536. Telegram 6676 to London1

[Facsimile Page 1]


Please deliver following to Selwyn Lloyd:

QTE March 5, 1960 Dear Selwyn:

I have just returned from South America and have had an opportunity of checking on the conversations which have taken place between Doug Dillon, Fred Eaton and Caccia here since I received the personal message from you which was delivered to me in Argentina.

[Typeset Page 1960]

As you know, we feel that there is no great substantive matter of difference between us and are convinced that language satisfactory to both of us can be worked out between Ormsby-Gore and Eaton when they meet in Paris. From a purely practical point of view, I am sure you realize that, in the course of the negotiations, we feel that the items involved in Stages 1 and 2 should be agreed upon before we get involved in negotiations on the items in Stage 3, and certainly, again from a practical point of view, even though we should be [Facsimile Page 2] successful in negotiating with respect to Stage 3, I am sure that you agree that the items in 1 and 2 should be implemented before we can implement those in 3. From reading your message I take it that you feel that this is essentially the line of all your thinking but that you do not wish to make any advance statement which would indicate that any phase of disarmament could not be discussed during the Geneva talks.

In this we of course agree since the tabling of our plan will inevitably involve discussion of the items in Stage 3. I realize that there is a narrow line between discussion and negotiation and this is the reason we continue to feel that our differences may be more of form than of substance. What we feel we must avoid at all cost is being drawn into negotiations on such items as banning the bomb before we have achieved agreement on items in Stages 1 and 2. We have considered this problem very carefully, and I must tell you in all candor that I can see no prospect of any change in our position on this matter. This, of course, does not rpt not involve waiting for the actual implementation of Stages 1 and 2 before commencing negotiations on Stage 3.

If when Eaton and Ormsby-Gore meet, there should still remain any differences in language, I should be most grateful if you would advise me when I could reach you by phone since I feel certain that we can work this matter out and feel very deeply that it is important for us to maintain a united front both with respect [Facsimile Page 3] to our allies and when the talks begin in Geneva.

With warmest personal regards,

Most sincerely,


FYI Copy has been delivered to Caccia here.

  1. Source: Transmits letter for Lloyd from Herter on ten-nation disarmament talks. Secret; Niact. 3 pp. NARA, RG 59, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, UK Officials Correspondence with Secretary Herter.