108. Editorial Note

In despatch 515, May 31, Henry C. Reed, Alternate Representative at the Organization of American States, reported that the OAS Council had approved a Statute for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on May 25. (Department of State Central Files, 371.0521/5–3160) In an article-by-article vote on the draft Statute, the Council eliminated all the articles pertaining to the Commission’s consideration of individual cases of alleged violations of human rights, to which the United States and certain other countries had objected. For final text of the Statute of the Commission, see Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Basic Documents, rev. ed. (Washington, 1963), pages 9–13. Regarding the establishment and work of the Commission, see Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Report on the Work Accomplished During Its First Session, October 3 to 28, 1960 (Washington, 1961).