97. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1

397. Turkey is candidate for election at current GA to Security Council seat currently occupied Japan and has been assured our full and active support.2 Poland rival candidate for election same seat and also for re-election ECOSOC.

Dept considers success Turkish candidacy most important for following reasons:

1) Turkey can be expected make constructive contribution SC’s work, which cannot be expected any Soviet-bloc member, and Turkey’s election would add to rather than detract from over-all composition SC from standpoint Free World interests. This particularly true for 1961 when there good possibility, if Poland elected, of having two Soviet-bloc and two “neutralist” members SC since neutralist candidate for election in 1960 to succeed Tunisia appears possible.

2) Dept opposed additional representation for Soviet bloc on SC so long as USSR blocks any enlargement SC to permit more equitable geographic representation other areas that organ. US on record as being prepared see one elective seat go to bloc in event enlargement and if bloc obtains this seat earlier, we lose important means maintaining pressure on USSR re enlargement.

3) Dept on principle does not favor election one member to two major UN organs at same GA election in view relatively few election Posts in terms expanded UN membership. Dept prepared vote for Poland re-election ECOSOC but not for election SC.

In supporting Turkish candidacy, Dept does not consider SC seat in question which originally held by Eastern Europe and diverted to Far East in 1956 as reverting to Eastern Europe, which might be interpretation given election Poland. Dept believes this seat must be regarded as floating pending enlargement. SC in view increased membership UN and Charter provision re equitable geographic distribution SC. Election Turkey would tend establish floating character seat in question. However, there many UN members which still consider important maintenance so-called “gentlemen’s agreement” of 1946, which allocated one elective SC seat to Eastern Europe, and from standpoint these members Turkey should prove acceptable candidate as it has already held seat in question as EE state (1954–55).

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Polish candidacy advanced before Turkey’s and likely attract considerable support. USGADel instructed actively support Turkish candidacy.3 At this stage Dept believes main US effort should be in New York. However, Embassy should seek appropriate occasion inform Foreign Office US supporting Turkey and unless Emb perceives objection, express hope FonOff will do likewise. Emb should also indicate USGADel discussing this matter with other dels in New York. Report reaction promptly.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/9–2959. Confidential. Drafted by Hartley on September 28; cleared by Green, Bacon, Monsma, Ludlow, and Nunley; and approved by Wilcox who signed for Herter. Sent to 62 missions and repeated to 17 missions.
  2. Delga 70, September 25, reported that the Turkish Delegation had informed USUN that Turkey would run to replace Japan on the Security Council. (Ibid., 330/9–2559)
  3. Gadel 21, September 29, instructed USUN on tactics and provided arguments to use in support of Turkey’s candidacy. (ibid., 330/9–2959)