237. Briefing Note for February 4 NSC Meeting1

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Significant World Developments Affecting U.S. Security

The first item this morning is the intelligence briefing, which will be devoted principally to a presentation of the new “Estimate of the World Situation” (NIE 100–60, 1/19/60). This estimate, as you know, is prepared every year at this time by the Intelligence Community.

In other years that estimate has been the kick-off, as it were, for our annual review of Basic Policy.

The last review of Basic Policy was begun in February of last year and the new paper, NSC 5906/1, was approved by the President in August. Indeed, certain portions of the paper (relating to stockpiling) were adopted as recently as December 3.

Accordingly, we are not planning to undertake a complete review of the entire basic policy this year.

  1. Source: Presentation of NIE “Estimate of the World Situation.” Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.