14. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

1532. Re: SC elections

Slim (Tunisia) asked Barco today if we had anything to tell him in response to his indication (reported in mytel 13972) that Tunisia might be interested in running for SC seat now held by Iraq. Slim said his govt was seriously interested but he was not speaking to anyone else about it until he had some reaction from US. He said GOT felt their election to SC would represent further significant evidence of Tunisia’s attachment to West and would, in fact, help to maintain it.
I think Dept should give early consideration and favorable decision to this request.
We have not been able to meet many of Tunisian requests in past few months and we should not overlook anything we can do to show our desire for continued close relations with Tunisia.
Iran is openly in running, but there is not likely to be great enthusiasm for Iran’s candidacy since they left Council only last term. Furthermore it seems possible Iran would be willing to step down if Tunisian interest becomes known.
I do not know what French position would be (although Abdoh has said French committed support Iran) but should think it would be in France’s interest also to encourage Tunisians.
It seems likely Tunisia would obtain support entire ASAF group, while this may not be the case with Iran.

Please instruct.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/6–1958. Confidential; Priority.
  2. Telegram 1397, May 28, recounted Lodge’s discussion with Slim regarding Tunisia’s desire to bring to the U.N. Security Council a complaint against France. (ibid., 330/5–2858)
  3. The Department instructed Lodge in telegram 975, June 26, to inform Slim that while not wishing to appear unresponsive, the United States was not yet able to support any candidate and could therefore offer no advice on a Tunisian candidacy. (ibid., 330/6–1958)