98. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
327. Re Delga 52.2Dept. welcomes Australian proposal as means maintaining both parity principle and three year term for elected members. Dept. agrees that proposal would be justified by precedent of Rule 1483 which also adjusted balance between administering and non-administering members as result of changes in number administering powers.
If two paragraphs quoted are intended as alternatives Dept. would favor second because of specific mention parity principle. Would require clarification cover AA with two or more trusteeships.
[Page 184]Wieschhoff proposal (Delga 494) appears unrealistic in that it would leave Council unbalanced during first session 1960 and establish dangerous precedent which might later be used to disadvantage administering powers.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 350/9–2459. Official Use Only. Drafted by Acly on September 25; cleared by Nunley, Green, Monsma, Ludlow, McNutt, Cargo, and L/UNA; and approved by Gerig who signed for Herter.↩
- Delga 52, September 24, transmitted the text of an Australian proposal to amend the U.N. General Assembly rules of procedure. (Ibid.)↩
- Rule 148 establishes the terms of office and eligibility for reelection of nonadministering members of the Trusteeship Council. For text, see U.N. doc. A520/Rev.15.↩
- Delga 49, September 23, reported that Wieschhoff, Director of the Division of Trusteeship in the U.N. Secretariat, favored electing no additional members to the Trusteeship Council. Instead, France would become a permanent member in March 1960, while India and Haiti would leave the Council. (Department of State, Central Files, 310.5/9–2359)↩