
Latin American countries during a period of general war might endanger
U.S. interests, such as access to important strategic bases and
materials, and might require the diversion of U.S. forces from other
29. Our military relationships with Latin America are founded on the Rio
Treaty and an extensive pattern of relationships which preceded or
stemmed from this treaty. These relationships include participation in
the Inter-American Defense Board and in Joint Military Missions; U.S.
military missions, military assistance agreements, and base rights
agreements, certain combined training missions; and the attendance of a
large number of Latin American officers at U.S. military schools. Our
relations with the Latin American countries are complicated by the
desire of many of them to obtain military equipment beyond militarily
justifiable requirements (a) to enhance their prestige, (b) as a result
of inter-American rivalries, or (c) to strengthen the
[Page 116]
position of military groups in internal
affairs. The allocation in some countries of scarce resources to
unjustifiable military expenditures obstructs or retards economic
development, both by restricting public investment in necessary projects
and by tending to promote financial instability. Many Latin American
countries turn to Western Europe for military equipment when they
encounter difficulty in obtaining it from the United States, or when it
is offered on a more favorable commercial basis by European suppliers.
Such purchases can weaken the U.S. effort to standardize Latin American
equipment on U.S. lines. Inasmuch as this standardization not only
serves military purposes but is also a means of maintaining U.S.
influence over Latin American military forces and through such forces on
the political orientation of Latin American governments, the United
States in some cases, cannot refuse to supply military equipment beyond
the militarily justifiable requirements without adversely affecting
political objectives.
30. A central problem of U.S. policy formulation in Latin America is (a)
how to utilize and strengthen the assets which tend to link Latin
America with the United States and the West, while at the same time (b)
dealing effectively with the area’s principal problems as an
underdeveloped area in such a way that the United States is identified
as a constructive force in the area’s effort to achieve higher political
and economic standards. It must also be a fundamental objective of the
United States to retain the ascendancy as the leader of the Western
Hemisphere and to undercut the efforts of international Communism to
disengage Latin America from it traditional alignment with this
31. The problems described above reveal the difficulty the U.S. faces in
maintaining its good relations with Latin America and achieving our
objectives there. The principles guiding our present policies, most of
which were developed before World War II, remain valid. However, as in
the case of our trading policies, we have not always been able to adhere
consistently to these principles and have perhaps not made efforts in
all fields commensurate with the magnitude of the problems. It is clear
that a consistent and continuing major effort will be required if the
United States is to develop further its historic strong ties with Latin
America and play a constructive role in assisting Latin America in
solving its problems.