231. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea1

357. Deptel 341 to Seoul 630 to Saigon rptd info USUN 685.2ROK Ambassador Liem October 18 asked USUN whether we prepared press strongly in SC for ROK membership and was told we intend raise this question in SC prior to consideration Korean unification in GA, but we must consult with friendly delegations in advance. Liem then asked that USG give careful consideration to raising Korean membership question in GA as distinct item from unification question.

Since Dept’s assumption in reftel that ROKG fully understands US position now appears incorrect at least in respect Liem’s interpretation ROK position. Embassy requested make clear to FonOff once again that we have no intention raising ROK membership question in GA. FYIDept intends make certain Ambassador-designate Chung fully understands US position by going over this question with [Page 424] him as soon as possible after his arrival in hope bringing additional pressure on Liem. End FYI. Request Embassy report results this representation.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/10–2060. Confidential. Drafted by FE/NA; cleared by Sisco, Sullivan, and SEA; and approved by Bane who signed for Herter. Repeated to Saigon and USUN.
  2. Telegram 341 to Seoul, October 15, reported that the United States was prepared to seek a U.N. Security Council vote on Korea’s and Vietnam’s applications for U.N. membership, but would not raise the issue as a special item in the General Assembly. (Ibid., 320/10–1160)
  3. Telegram 494 from Seoul, October 21, reported that the Korean Foreign Ministry understood and supported the U.S. position and had agreed to send Liem a message clarifying any misunderstanding. (Ibid., 320/10–2160)