81. Letter From John Foster Dulles to Eisenhower1
At the National Security Council meeting on July 24, 1958 I shall concur in Secretary McElroy’s recommendation that paragraphs 13 and 14 of the Basic National Security Policy (NSC 5810/1) be adopted without change.
I have told Secretary McElroy that I remain of the opinion that the doctrine set forth in paragraphs 13 and 14 is rapidly outliving its usefulness and that we need to apply ourselves urgently to finding an alternative strategic concept. I did not, however, wish to air my misgivings on this sensitive subject before the Council.
I suggested to Secretary McElroy that we should seek your approval of further urgent study of our strategic concept and doctrine by a small State-Defense group, the existence of this group and its task to be very closely held. He agreed.
I should be grateful for an early opportunity to discuss this matter further with you and Secretary McElroy.
Faithfully yours,
- Source: Question of a new strategic concept. Top Secret. 1 p. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles-Herter Series.↩