259. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

1774. Presidency 16th GA. In order to meet candidacy Ali Sastroamidjojo (Indonesia) for Presidency 16th GA (as reported to Dept Dec 12),2 recommend we be authorized quietly and informally but within next few days to suggest to Slim (Tunisia) that he enter race and announce candidacy before this half session is over. Dept may recall we made this recommendation once before, last spring.3

Burmese report Ali will announce in early February. We know from experience that early announcement gives candidate substantial and even commanding advantage. With present UN membership of 99 and political climate to be envisaged at 16th GA Ali Sastroamidjojo may be difficult candidate to beat. There may be further complication of Soviet bloc again putting forward Nosek, in whose favor Ali might withdraw at strategic time.

Decision to postpone problem of 16th GA presidency for new US administration to handle could well have effect of leading to fait accompli which new administration would be too late to undo. For these reasons, believe US decision must be made now, and strongly recommend we act with least possible delay.

Consider Slim (Tunisia) best ASAF prospect from Western point of view. He enjoys maximum chance of waging successful campaign for presidency, we understand Slim is interested. We understand from Riad (UAR), who mentioned 16th GA President to US recently, other Africans also interested. He mentioned Adeel (Sudan) and Ghana FonMin, as well as Slim. Riad said he had thought FonMin Fawzi (UAR) might be considered, view his long UN experience. We discreetly discouraged this.

This is added reason for taking early step.

Urgently request Dept authorize us do so.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/12–1560. Confidential; Priority.
  2. The report has not been found.
  3. See Document 121.