232. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea1

375. Seoul’s 472.2 Timing Korean item in UN General Assembly largely dependent upon pace debate in First Committee and plenary. Korean question allocated fifth place First Committee agenda, indicating we may expect plenary discussion early December.

Dept has been planning in terms raising ROK membership question in Security Council week Nov 14. However assessment this week of atmosphere among UN delegations in aftermath Khrushchev visit and conversation Commonwealth representatives Oct 203 leads Dept to believe SC meeting, since it inevitably will evoke cold-war issues, might detract from possibilities strong GA support for Korean question. New and uncommitted countries shy away from appearance taking sides in cold war and their prevailing view now is Korea solely a cold war issue. On other hand GA debate would strengthen Korean case for membership, especially if GA resolution makes reference ROK eligibility. Moreover Turkey replaces Poland on SC in January, and UK in chair. We therefore propose permit ROK decide whether proceed with November SC debate, with attendant risks weakened support for Korea, or to arrange SC debate early January following GA discussion.

Dept also proposes eliminate preambular paragraphs in draft resolution on Korea4 which begin “regretting” and “regretting further” substituting following: “Noting that the competence and authority of the UN to deal with the Korean question has been affirmed by repeated [Page 425] resolutions of the General Assembly; and believing that the ROK, which has been repeatedly recognized by the General Assembly as fully qualified for membership in the UN, is entitled to the favorable vote of all members of the Security Council”. Further propose move sub-para (c) under “noting with deep satisfaction” to be sub-para (a) and reword as follows: “the continued fervent desire of all the Korean people to decide their own future in unity and freedom”.

Embassy instructed discuss draft resolution, as amended, informally with ROKG and urge upon ROKG desirability holding SC debate January following GA consideration in view considerations outlined, as well as strong preference this course action on part Commonwealth members of Sixteen. However, if ROKG insists on November SC debate despite dangers cited, request you report this soonest to Dept. In this event revised language preambular para 4 which Dept believes more desirable would be more difficult use.

Appointments tentatively scheduled for FonMin Chyung with Under Secretary Nov 7 at 12 noon and with Secretary Nov 9 at 11:30 am.5 However Embassy advice requested as to possible changes FonMin plans in view above considerations. Believe FonMin’s effectiveness among UN delegations would be augmented if wife accompanies. Embassy also requested advise whether calls on Secy and Under Secy for courtesy only or if FonMin intends raise substantive matters.6

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/10–1760. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Macdonald; cleared by Sullivan and Jones; and approved by Bane who signed for Herter. Repeated to Saigon and USUN.
  2. Telegram 472, October 17, requested an appointment for the Korean Foreign Minister with Dillon and asked when the General Assembly would consider the Korean item and Korean membership in the United Nations. (Ibid.)
  3. No record of this meeting has been found.
  4. Not further identified.
  5. No record of Chyung’s meeting with Dillon was found. Memoranda of his conversations with Herter are in Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199.
  6. Telegram 507 from Seoul, October 25, reported that the Korean Foreign Minister had agreed to defer discussion of Korean U.N. membership and that Chyung’s meetings with Herter and Dillon would primarily be courtesy calls. (Ibid., Central Files, 320/10–2560)