380. Editorial Note
On August 28, Richards transmitted a memorandum to the Acting Secretary of State requesting that the President send Prime Minister Diefenbaker a letter proposing U.S.-Canadian talks on the Law of the Sea. Dillon forwarded the request in a memorandum to Eisenhower, September 8, along with a draft of the letter. The President made some revisions in the draft, and the letter, proposing that Dillon visit Ottawa, was transmitted on September 10. Copies of these documents and telegram 154 to Ottawa, September 11, which instructed the Embassy to suggest September 23 or 24 for the visit, are in Department of State, Central Files, 399.931/9–859.
[Page 731]In a subsequent exchange of letters the President and the Prime Minister agreed on October 23 for the visit and that Murphy would replace Dillon. (Ibid., 399.731/9–1759 through 399.731/9–2259)