318. Record of Telephone Conversation Between Lodge and John Foster Dulles1
L thinks the first reaction of the three is good and the Canadians were really enthusiastic. The Sec said Robertson seemed quite interested. Murray (#2 man for Canada) had an interesting idea, said L. Have Sweden co-sponsor. There is a lot of merit in asking them—at least they would vote for it. L wishes the Sec would think it over and maybe let him have a word in the a.m. The Sec said he had not given thought to sponsorship. Four powers? L said no. They agreed we have to do it anyway. L said Japan also was mentioned.
L thinks Houghton should speak to Jules Moch in Paris.
The Sec gave a little flavor of his talk this p.m. L said after this he is afraid Alphand will not get it across as the Sec would like him to and repeated re Moch.
L thought he would tell Hammarskjold and the Sec agreed.
L said Sunday he would plan to put out a call for a meeting Tues. He won’t be able to sit down to sum up the language until Monday am but that is all right. L hopes for his speech text as soon as possible.
The Sec said he told them we would put it up not in a belligerent spirit but in the spirit of wanting to get something done. He explained it would save much money in view of NSC meeting this a.m. Robertson agreed.
- Source: Arctic inspection zone proposal. No classification marking. 1 p. Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations.↩