558. Statement Agreed to at a Meeting of Five Western Foreign Ministers1
Tab C
The Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States reviewed and approved a report from their representatives in Geneva on the course of the disarmament negotiations now in progress within the 10-Nation Disarmament Conference in relation to the forthcoming meeting of the Chiefs of State and Heads of Government [Typeset Page 2039] in Paris. They recalled the unanimous resolution of the United Nations General Assembly of November 20, 1959, which expressed the hope that measures leading toward the goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control will be worked out in detail and agreed upon in the shortest possible time.
The Foreign Ministers consider that the approach reflected in the Western proposals represents the surest and most effective way of moving toward the ultimate goal of a secure, free and peaceful world in which there shall be disarmament under effective international control.
The Foreign Ministers expressed the hope that agreement would be reached as soon as possible in these negotiations on measures of disarmament to be attained by balanced, phased and safeguarded agreements which must be observed and verified by an appropriate international organization within the framework of the United Nations. At the same time they agreed that their representatives should give thorough consideration to any practical disarmament proposal which would preserve the security of all the nations concerned and which would pave the way for further progressive measures leading toward the ultimate objective. In this connection the Foreign Ministers are requesting their representatives in Geneva to continue their efforts to achieve the early identification and consideration of areas of possible agreement.
The Foreign Ministers noted that the negotiations will be pursued within the 10-Nation Disarmament Conference until April 29, at which time the formal sessions will be recessed until June 7. During this period of recess the representative of the Five Western Powers will review the course of the negotiations and advise the Foreign Ministers in preparation for the May meeting of the Chiefs of State and Heads of Government.
- Source: Tab C to print Document 252 re disarmament negotiations. Confidential. 1 p. NARA, RG 59, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199.↩